chapter 29
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Next morning
Ishaan waited on the breakfast table for her , he wanted to apologise for his behavior of last night , he couldn't sleep yesterday night as Everytime he closed his eyes her teary brown orbs flashed in his mind.
Hearing the footsteps he looked up to see her descending the stairs , she looked beautiful like always but something was missing, the Sparks in her eyes were absent and she looked gloomy. She walked towards Jenny who was arranging the breakfast and smiled faintly.
"Aunty I just grab a sandwich, Today have to reach early." She told her, her voice tired and soft not the cheerful exciting one.
Jenny who aware of the fight last night didn't say anything she didn't wanted to interfere between the two , it's their problem and it should be them who should fix it. She nodded.
Nisha bide her bye and without sparing a glance at his way left from there. Ishaan gripped the glass tightly at her ignorance calm down Ishaan let's talk to her in night he told himself. He didn't admit but deep inside he missed her warm 'goodbye'.
"Have a wonderful day." Nisha told the customer with a smile ,as soon as the customer was out her smile dropped.
With her slumped shoulders she stared at the crowd in the store, her mood was dampen from yesterday night, she hated his jerk behavior, she knows she should have informed someone but then one of the guard would have followed her and she wanted privacy , was it too much to ask.
"Hey why the dull face." Ethan asked leaning on the counter with his elbow.
Nisha looked at him startled and shook her head with a smile," Nothing Ethan just a little headache." She told him.
He furrowed his brows not convinced by her," You know, you can feed this shit to anyone else and they might believe you but cut the crap with me, if you don't want to share that's okay but let me cheer you up a bit with your favorite coffee." Ethan said smiling.
Nisha smiled at his sweet behavior," that's is Soo sweet of you Ethan but I m really fine, and coffee next time for sure I promise." She told him sweetly smiling.
Ethan sighed dramatically and made a fake upset pout," Ah my heart hurts being rejected by a beautiful girl." He said dramatically holding his chest.
Nisha laughed at him, she saw a customer entering and stood," Go flirt with someone else, I have work." She told him chuckling walking towards the customer.
"Hi could i help you with anything." Nisha asked politely with a smile, but surprise filled her as the girl turned around to reveal the same girl whom she bumped with in the mall.
" Hey, you work here." The girl asked pretending to be surprised.
Nisha smiled nodding," yeah it's such a coincidence right." Nisha told her chuckling.
The girl nodded with a smile," but You know I m glad we meet again, that day i couldn't apologize properly and now that we meet again please let me get rid of feeling guilty by accepting a cup of coffee." The girl said.
Nisha's eyes widened and she immediately shook her head," No no it was completely my fault, please don't feel guilty." She immediately said.
"No please we both didn't saw where we're going, please don't refuse , I insist please." The girl pleaded , she didn't wanted to lose the chance of knowing about Nisha.
Nisha hesitated she didn't wanted to accept but looking at the girl's pleading face she couldn't refuse, what's it everyone offering me coffee today.
"Okay." She said with small smile.
The girls eyes lit up with happiness," great let's go to the coffee shop next door, I heard their coffee are very famous." She told her with excitement.
" Just a minute let me inform my coworker." Nisha told her after information Ethan about the situation she returned.
"Okay let's go." She told as they were walking Jaiden immediately started following her, the girl noticed it but didn't said anything.
Both the girl sat with ordered coffee," By the way I m Alisha Oberoi." The girl Alisha introduced herself.
Nisha smiled," Nisha Ahuja." She told her.
"Student." Alisha asked taking a sip of her coffee.
Nisha nodded," final year of fashion designing," she told her," You." She asked back , the girl didn't looked much older then Nisha herself.
"I completed my education last month would join my dad's business soon." She told her.
"Soo you work in that bookstore." Alisha asked not wanting the conversation to end.
Nisha grinned nodding," Yup part time, actually I want to be independent but then no company wants to hire a inexperienced that's why I took this job and also I love reading books, it's Soo soothing to me and in the bookstore it feels like I m in heaven..." Nisha stopped realizing she was ranting, she smiled sheepishly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear." Sorry for ranting." She said blushing in embarrassment stupid Nish.
But as she looked up surprisingly Alisha was looking at her with fond expression,"You know, you remind me of a friend very much." Alisha said with a warm smile.
Nisha looked at with interest unable to believe that there is another chatterbox in this world like her ," Really." She asked.
Alisha nodded," Not entirely like you but she was just as sweet , warm and innocent like you." Alisha said with a nostalgic feeling lacing her voice which was her biggest mistake.
