Chapter Fifteen-Teams
We're lucky to have decided on lunch since the houses mix the most during it. Lily and I choose the Hufflepuff's table since they won't heckle us or send us dirty looks, but encourage inter-house friendships more than the others. "And you're okay with this? I didn't mean to accept without your consent." Lily waves me off as we take our seats near the door.
"I wanted to come. I can always use more friends." She shrugs and my conscience is soothed. A few minutes after we've sat down the two boys come back in and instantly spot us. A wide grin splits Garrett's face as he slides across from me and Creary across from Lily.
"Hufflepuff's table. Denying both of us the home advantage in neutral territory. Very Slytherin of you both." He compliments and both Lily and I snicker.
"Professor Slughorn is always saying that, but intelligence isn't mutually exclusive."
"Mm, tell that to the Ravenclaws." Creary gestures to their table and we all hum a laugh.
"Excited for Potions tomorrow? I know the slug club is planning on meeting soon. You're part of that, aren't you Lily?" Garrett asks and she nods.
"Arell and I both, actually. Professor Slughorn hasn't put on his welcome back bash yet, so I'd guess that's coming this next weekend." Impressed eyes turn to me.
"Potions, Transfiguration, and DADA pro? And Quidditch? Now that's just plain unfair." Garrett teases and I throw a chip at him. "I'm rubbish at Potions, putting more Slytherins to shame. Maybe you'll let me sit by you so your greatness rubs off of me?" Garrett suggests and I grin while my head shakes.
"I don't know. I'm in pretty high demand in that class."
"I'll bet you are." He counters and I find we're both leaning across the table to get closer to one another.
"MANE!" I spring backward at James's voice and quickly stand as he sprints over to me with the rest of the boys behind him. He scoops me up into his arms and spins me around. "Verdict's in! You're the newest member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team!" He tells me and suddenly his joy is contagious.
"Really? When were they posted?" I ask him as he lets me down.
"Just now in the common room. Glad to have you as my partner, love, couldn't have asked for better." Sirius winks at me and dips down to peck my cheek before shooting Garrett an unsavory look. I give Remus a hug as well and he whispers congratulations. I gift Peter a quick nod then turn to hug Lily.
"I'm so happy for you." She tells me kindly before I turn to face Garrett.
"Can't wait to take whatever you throw at me." He tells me with a grin.
"And I'll report it." Creary salutes with an easy smile.
"Come on, Mane, I've got your surprise ready." James tugs on my hand and I look apologetically to my previous group. They wave me on and I'm swept up into the wave of boys.
"James, you didn't have to get me anything. I'd be happy sipping pumpkin juice with all of you."
"No! I've been saving it for a while. Technically it's a hand-me-down, but hopefully, you won't mind." He shoots a smile back at me before we enter the common room and he sits me down on the couch. His hazel eyes are brimming with excitement. "Just wait here. Padfoot will tell you when to close your eyes." James instructs before bounding up the stairs. I roll my eyes as Sirius sighs before he and Remus settle onto the couch beside me. Peter sits on the floor near the fire.
"Do you know what's going on?" I ask him and he shrugs, sliding his arm around my shoulders as he usually does.
"Whoever knows what's going on inside his head?" He asks rhetorically with a fond smile on his face. "But genuinely, love, I'm relieved it's you that'll be hitting bludgers at my head. Don't trust anyone else."
"That's awfully sweet for a beater. Hope you're not going soft." I nudge him lightly and he grins.
"Who said people can't be soft and strong?" He teases back before rolling his eyes at the sight of James behind us. "Time to shut your eyes, love." Sighing, but with a smile, I shut my eyes. It feels like a box is set in my lap and I hear James's footsteps as he rounds the couch and plops down in front of me.
"Alright, go ahead, Mane." He says and I open my eyes. Laughter bursts out of me and bounces around the room.
"It's a shoebox?" I ask with a wide smile. James rolls his eyes while the other guys chuckle.
"It's the only box I had. Look inside." He insists and I look back to the box as I open it. Then I'm trying not to cry. It's a Quidditch uniform, red and gold in distinct Gryffindor colors with the number seven on the front. "You'll have to change the number, but my parents bought me a new one this year since I got taller and broader." He brags a bit before Remus hits him on the back of the head. "Figured this one will fit you well enough." My splayed fingers brush over the fabric before moving the box to the side and landing on my knees in front of the couch to throw my arms around James's neck.
"Thank you so much," I whisper with tears in my eyes.
