chapter 31
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"Aaliyah Khurana."
Something snapped inside of her hearing that name , that same name which hunted her that day.
Is it really a coincidence, she thought, there millions of people with same name, but are coincidence this simple.
" If you don't mind, I would love to hear more about her , I mean she seemed Soo close to you." Nisha said, she wanted to know more about this girl , asking Ishaan for that Aaliyah Khurana was not an option seeing how he reacted.
Alisha nodded gesturing her to sit," She was my first friend in school , I was a outspoken child and she was shy and we'll mannered but a loner. But after being seat partners in the first we instantly clicked, she become more like a sister to me." Alisha said with a smile unshed tears glistening in her eyes,
Nisha smiled for their story touched her , she could almost feel her own eyes glistening maybe because I always wanted a friendship like this she thought bowing her head to hide her eyes.
"I was her only friend for some reason she didn't socialize much with anyone else like she was afraid, she was chatty around me , fairytale romances was her favorite, she even used to rant non stop to me about how her prince charming would be. Sometimes she would be absent for a long time, when I started to understand everything, I noticed that with time she was becoming more reserved, the one chatty girl was always silent, and then one day I saw it, bruises on her arms , it was no ordinary bruise Nisha it was belt mark, can you believe it someone hit her with a belt,a fucking belt Nisha , she was just 8years old." Alisha told her with clinched fist , anger shining in her eyes , as the scared face of her once dear friend still flashes in front of her .
A shiver run down Nisha's spine, she unknownly flinched in a trance, Alisha noticed it and her eyes widened she quickly sobered up,
"Okay enough of storytelling your bodyguard might be thinking I m holding in gunpoint." Alisha said jokingly diverting the topic, she stood up but Nisha catched her wrist making her stiffen.
" But how did you lost her." She asked curiously as Alisha tensed.
" But you are getting late nah , we can discuss this some other time." Alisha said freeing her hand walking towards the door.
Nisha frowned, she clearly understood Alisha was avoiding the topic , but why suddenly she thought , she wanted to know more about this girl , she somehow felt that Name is connected with her past, and Nisha didn't wanted to leave any stone unturned to know about her pre- memory loss life.
" Don't worry , the customers are fewer at this hour." She told her with a smile standing up.
Alisha sighed she understood Nisha won't leave the topic , Alisha now regretted bringing the topic up, she didn't wanted to trigger something... she wanted her to live the peaceful life she was living till the demons of her past start the fire of destruction.
" I told her to voice out , tell our teachers but she was afraid, I wanted to tell about her to my parents but they didn't believe me, this continued till few years, until one day when we were 14years old she completely stopped coming to school, later I got to know she changed school, I called her but her number was changed." Alisha said her voice heavy.
Alisha still remember one time when she give Liya a piece of her mind, her response was innocent and filled with hope.
" Don't worry Ali , I just have to endure few more years after that my prince charming will defeat all those bad people who hurts me, and he will take me to his safe heaven and never let a scratch on me."
For Alisha at that it seemed nothing but bullshit and nonsense, but now when she thoughts back she understood it was her only light among the darkness of hell, a hope which was keeping her going.
"Didn't you tried to find her." Nisha whispered, her voice seemed lost somewhere.
Alisha chuckled bitterly ," You think I didn't, I want to her home but they told me Aaliyah was sent to abroad boarding school, like I would believe their bullshit, I shouted at them , pleaded them and even threatened that I will charge against them of child abuse but they just laughed and shut the door on my face , her father was a wealthy man they know I couldn't even touch hair of them and if I tried I will face a similar consequences." Two drops of tears slide down her face , as she tried hard to control the threatening sobs.
" But I didn't loose hope Nisha , when I become a major , I searched for her, hired private investigator but it was like she disappeared, I was even ready to fight with her father but at that time already her father's karna started hitting him, his all illegal business come infront of the media , all his illegal crimes were exposed , he went from a millionaire to a worst then begger in few hours, he went under cover and was not found till this date." Alisha said Nisha kept her hand on her shoulder to which she weakly smiled.
"And now I have stopped , believing she is somewhere in this world under Same sky as me, having a happy life , and maybe she even got her prince charming she always dreamed about." Alisha told with a smile, a soft look on her eyes.