Nisha blushed again just as they were about to continue their conversation Jaiden approached them.
"Nisha boss is asking for you." Jaiden told her holding the phone in his hand.
Nisha's smile dropped hearing him." Tell him I didn't get lost or I m perfectly fine, he didn't have to waste his precious time thinking about this responsibility." She snapped at him .
"Nisha boss is pretty pissed, you should talk with him once..." Jaiden said.
Nisha shoot him a sweet smile," Well he can drown himself in his anger for all I care." She told him as her smile drop to a blank face.
Jaiden sighed and went in a corner to stand to watch after them, for some reason he couldn't stop the suspicious on the girl named Alisha , she appeared out of nowhere and was Soo keen befriending Nisha. Though he had already know that she is from a reputable family , her father is a well known businessman and there was no way Nisha could know her , after all Alisha Oberoi was born and raised in Delhi and Nisha was in Shimla, but still trusting his instinct he kept a close eye on her.
"Soo are you related with Ishaan Singhaniya." Alisha asked the question which was bugging her from a long time.
Nisha chocked on her coughing, she looked at her with wide eyes," w-what, Is-Ishaan Singhaniya, who is that , never heard about him, is he some celebrity." Nisha asked with a nervous laugh trying to act cool.
Jaiden almost facepalmed at her while Alisha looked at her amused," actually I know he is Mr.Singhaniya's bodyguard, I saw them in various business parties, you can drop the act." Alisha told her trying to hide her smrik.
Nisha laugh dropped as she shoot a accusing glare at Jaiden who shrugged looking sideways. Her head dropped ," such a great way to embarrass myself." She grumbled.
"Hey it's okay, you have your reason, even I also don't like it when people treat me differently because my father is a businessman." Alisha tried to cheer her up.
Nisha sighed she knows that she have to tell her but what will she tell her, who is she to him, a responsibility, she closed her eyes as the word sounded Soo sour in her tongue but reality is always bitter isn't it.
"We are.... friends, but please don't tell it anyone I don't like unwanted attention on me." She told her with a tight smile. If something Nisha believed is never to let your personal conflict to show others.
Alisha smiled lightly," yeah sure...." Alisha said with understanding nod.
A week later
One week ,it's been Damm week since Nisha has speared a glance towards him, and Ishaan was holding onto the last thin thread of his patience from snapping. He never know that silent treatment or ignoring is Soo Damm fucking effective.
"I told you make a coffee, not a fucking sugar syrup. Who the fuck pours this much suger in a Damm fucking coffee." Ishaan snapped at his assistant throwing the cup on the floor .
And the ones who were becoming the victim of his anger were his poor employee. Everyone in the office were seeing him as a ticking time bomb who would blast anytime in the smallest of the mistake, everyone were walking on thin eggshells around him fearing to be the victim of his temper.
His assistant jumped at the breaking noise of the cup. As he trembled like a leave infront of a raging storm." S-s-...o...rr..y..s...s...i...r." he stammered barely managing to get the words out.
"OUT!!!." He barked again making the poor assistance to run out his cabin like he is a wild beast.
As he was left alone, he couldn't help but think about the girl who has made him insane with her silence. He knows he was wrong in assuming everything on his own , he shouldn't have said those words , but his temper always gets the best of him, but that's how he is, imperfect , scarred , fucked up. And this is the reason he didn't want Nisha to get close to him.
He wanted her distance herself from him , forget him , hate him, wanted her to stop making him feel things, wanted her to be a selfish girl not the sweet devil she is, wanted her to stop looking at him with those sparling brown eyes full of feelings for him , wanted her to stop those blabbering nonsense which no matter how silly is he hears it with full attention , wanted her to stop making him desire a normal happy life.....with her.
But yet now when she is ignoring him, he misses her hugs, misses her blabbering, he misses her weird obsession over some stupid fictional character, misses her cheeky comments, misses her those those sparling brown orbs , misses her irritating him , misses laugh, misses how touch creat havock in his mind , he misses how his heart feels peace around her .
God he is fucked up badly.
He was restless which was very rare from the time Nisha entered his life and he knows until he gains her forgiveness he won't get his peace.
I have endured your silent treatment enough Nisha Ishaan thought as he fetched his phone to call Jaiden as appearently someone has blocked his number.
"Nisha arrange these new books in the comics section." Ethan said handing her a box of books.
As Nisha was about to head towards the shelves, someone snatched the box from her, she sighed irritated.
