Descendent of Set
Set-form(he takes the form of a humanoid Donkey in Egyptian armor and clothing as he's much stronger in this form as it's one of the many forms he chooses)
Name: Cairo
Age: 24
Height: 6'4
Weight: 167 pounds
Blood type: AB Negative.
Age: 21
sexuality: Straight
Birthday: July 17
Goal: To be amused by people he's messed with.
personality; a trickster snarky and has a sense of humor, Unpredictable charming spontaneous, cunning, gifted, and extremely intelligent man and very sneaky. he also enjoys partying a lot and is pretty rebellious.
Species: Demigod
Race: Coptic
Scepter: he, uses this scepter, involving his magical powers doing, things beyond human and making him, more powerful
Fighting styles and skills.
Military knowledge: he's trained himself in learning combat, in the military knowing how to fight with different forms of combat with different martial arts, like judo karate Sambo, and Jukendo.
Superhuman combat: he's superhumanly strong, capable of increasing his physical abilities stacking them to his combat skills, and doing more damage causing his opponent's bones to break.
Skilled with a scepter: he's skilled in combat, where he can use a scepter to summon, creatures from the duat, or use different types of magic, to benefit him.
master of disguise: He's trained his shapeshifting, to master the art of disguise, to where he could shapeshift into, anything and completely mimic anything that means anything.
Powers and abilities.
Lordship over the Oases: similar, to the Egyptian god Set, he has full control over different kinds of oases in the desert, allowing him to, summon one from out of nowhere or, augment his power from an oasis even, use it to hydrate people from the oases water.
superhuman physical abilities: he's got superhuman strength speed agility durability reflexes and endurance.
Exploitation of jealousy: he, can exploit and control people's jealousy allowing him,to gain power but at the same time become more powerful from the opponents becoming jealous and he could gain power from righteous, jealousy and will make people jealous to cause them to fight against each other.
unnatural bodily fluids: his bodily fluids are unnatural to the point, that it's supernatural, having special properties and everything related to the supernatural.
Kemetic-arts: he, can control and use magical energy, to cast spells, like use necromancy to gain information from the dead, and summon the dead themselves to have an army he could also make a vessel using mummies or help people heal through a healing spell. another thing, he could do is summon portals, even use them to cut people, in half if he wants to, or use them to go to different countries or he could heal people, using his energy to restore cells and organs.
Chaos-Exploitation: he can exploit and manipulate the concept and power, over chaos making him, represent chaos at the same time gaining power from chaos as well as even absorbing it as well. he could also exploit discord itself causing discord around the world and disasters. another way, he could mess with people, is by confusing them, them to where people,won't understand what's happening.
Chaotic-Divinity: he has, a form of divinity that's chaotic and wild as it goes all over the place when, someone tries to negate it or absorb it, causing the person who'd absorbed it to feel pain in the most agonizing way possible that he, could even use it to cause people to fall to his divine presence but the only, way to counter it is by someone who's just and more powerful than him, can take him down in divinity like someone of much higher and more powerful divinity, can handle his power.
Rapid Healing factor: he can regenerate at a rapid rate, allowing him to heal from bullets, and cuts acid poison viruses and diseases within a second making him a nuisance to take down.
Pyrokinesis: he, can generate powerful flames to burn people alive, or generate fireballs to create explosive projectiles for long-ranged attacks.
Shapeshifting: he's capable of shapeshifting into, anything and he means, anything making him a master of disguise and, capable of shapeshifting into creatures animals, or even other humans, to get by but the number of animals and creatures he can shapeshift into, is a multitude of creatures.
Downpour Exploitation: He, can control and manipulate the rain and thunderstorms, causing many forms of weather, to happen including tornados, Hail, desert winds, Storms, or even heatwaves.
Sand Exploitation: he, can control manipulate, and form the sand from the desert, even form his own domain of sand or create constructs made up of sand even make sand constructs, like sand swords, or sand projectiles to impale.
Eclipse-Exploitaiton: he, can form eclipses and gain power from the eclipse, using the power of both the moon and sun firing beams of lunar-solar energy at his opponents, or he could create constructs of solar-lunar energy. "he could also block the sun itself, creating an eclipse, using the moon, he can control augmenting his physical abilities or he could control fused Light and darkness together, to absorb darkness and light into, his body augmenting his physical abilities even Increasing his healing factor making him more powerful.
Longevity: he's capable of outliving people, and can live for a long time.
Weaknesses: he can potentially, be defeated by someone, of the same level of power or higher or someone of higher divine power, who can kill him another, a weakness he has is power limitation in his transformed form, making it where he's become vulnerable to attacks, after using it more than he should.
False pain: He creates, an illusion of pain, where he makes it look like he's in pain but it, was a trick deceiving the opponent, which would allow him to attack the opponent.
Thunderstorm: He, creates a thunderstorm from, the sky hitting his opponents causing them to be electrocuted.
tornado summon: He, summons a powerful tornado, capable of destroying the environment, even damaging the opponent, and sucking them into the tornado.
Dehydration technique: He grabs the opponent, causing the person to lose water causing dehydration, to the point, that they are nothing but a husk of dust.
Burning-Vapor: He generates, vapor, from the air and burns people alive, with vapor causing extremely
malicious-Aura: when he powers up, he generates an aura of malicious energy both empowering himself, and making himself have Nearly indestructible skin, but the drawback is how much, energy it costs as the more he uses it, the more power he needs, to use it, he also gains power from chaos, he causes.
pyrokinetic-Beam: he, generates flames and fires, a concussive beam of fire burning the victim, alive.
ultimate Sandstorm: he generates, a powerful sandstorm causing dehydration and blindness, to the opponent.
Origin: growing up in modern, the society he's been quite a rebellious young male who saw school as boring he wasn't even interested in the boring things since he, was most likely interested in fighting or tricking people, into giving him money, which when he used to get the chances he'd always scam people through his forms of trickery making them, unaware of what he did to them was deceived them, so when he got what he wanted, his father had to discipline him every time as he and his father did have, good history just Mostafa was a nuisance, to his father always messing with his weapons that, he caused the weapon, to go off causing his father to be angry, with his dumbass so he was disciplined. ; months after his discipline, he dealt with some things and went on a field trip to egypt, when he did go to egypt he, found something that felt right, so he and his rebellious, friends went to mess with it and what it was, just an old dusty idol of Set and when he touched, it the idol activated his powers, causing an explosion, destroying the pyramid he was in.
-how he was born from Sets generation is from Set using special magic,to make himself fertile-
-he's the type to fuck with people, for the hell of it-
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