Nisha pulled her into a hug," I m sure she did, and maybe she also misses you but don't know where you are, but I m sure she must be telling her prince charming of the Wonderful BFF she had." Nisha said with a smile breaking the hug.
I wish I could say Same Nish , I wish Alisha thought feeling the burden of the truth of herself heavy on her heart.
"Okay now you go , otherwise your Stone faced bodyguard will break my neck." Alisha joked as both the girls bursted out laughing.
When Nisha Returned home she was surprised by the delicious aroma of food, she walked towards the dining area was greeted with a steaming plate of Chole bhature on the table waiting for her along with a beautiful Rose, and chocolate box , there was a sticky note on top of the chocolate. Nisha picked it up and immediately a smile lit on her face.
' I m regretful for my actions, hope to gain forgiveness soon.'
Nisha chuckled at his stubbornness, the stubborn vampire won't utter the word 'Sorry', but that's okay because for her his actions spoke louder than any words can.
" Ahem.." His throat clearing made her bite her lips to stop the threatening smile.
She turned around and saw him awkwardly standing like a statue, Nisha felt the blooming feelings inside more deeply, She was becoming a Gone Case for Ishaan Singhaniya.
"Soo Am I forgiven." He asked.
"Let me think." Nisha said tapping her finger on her chin walking towards him, she mentally chuckled at his nervous face. She stood in front of him and leaned closer to his ear making heartbeat to fasten.
"Only if you promise to cook like this often." She whispered in his and planted light kiss on his stubbled cheek.
Ishaan felt a fire coursing through his every vain feeling her soft feather like lips brush his cheek painting it with Scarlett of passion. He meet her eyes and there was coy look in her eyes , Making him suck in his breath fuckk Nisha He clenching his fist.
Nisha didn't know which confident spirit possessed her which made her Soo bold bless you whoever possessed me, may you can find a handsome ghost to date she thought.
" Let's go eat," she pulled him to the dining table, and was yet again surprised to see Ben dinner already served, she looked at him in surprise and he scratched his neck a little embarrassed.
"Ben dinner time is soon Soo I thought..." He said shrugging, Nisha smiled and called Ben , the Fur ball was already running towards them smelling his dinner.
Nisha sat on the terrace resting her back on the wall looking at the starless night sky, she couldn't sleep, Everytime she closed her eyes various thoughts run through her mind making her restless, above all were that name, she knows she have to pay visit Dr.Evans soon.
She couldn't stop thinking about it , she might be wrong but she has a feeling that name is related to her past , maybe she had friend who's name was same but that voice,
"Help me Aaliyah, Please help me."
" Not sleepy." His voice brought her back from her thoughts. She looked at him and shrugged, he sat beside on the floor and gazed at the night sky.
Nisha know he was bad at words but his silence was enough to comfort her, She wanted to distract herself and thought to ask Ishaan the question she was thinking for a while.
"You know I realized one thing, that you know everything about me but I don't know much about you." Nisha said breaking the silence.
" What do you want to know, there is nothing to know about me, and even then if you want to know search Google it solves your queries." He said.
Nisha rolled her eyes and turned towards him complete sitting Indian style," I don't want to know your death of birth or how many branches you have in how many how many places, or how many awards you have achieved, that's billionaire Ishaan Singhaniya and I don't want to know him, I want to Ishaan, only Ishaan, I want to know about the Ishaan the world doesn't." She told him looking into his eyes.
He wanted to act like a asshole, he wanted to rudely tell her that it not her fucking business, he wanted to walk away, but he found himself wanting to share his life with , for once he wanted release the burden of years in his heart.
" You scare me Nish." He told her with his eyes still on the dark sky.
Nisha looked at him confused, she found his words funny , afraid of her. She shook her head with a chuckle," Afraid of me." She asked with a chuckle.
Ishaan looked at her, a intensity in his eyes which stopped chuckle," You make me want to wish something which is forbidden for me, " he told her , his voice deep..
And she does, she makes him want to be happy, she makes him crave of having a normal life , she makes him want
He stopped the thought before it could rule his head, he could never have those, he have to be content with these little moment of blissfulness with her , till she is with him, he cannot dream of expecting something more.
As he thought, it was forbidden.
Nisha was confused by his words but didn't comment, she waited for him to speak.