"Jaiden for the hundred times let me do my job." She told him annoyed with his helping her.
"Your job is arranging books , attending customers, and I just helping you to lift this thing, because if you hurt yourself lifting this then boss's will have my head." Jaiden told her.
"Yeah right , after I m your boss responsibility." She told him bitterly , as he dumped the box in front of the shelve.
Jaiden sighed," Don't you think he needs a chance to apologise, you straight away ignoring him , you leave before he comes downstairs and went inside your room pretending to be asleep before he returns, ." Jaiden asked her , after he had seen Ishaan almost blasting the eardrum of his employees because of his sour mood. It's like he is becoming the same like before, and Jaiden didn't wanted that.
Nisha sighed picking up some books to arrange the shelves," Jaiden I will hear him out but I also want to see how he makes up for his mistake, and I want him to realize that he cannot treat me like that and get away, let him suffer a bit he needs to get a grip on his anger." Nisha told him , her mood damping thinking about the tiff between her and Ishaan.
She was also suffering , she missed him , god she missed him Soo much that it physical made her sick , she missed his grumpiness, she missed his closeness , she missed the feel of his arms wrapped around her like a cocoon of warm and protection , the feeling of his heart beating against her hand, his annoyed glares , his silly attempts of making her smile, his rate dimples smile on those soft pink lips , those deep black orbs staring at her with such a intensity it made her soul to burn.
"Nishaaa!!!." She jolted awake from her thoughts at Jaiden voice who was looking at her with a amused look on his stone cold face.
Busted she thought embarrassed. As she turned around to continue her work.
Jaiden know she was busy in who's thought because only one person thought can make her glow and smile like that. He just hoped that they get they soon realize their feelings for each other.
"You know I still think , you shouldn't have exchanged numbers Soo quickly with that girl, she could be sent by one of boss rival for all we know." Jaiden said referring to Alisha Oberoi.
Nisha sighed she was tired with his constant suspicion about Alisha, Nisha didn't understand what is there to be suspicious about , Alisha was a nice girl who for some reason clicked very well with Nisha.
" Jaiden she is a nice girl from a reputable family, your yourself said that you know her father, and what will anyone get by hurting me." Nisha told him shaking her head.
Their conversation was cut short by Jaiden phone, he picked up ," Yes boss." He asked and Nisha immediately frowned knowing it's him.
"Give the phone to her." He said.
Jaiden forward the phone to her," tell him I not going to talk to him who knows it might be considered interfering in his life." Nisha told him sassily.
"Jaiden put the call on speaker." Ishaan told him calmly.
" Nisha stop with this okay, I have enough, let me explain myself, you are straight away ignoring me from a week and now my patience are running thin." He told her.
"Bla bla bla." Nisha mocked him continuing her work irritating him more.
"Nisha last warning if you don't stop this ignoring game now, I m going to kidnap you from your work place." He threatened her and there wasn't any humor in his voice.
"Be my guest." Nisha mocked him again not taking him seriously, he wouldn't do something like that risky which can raise various questions on him and her, obviously he care about his reputation.
"Don't regret your words later." Saying this he cut the call.
Nisha rolled her eyes, boys and their egoestic words.
But she was unaware of what he is capable of.
It was almost evening, the store was buzzing with people as Nisha hurried everywhere to attend everyone, she saw Alisha entering the store , the girl eyes lit when it landed on Nisha.
"Hey." Alisha greeted her enthusiastically.
Nisha greeted her back," another book." She asked with grin, in these one week Alisha would visit everyday for a book , Sometimes it surprise Nisha that how can someone read that much,
Maybe she is way more bigger bookworm then me Nisha thought amused unaware that those books are just a excuse.
" yup give me the best one this week." She told with a same grin.
As they talking, few loud gasp and murmur caught their attention along with a crowd outside of the store. Confused they walked closer and no sooner did her eyes landed on the entrance did her breath hitch.
There Ishaan Singhaniya with all his powerful gloory was striding towards the store.
Her widened horror filled eyes meet Jaiden and she could see the same surprise in them to," god tell me he didn't." She breathed in shock.
His bodyguards were controlling the crowd while he entered the store , the people inside of the store had already their phone in their hand recording everything. Jaiden handled those who tried to come closer.
He stood in front of her and took off his shades from his eyes with a smrik. Nisha was looking at him with wide eyes and lips were parted with shock.
" Don't take me Soo light from next time Nisha , you don't know what I m capable of." He told her in a low voice, which was only visible to her.
