Energy Conduit
Name: Jabari
Race: Zulu
Species; Conduit
Personality: Smart, intelligent Easy going, and a bit cocky
powers and abilities
Superhuman physical abilities: he has superhuman levels, of physical capabilities.
Energy Regeneration: can regenerate, using energy, allowing, him to heal fast. this can even be used when he's in a dire situation forcing him to use more energy to regenerate and heal from damage.
Containment immunity
Resistant to pain and elemental attacks.
Energy perception: can perceive faster with his energy, augmenting his abilities.
Energy Dominance:: he can manipulate, Form, and shape Energy, into anything including, weapons. he could also fire small energy beams, from his Fingerhe could fly control someone telekinetically, from a far distance, etc.
Energy-transmutation: he can transmute anything, into energy, to use against, anyone.
Energy-Signature manipulation: he can control the energy Signature, of anything, to gain more power or find the energy.
Weakness; can still be harmed by other conduits.
Energy-portal-Creation: through sing his energy, he can create portals, that can be used, to go to different places, known around, the world. So he could use the portals he creates,and go to different parts of the world for ways of movement.
Energy-Beam: he fires a beam of energy, from his hand, allowing him, to do immense damage.
Energy-Augmentation: he absorbs any form of energy and, augments his physical abilities, granting himself, a temporary power boost.
Energy Shield; he puts an aura around his, body creating a shield, that he can use, to survive projectile attacks.
Energy-Absorption: through his energy, he can absorb and assimilate the energy of any conduit either granting him an ability or, gaining an augmentation in his abilities.
Energy-Negation: he can decrease any conduits, energy making them weaker.
Energy-Shot; he fires, multiple Small energy blasts that go at high speeds but are slightly weaker, due to their compressed size.
Energy-infusion: he fuses, energy into anything, including his fist or, weapons for offensive combat. the energy, he generates, can also be an explosive infusing kinetic energy into an object and can be thrown, at a target like a grenade.
Beam-Shot; He fires a beam of energy, from his finger, completely impaling the target, breaking the bones.
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