" My father was a businessman , we were the family of three , my mom dad and I , we were very happy, then the news of my mom expecting was like a showers of blessings, I was Soo excited to be a big brother, I promised my dad and mom that I will always protect my sibling from everything." Ishaan stopped to take a shaky breath, Nisha took his clenched fist to her lap , uncurling his fingers and lacing it with her.
"It was few days after my baby sister's birth, we were retuning from the hospital, Reyansh and his father was with us too. Our car broke down , My fall outside from the window and Reyansh and I got off the car to pick it up. At that moment our whole destroyed in front of our eyes. The car exploded with our family." Hearing her shocked gasp he turned towards her.
Nisha felt like she was hearing a movie plot , she still couldn't believe that he went through that much," How..." The words escaped her in a whisper.
He shock his head," My dad was a powerful man Nisha , and with great power comes greater enemies." He told her, his heart clenched thinking about the day when he have to leave her, he knows his work the darker side of his life which will one day snatch him from her.
Nisha's face paled hearing him, a scene of him in his father's place flashed in her mind and she tightened her grip on his hand in instinct No stop thinking rubbish Nish she calmed herself.
" I saw everything before getting unconscious, luckily we were admitted in a hospital where the doctor know who we were , my father helped him during his lowest. He saved us but he didn't had the power to save us from my father's enemies, Soo he sent us to a orphanage in India. It was dificult for us both Ray and I were unfamiliar to everything, we didn't even know much of Indian language, we were lost." Ishaan sighed thinking about his days in orphanage, it was not hell but not a heaven either.
" At that time I meet Zoya, she was different from the other kids there , where everyone would make fun of us, whisper behind our back. She tried to know us. She made a place in our heart with her warm and bubbly aura, She taught us Hindi and soon we were the three musketeers of the orphanage, she pulled me from my depressing days , soothed me in my lowest with her words." Ishaan smiled a little thinking about his days with Zoya , she was his best friend someone he would always be indebted to.
Nisha's heart twisted hearing him talking about Zoya Soo fondly , she understood that that Zoya was more than his first love, she was his best friend, but still she didn't have control over heart,
" I got a scholarship for my dream business college in London and had to leave her in India , I was reluctant because by that time Reyansh was adopted by the Malhotra's and was leaving for London along with me. She stayed back in the orphanage, I didn't know that it was start of our end." He told her looking at the sky.
Nisha hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder, she felt a little insecure remembering his words about how Zoya used to sooth him with her words, I might not be able to sooth u with my words but I can sit with u in the dark and hold your hand Ishaan Nisha thought hugging his arm tighter.
Ishaan felt her rest her head and hug his hand and smiled a little, Zoya may have been like a sunshine but Nisha she was his moonshine, he doesn't know if she still would hold his hand after knowing about the darker side of his life , the side which consists of blood and sin.
" I meet Vihaan and his friends there, we become friends, everything was going smoothly untill Reyansh birthday." Ishaan held himself back from mentioning about Veer and the reason behind his parents death , Nisha didn't have to know about the darker side of his Past.
Feeling no response from her he turned his head to see her dozed off Stupid girl he thought shaking his head but a smile smile graced his lips, he removed some stray of hair from her face and carefully picked her up and took her to her room.
Gently laying her ,he covered her with the duvet. You are making my life Soo much dificult Nish, I don't know how I will control myself, and You know what scares me the most....I don't want to control myself Ishaan thought looking at her sleeping face filled with innocence, he bended down and brushed his lips to her forehead.
Sparing a last glance at her, he walked out of the room.
"....... And you know He was hell bent on convincing me for 2 years." Alisha explained as She and Nisha stood behind the cash.
Nisha laughed hearing her as she made a list of the ordered books.
A hesitated expression crossed Alisha's face as prepared herself for her next step.
"Nisha I heard there is this mall which opened recently, it's just a few blocks away, I wanted to visit it from a long time but You know shopping alone is Soo boring,....Soo will you accompany me today after your work hours." Alisha asked with puppy eyes.
Nisha hesitated , she was not a fan of shopping very much but from the time she arrived in New York she hardly went anywhere without Ishaan, I could use some girly time, anyway I will roam like a old witch in that mansion until Ishaan arrives Nisha thought pursing her lips, Jaiden to didn't arrive with her today because of some important work leaving her in the hands of two bulky man and for her it was a good opportunity to have a little fun.
"Okay I will give you a call after my work hours." Nisha said with a bright smile.