Hearing she come out of her shock, she looked around herself and saw everyone looking at them with eyes , Ethan was looking at her like he saw ghost. Alisha who already know about Ishaan still seemed shocked.
" Are you crazy , do you realize what you are doing." Nisha whispered yelled at him, she couldn't believe he would do something Soo unbelievably crazy. She could already imagine the headline of tomorrow which sent her in a panic.
" I m very well aware Nisha and trust me I don't give a flying fuck about what anyone thinks about in the whole world except......" He trailed off looking at her intensely.
Nisha breath hitched hearing his intense voice, the look in his eyes were awaking the whole zoo inside her. " Ex.... except," she whispered.
"Except the girl with a wild imagination and crazy obsession for fictional characters." He told her making her beat like crazy.
Dear sweet god if I would have known giving him silent treatment can have this effect I would have done it a long time ago Nisha thought feeling her cheeks flaming up.
" You are ignoring me from a week Nisha , I m trying to explain myself but you are just.....God I can't take this anymore Nish , you have no idea how thin my patience you are going to come with me I have enough of your fucking ignoring." He said the desperation clearing his voice, his eyes showed her the frustration he was going through.
But still she was Nisha for a reason,
" I m not going anywhere with you Ishaan, Don't create a scene then you already did ,." She hissed at him panicking swirling inside of her seeing the people recording and looking at them like celebrity , after it's not everyday you see a famous businessman kidnap a mere librarian.
Ishaan raised a eyebrow," Don't force me to pick you up." He said.
Her eyes widened more if possible this man is crazy she thought," you wouldn't." She said horrified.
He looked at her challengingly," Try me." He said taking a step closer.
No no Nisha he is high today he can do anything she thought gulping, she glared at him hardly as he took of her hand with a smrik and started to walk towards exit pulling her along.
Ethan who was standing shell shocked finally stood in front them blocking his path. There was a determined look in his face.
"Sorry sir but I cannot let a stranger take her away without her will, this is basically a kidnapping." Ethan said.
Ishaan raised a eyebrow while Nisha's eye widened oh no Ethan don't mess with the vampire now he is high on drugs I think, but wait do drugs works on vampire.... maybe there is a special drugs for vampire vrugs..yes he is high on vrugs Nisha thought her expression changing from fear to confusion to fear again.
Ishaan looked at the lean guy infront him he was a foot shorter then Ishaan but still he has the guts stood in front him who the fuck he is to interfere between us , and why he is Soo concerned about her ," You don't have to worry about her, and she knows me very well, " he told him as politely as he could.
"Still sir I can't let you take her with you when you literally dragging her." Ethan said even though he knows he will get in trouble but looking Ishaan Soo close to Nisha holding her hand made his blood boil.
Ishaan jaw clenched, Nisha notices his building temper and immediately thought to interfere," Ethan he is right , I do know him and I m just angry at him nothing serious. Don't worry." She told him , a sorry expression on her face.
Ethan face hardened he looked at Nisha with accusion ," You owe me some explaination Nisa," he said stepped aside.
Nisha nodded a sollem expression crossing her face knowing what everyone must be thinking of her, Ishaan pulled her outside to his car. As he was driving Nisha looked at his face and was shocked to see a smug smrik on his face. Anger bubbled inside of her.
"You pigface , you are enjoying this, how dare of you to have this smug smrik on your face." She asked in disbelief.
"Smrik, who the fuck said I have a smug smrik " he said turning his face blank again.
Nisha glared at his face," piece of rotten egg." She shouted at him.
He nodded," Yeah." He said.
"You bottom hole."
"You are are a marde of every animal."
"I hope the sunlight burn you , or maybe I should stab you with silver."
"Of course."
The cursing and yelling continued till an hour until Ishaan stopped the car and got out, he opened her side of door who was still cursing at him.
"I wish I could turn into a werewolf and snapped your..." Her cursing was cut off as he took hold of her hand and placed it on her mouth shutting her.
"Give some rest to your wild mind sweetheart, I m sure your throat must be begging for some rest." He said pulling her out of the car and shutting the door behind her.
Nisha swooned internally am I in heaven, if yes whoever killed me I bless them to get all the delicious chocolate in the world Nisha thought still in daze.
" This is my safe heaven , I always come here to clear my head." He told her walking ahead.
Nisha then noticed her surrounded it, it was covered with tress the place looked pretty out of the city. She walked ahead towards Ishaan who disappeared behind some trees, as the view got clearer she gasped mesmerized.
