Shuten doji
Name: Hikaru Isama
Alias: shuten Doji
Race: Japanese
Species: Oni
height: 9'9 feet tall
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male
Personality: An Antisocial person, is pretty reserved and likes Sake and anything alcoholic, he can be protective of people he likes but can be violent and unpredictable in battle.
age: 18-25
Fighting styles and skills
Superhuman Swordsmanship: he's a skilled swordsman capable of cutting anything, like Walls Buildings, other blades flesh, etc as his level of swordsmanship is at a superhuman level.
powers and abilities
Superhuman physical abilities: He's superhumanly strong and fast has a lot of durability Can Endure a lot of pain and Jump at high speeds.
Daiyokai-Energy-Exploitation: as a Daiyokai he's very powerful and capable of using daiyokai energy, to fire beams of it or, infuse it into his weapons or body for more power, he could even make it to where he can make his body denser to handle projectiles or weapons made to kill him. "like make his body tougher than, Steel or demon killing weapons"
Rapid Healing factor: due to his demonic biology he's in a sense capable of regenerating at a rapid rate that if he's lost a limb he'll just regrow limbs within an instant.
Magic: he's trained himself for years, to learn how to use magic and control the many mystical arts of magic as well as control esoteric flames and other esoteric elements.
Chaos Exploitation: he can absorb all the chaos, happening, converting it into his body allowing him, to gain power temporarily, or he could exploit the power of the chaos, he's absorbed and fuse it into, his weapons, fist, or body for more powerful strikes.
Reality exploitation: he can exploit the power of reality and, can start warping reality, within his dimension where he can summon anything, out of nothing, or use it, to give him power through the reality he's in.
Weather exploitation: he can control, shape, and form different kinds of weather like hail acid rain, poisonous frogs, etc this can, be used from areas of long distances to do immense damage, to the target's bodies or create a flood capable of destroying, buildings and cities as he can exploit this ability, from the different forms of weather people, have found out about.
Third Eye: when Awakened, he can increase his influence on people and, cause mental Attacks on disasters on a larger scale. His third eye could also allow him, to perceive and see the future but he cannot Stop his future through physical means to just try to change it or he could control the Supernatural phenomenon of, the supernatural world.
Electrokinesis: he can control and, shape Electric attacks or even, summon thunderstorms, electrocuting his opponents.
Pyrokinesis: he can control fire and, the hottest temperatures, of heat allowing him to burn people alive.
Madness-creation: he can cause madness and insanity making his victims, do insane things, and even cause psychosis through insanity or other negative effects of psychosis, he could even make them see things and die through unknown means.
Biokinesis: he can control his own biological body as well as other opponents' bodies, causing a heart attack and many others or creating other body parts and limbs this includes, every single body part like arms, legs hearts organs, etc, he could also make fleshy rib like swords come out of his body or be made up of, his opponents' bodies.
Dark magic; he has control over dark magical forces that can, cause disease disasters and more destructive magical forces. He could even create forms of Disaster with his magic.
Weakness: His pride And Arrogance are his weaknesses, along with holy magic being a weakness he has. His third eye is also still vulnerable to attacks when it hits him, temporarily blinding him.
The Gate of Oni technique: this technique summons a hive mind of demons under the user's control allowing the user to outnumber his opponent. this can be used, to fight off other large armies, leading to the user gaining even more power from his own, army to where he's able to augment his physical abilities, the more he sends them in. So, the larger the army the more power, the user gains to the point the user, is nearly unstoppable. the only way to counter, is to destroy the gate, making the army disappear but the issue lies, in the large demon, behind it creating the army, as it's giving the creator of the technique who's using it more power and energy, to use this technique.
Fireball: he throws a fireball, burning his victim alive to the point their eyeballs explode.
Warped-Dimension: When controlling Reality at a sub-level he, can make anything, come out of nothing but within his dimension so, he could create spears, acid Etc.
Supernatural-Dissaters: He creates a Supernatural DIssater, capable of destroying things supernaturally.
Suffering illusion technique: he can create a powerful illusion that causes immense Suffering, to the target, leading to the target not being able, to stop it the drawback is the user will feel mental pain for a little bit as it's best to be used in situations needed this can also used paintings as a conduit, and be shaped into Illusion constructs, that's based on pain, like fire Birds, ice monsters, etc. He could also, paint illusions, on murals
Disaster of flames: when he controls, the disastrous level of fire, he causes flaming meteors of fire, to hit cities and towns, causing ultimate destruction and making it nearly impossible to escape.
Thunderous-cutting: when using electrokinesis combined with the power over thunder,the user infuses the element of lightning with thunder to make a powerful blade be capable of cutting through dragons and other beasts, that it causes the beast to brun from electricity and thunder. this can be useful for combat.
Origin: growing up as a child he's been an antisocial, person he used to be human but also was called a demon child, which was the result of him becoming an antisocial person cause of his abnormal strength and as he continued changing physically he became an oni after he put on a mask and he was soon exiled by the people he knew at his home and was forced into living into a large forest.
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