Alisha smiled but didn't reach her eyes like usual.
"This will look good on you." Nisha said picking up a yellow Floral sundress.
Alisha nodded taking it from her , she looked at her mobile now and then with a stiff tension in her body.
"Umm Nisha I m feeling little sick , can you please accompany me to the washroom." Alisha rubbing her temple with a tiredness.
Nisha's eyes widened as she quickly took hold Alisha, her eyes flashing with concern for her," Sure let me just inform those guys..." Nisha said referring to the guards.
"Let it be Nah, the washroom is just around the corner and I'm really feeling nauseous," Alisha said keeping a hand on her mouth.
Nisha shook her head and immediately walked with to the washroom.
As the door of the washroom closed they both didn't noticed the tall bearded man with black sunglasses and long hair leaning on the wall besides the door.
Nisha suddenly felt a severe pain in her neck, her vision blurred as her mind turned hazy , the last thing she heard was Alisha's distant shout before she passed into the world of darkness.
"Nisha please wake up , Nish please wake up Nish." Alisha cried holding a unconscious Nisha in her arms.
"Aww such a heartbreaking Scene, it brought tears to my eyes." The man said wiping his eyes mockingly.
Alisha looked at him with sheer rage in her eyes," Shut the hell up Veer Singh, What did you do to her," she asked him with venom in her voice.
"Nothing much , just injected her with something which will knock her out for few hours, enough for me to complete my work." Veer Singh said casually shrugging his shoulders pocketing his hands.
Frustration and hate burned deep in Alisha's vain as she looked at him with hatred," You promised me You won't hurt her." She whispered with tears holding tighter.
Veer tsked walking towards and snatched Nisha from her harshly ," Promises are meant to be broken darling, and Yes don't worry I won't let anything happen to her , for now. You know I m feeling quite bored from past few days Soo thought to have some fun and what is better than to see that panic in Ishaan Singhaniya's face, Ahh the satisfaction," Veer said with a chuckle.
Alisha stood up wiping her tears , she felt disgusted by herself for betraying her Liya but she is helpless.
"You are disgusting, a heartless monster, I wish Karma make you pay for each of your sin's." Alisha hissed.
Veer smriked," I take that as a compliment," he said smiling charmingly. In a flash he took out a pocket knife and made a small cut on her forehead.
Alisha hissed touching the wounding, she looked at her fingers to see it covered with blood.
"Now you will go to Ishaan's loyal dogs inform them that someone attacked you both , you were knocked out and by the time you gained conscious Nisha and the attacker both were nowhere, and Yeah don't try to do anything smartly , one small mistake and your family will be declared death in the front page of newspaper tomorrow morning." Veer told her sweetly.
Ishaan walked out of the building After cracking a deal , Jaiden who was in a call with Andrew walked closer to him,
" Boss Sabastian is becoming more problemetic with days, He is hell bent on destroying you after you destroyed his all illegal business." Jaiden said.
"Let him , I want to see what he thinks he can do to destroy me." Ishaan said while shaking his head in amusement, from the time he wore the crown of bloodshed He made sure he never have any weakness, there was nothing in this world which could threaten him.
Jaiden Mobile buzzed with a call , receiving it his face paled hearing the words.
But Jaiden next words proved Ishaan that perhaps how wrong he was.
"Boss Nisha is kidnapped."
The target of the last chapter was not completed but still I have updated because I m not in the greatest state of mind and don't know if I would be able to do justice with the writing,
The thing is my grandfather ( who I rather call srk till at the age of 82 years ) passed away on 29th December. It was a sudden blow to us because non of us expected it , my grandfather was a complete fit man , who even in this age went to solo trip of tirth yatra. Last he went with me to my 12th term 1 exm , we enjoyed a lot clicked a lot of selfies but then..
Both of my grandparents are very close to me, one just left without a hint and another is completed devastated ( grandma).
My mind is jumbled up and I don't know what I m doing Soo it might effect y writing as it was complete blow to mental health.
His words still rings in my ears.
This is just a small something which come from my heart for him.
Ps- I m sure you surprised by seeing you granddaughter this hobby too Dadu * chuckle* .
In the Dawn of the upcoming morning, you faded like a unforgettable night , taking away all the shining stars of fun , and happiness 💔☄️✨🌟.
Anyway, stay safe all of you.
Love - ❤️Ira
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