"Yeah, Mane, no problem. It's not a Beatles record or anything." He says and I pull back, dabbing at my eyes. I lift myself back between Remus and Sirius with the little box.
"No one has ever given me anything before. Not like as a gift." I tell them and caress the fabric again. My eyes meet James's again, but I pause when I see the look in them, then in the others.
"Never had a gift? Not even for Christmas?" Remus asks softly.
"Even my pretentious parents send me gifts, even if they are passive-aggressive," Sirius adds as he scoots a bit closer to me, his arm falling around my waist. I shrug him off and stand, moving to the side so no one is touching me.
"Look it's not a big deal," I tell the big eyes focused on me. "Thank you, James, again. This is really sweet. I'm...I'm going to change the number." I turn on my heel and head up to the dorm with the uniform. It lays out prettily over my bed and I smile down at it. Noise alerts me to someone coming in and I smile at the sight of Lily. "Check it out," I tell her and slide to the side so she can see it.
"Ooo, very nice. Is that one of Potter's old uniforms?" I smirk at her instantly knowing his number and she seems to notice because she changes the subject. "The boys are huddled together down there conspiring. They even asked me when your birthday is. Any idea why?" She asks while hopping onto her bed with her head facing me.
"They got all weird after giving me the uniform. And...after I said that I may have never been given a gift before." I shrug and turn back around to the uniform. "So, what about two being my number? I've always liked the even numbers."
"Wait, wait, wait, never?" I sigh when she asks and cast the quick spell to change the number.
"Yeah," I answer and turn back to her while half sitting on the bed. Her sharp green eyes look me up and down before she nods.
"Okay." She says and that's it. A small smile lifts my lips at her allowing this to slide by. "When is your birthday, though?" Lily asks with more of a teasing smile on her face.
"You first." I dare her and her smile grows.
"January thirtieth." She tells me and raises her eyebrows at me.
"September fifth," I answer and her brows furrow.
"September fifth? But that was-"
"Thursday, yeah. I'm sixteen. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it." I excuse myself and she huffs, sliding off the bed and coming over to me.
"That doesn't mean your friends don't!" She scolds gently. "Friends like celebrating each other, in fact, it's part of the package." Her hand reaches out and squeezes my arm while I smile.
"Well, now you know for next year," I tell her and she groans as I turn to fold up the uniform, then sit on my bed.
"No. I want to do something now. Or at least next weekend?" She asks and when I look back at her I find her eyes have gotten big and her lips are pouty. I chuckle and shrug.
"You can do whatever you like, Lily, just don't trouble yourself." I agree and am instantly wrapped in her arms.
"Troubling myself is half the fun. Thank you." She's grinning wide, so I guess the choice is probably worth whatever she's planning. She nearly skips out of our dorm, no doubt to let the boys in on her plan, and I sigh. This week should be an interesting one.
With the first week of the term gone, the teachers grow less lenient already in the second week. McGonagall has almost certainly told the rest of the teachers what she thinks of me and now almost all of them are giving me sixth-year course work. I don't mind. In fact, I take pride in how much she believes in me. Remus recovers from his transformation quickly and soon he's back to his old self. I notice we've got a different feeling around the other now that we know each other's secrets. I can also name the distinct smell that has always followed him as werewolf, just like James, Sirius, and Peter's animagi smell. It's a good week, but I'll admit I'm a bit nervous about whatever Lily has planned.
She's been powing around with the boys all week except when we're at Quidditch practice, but even then, she and Remus whisper in the stands. All she's told me is that it'll be after Slughorn's party on Sunday. And that depends on if I don't die in our first Quidditch match against Hufflepuff on Saturday. Which starts now.
"Ready, love?" Sirius asks as we take turns tightening our gear on the other. It's become a sort of tradition for us during all our practices. I take a breath and meet his silver eyes.
"More than ready," I affirm and he grins.
"Places! We go in five!" Captain Connelly shouts and waves us all forward. We march towards the stands and I already feel the adrenaline pumping at the cheers coming from within. God, nothing feels like Quidditch.
"Fly high, Gryffindor! Fly high, Gryffindor!" Amidst the crowd cheering the team's eyes have to be on the captain as she raises a hand and counts down by folding in her fingers. Sirius and I glance at each other one last time before gripping our bats tighter and mounting our brooms. The captain's hand turns into a fist and then we're shooting out like stars in the green sky of the pitch. Sirius and I stay nearly touching as we round the pitch with the rest of our team, then stop as Hufflepuff does the same. We take our positions above Madam Hooch as the stadium quiets.
Yeah, now we're really going to see some real Quidditch.
Keep reading! ;)
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