It was a beautiful bond covered with various colors of beautiful trees , the clear water reflected the dusk of the orange sky.
"Beautiful." She breathed in aww. "Where are we." She asked as she realized in mid of shouting at him she didn't notice the direction.
Ishaan smriked," You really took the kidnapping thing seriously didn't you." He asked teasingly making her glare at him.
"We are a bit outside of the main city," he said walking towards a big rock," come have a sit." He told her taking a sit and forwarding his hand.
She took it and helped her sit in the rock." How did you find this place." She asked savoring the beautiful place.
He shrugged," Well one day I lost control of my temper and drove without any destination and ended up here ," he said , a bit embarrassed.
They were sitting in silence when he finally decided it was time for him to start explaining, he closed his eyes to prepare himself ," You know right I didn't mean those words." He said quietly.
Nisha frowned fidgeting with her fingers," but you still said them." She said her voice upset, she planned to burst her all anger at him but now when he is here acting all cute the only thing she could think is how much she missed him
He run a hand through his hair," I know...and I m sorry....Fuck this is hard...I..I.. freaked out seeing you about to open that file." He said running a hand through his hair.
Nisha frowned," Why... what there in that file." She asked but then she remembered his words
Don't interfere in my life
Don't cross your fucking limit
Immediately she regretted asking that ," I m sorry I didn't mean to cro...." She was cut off by him.
"My past is.....dark more darker than you can imagine, and that file has somethings which are related to my past...I don't want to you to be a part of my past Nisha and the more unaware you will be about my past the more safe you will be..." Ishaan said many emotions were there in his voice.
How can I be not a part of your past Ishaan when I have already become a part of your life Nisha thought but she didn't voiced it , she wanted to listen to him, the anguish in his voice broke her heart, the realization that her grumpy vampire was a victim of the cruel world made her eyes stung with tears.
"Trust me Nisha you are anything but a burden on me....I just... I just don't want you to be destroyed because of me....fuck you don't know how much of shit I felt myself after you left the room...your teary eyes hunted me's it's true that u don't want you to get closer to me because I m not a good person.i m mess and I always hurt just like that day but I didn't mean to fuck not even in my dreams...fuck I m rambling...I m not good in this expressing thing God I m such a shit who doesn't even know how to apologise." He muttered to himself last holding his head in his head.
Nisha bite her lips to hold her smile, thought her eyes were teary she couldn't help the smile from his rambling, " You know company effects, and Ishaan you can never destroy me, because you helped me to heal myself when I was shattered and in my most vulnerable form ." She told him biting her lips to stop the threatening smile, she wanted to say more, she wanted to know more about his past but not now she thought
He looked at her and saw her hiding a smile," Wait am I forgiven." He asked hopefully like a child.
"Nop." She told him Popping the'p, she thought to change the atmosphere, she liked him when he was like this '.
" what." He asked shocked.
"Even if your intentions was not to hurt me but still you said them and it hurt me and now you have to make up for something to impress me that I will forgive you." She told him enjoying his reaction.
"I m not going to anything like that." He told her frustrated.
She shrugged," fine by me , I will also continue my silent treatment, it's too much fun." She told him.
If looks could kill Nisha Ahuja would be a death case by now," You are going to be the death of me." He grumbled.
She throwed him a sweet smile," I m flattered Ishaan." She told him blinking.
Ishaan though annoyed couldn't help the smile on his face at her normal behavior again, god knows how much he missed them and even if he doesn't admit, he would bring hell and heaven together for her.
They sat there for sometime and then went to his car to return home, Nisha for now chose not to think about the chaos which Ishaan has caused in her life , for now she only wanted bask in the sweet moments between them.
As they were driving back a thought crossed Nisha mind.
"Hmm." He hummed driving in the peaceful silence between them.
"Your past doesn't involve a fang or drinking blood right, or shifting into a wolf."
"Goddammmit, Nisha." He groaned trying hard not to bang his head on the wheel.
kay Soo sorry for the late update was busy with Durga puja.
And there is a important announcement.
This might be my last update for this year, because as you all know I m in 12th standard, my board's term 1 are starting from 16 Nov which includes practicals to it will continue to till 20th December and because of it I m taking a temporary leave from Wattpad will be back next year or in December 25 with a bang.
I m hella nervous pray for your sweet author 🥺
Also as many of you are not from Kolkata I have thought to share some famous pendals from this year which I have visited
The famous pendals if this year , the Burj khalifa.
There are many more but these are my favorite.
Love❤️- Ira
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