Yuri understood the situation and agreed to let Johnny head home earlier. If he were caught, she would also miss the chance to avenge herself, if that was what really worried her; Johnny also assured her about his mother's punishment that could prevent them from meeting for a long, long time. She chose not to risk it.
Johnny, on the other hand, begged that Taeyong not come full of questions or accusations. He and Winwin were Yuri's fan, but Johnny hiding such a secret would hurt their feelings. And if Jaehyun ended up discovering about this it would be chaos given that he trusted Johnny when Bogum first arrived. He shivered at the thought of losing his teammates one by one. Johnny always found himself thinking about it, his friends, and even though it was torturous he couldn't stop repeating the idea of how he hated the situation in which his mother forced him to live for years, lying and omitting truths that shouldn't hurt those with whom the eldest son of the Seo family cared. Who likes liars?
He paced back and forth in his living room waiting for Taeyong. Those were the most distressing fifteen minutes of his day. However it could get worse, and that's exactly what happened. The moment he opened the apartment door to greet his photographer friend, Johnny felt a painful twinge in his heart, one just like when he took Yuta to the diner where Gayeon worked a few months ago. Startled and confused, he invited Taeyong in.
"Sorry to show up like this, I didn't know where to go. Ten said that you were unemployed so..." he entered the apartment, lowering his head to avoid eye contact.
In fact, Chittaphon had revealed something to Taeyong, yet that bitter face, red and puffy eyes certainly had no connection with him finding out about Johnny working for Rebecca in secret.
"No problem..." when closing the door, Johnny took the other one to the sofa. "Would you like a glass of water, anything?"
"No, I'm fine."
Already seated, Taeyong rested his elbows on his knees and rested his forehead on his palms with heavy breathing.
"Hey, what happened?" frowning, Johnny sat down next to him.
Taeyong moistened his throat and let it out slowly in an attempt to contain his emotions. He clasped his fingers together in a tight grip and tried to face his now apprehensive friend.
"A few days ago I was invited to photograph a wedding party. Of course, I accepted without even thinking, I haven't been participating in more serious events these days, you know? But... I should've checked the name of the bride and groom beforehand."
"I found out that she was the one that came to me."
"What the fuck..." Johnny clutched his hands nervously.
"The idea was hers from the beginning... She still had the courage to thank me with that smile..." his eyes watered slightly.
And a sigh had been released, the tears wanting to break free. Taeyong turned his face against his hands again, closing his eyes as he rested his forehead on his fists and was briefly silent when he felt his chin quiver.
"How could she hire me to photograph her wedding with the man she cheated on me?"
"Taeyong..." had been interrupted.
"Am I some kind of joke?" turned to Johnny full of anger. "It was so easy for her, oh yes it was! You should have seen how she danced smiling and full of joy! I took great pictures, the sincerity she never gave me!" the tears started to flow while the trembling voice echoed through the apartment.
Johnny wasn't sure how to deal with that scenario. Everyone in their friends circle knew well that he was the most sentimental of the group. It was painful to see him suffering like that, Johnny had never seen him cry so much. He approached touching the red jacket Taeyong was wearing and caress his back. He needed to calm his friend down, and perhaps it was best to let him say whatever was stuck first.
"I thought I got over her." Taeyong's voice returned to the blue. "But since that day I can't get her out of my head...!"
He couldn't face Johnny in that state, the floor was the only thing he could look at that instant when he wiped his cheeks with his jacket sleeves.
"I didn't think about her anymore, I really didn't think. But I wasn't prepared for that..." the sobs wanted to hinder him.
Johnny then involved him a little more, transforming that act into a rather loose embrace.
"You told me that what goes around comes around. She caused me pain so long ago, so why is she the one smiling and me crying now?! How is that fair?!"
"Taeyong" he hugged him "you are hurt, she lied, disappointed you and reminded you of the past. That's what hurts, the memories that you created together. One day you will see that things, good and bad, were worth experiencing... Now it doesn't seem fair, and it isn't, but it's just life. I'm sure she will get what she deserves for the choices she made, but that applies to you too... Come on, I know you don't want her to be unhappy, you are much better than that."
"That was too cruel..."
"I don't know the reason why she did that to you... But I can assure you that everything will be okay. You will be fine Taeyong."
"I don't want to feel this way, I don't like feeling this way..."
"I will always be here to help you and I know that the boys would tell you the same thing if they saw you now" Johnny rubbed affectionately Taeyong's shoulder. "Come on friend, I don't like when you look like this... Where's the cute and angry Taeyong who always wants to hit me?"
A brief laugh escaped Taeyong's lips who pushed Johnny away slightly with both hands.
"I'll accept that glass of water now" Taeyong sniffed while drying his tears with his hands.
"I'll give you tissues too, because snot on my sofa is instant death."
As soon as he got up, Johnny fetched a box of tissues from the bathroom, tossed it to Taeyong on the couch and shortly brought him a glass of cold water.
They didn't have to talk much for the one in the red jacket to calm down. Johnny didn't want to show it, but seeing him that way reminded him of his first year in Korea, when he was alone, heartbroken and lonely. The young girl who once had his heart popped up in his thoughts because of Taeyong's situation and Johnny knew what his friend was going through that moment. It hadn't been exactly the same, yet Johnny felt the pain of separation and most of all he really wished not to feel that way ever again.
"It's better now?" Johnny propped his elbow on the sofa cushion and rested his head on his left hand.
"Hm..." he nodded with a thin smile. "Yes, I'm better."
"What a whimper, huh?" a silly smile was fixed on his lips. "I'm soaked."
"Shut up." Taeyong pretended that he was going to punch Johnny.
"Don't hit your friends, otherwise you won't be allowed to go down to the playground!"
"What?" Taeyong laughed.
It was a relief to see him less scared and no longer lost. Johnny was not an expert at comforting broken hearts and was well aware of this, but for cosmic reasons his friends insisted on opening up to him when something like that happened. It wasn't as if he hated it, on the contrary, he felt wanted and closer to them and that was why, by an impulse of emotion, he felt that everything would splinter when he heard Taeyong's request:
"I didn't want to be alone... Just for today, can I sleep over?"
Saying it didn't even cross his mind. Whether he found himself tired of lies and wanting it or not, there were already those who had discovered parts of the secret, like Ten, and those who already knew almost everything about the situation, like Rebecca. He didn't want to feel lonely again, and dealing with his mother guaranteed him an unhappy life if he broke his promise, however he wasn't happy living that way anyway. He managed to keep that secret for years, Taeyong was trustworthy, there was no doubt about it and because he cried like that without inhibiting himself in front of Johnny, the personal trainer decided to be truly sincere after so long.
"Tayeong, you don't even have to ask me, but first of all there's something I need to tell you."
"Okay, what is it?" he snuggled up on the couch.
"But you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone. I'm not ready for so many risks, you're the first one I'll share the whole story."
"Now I'm worried."
And as soon as Johnny started, Taeyong swallowed. How could his friend, who was so cheerful, hide such loneliness?
Chicago, USA - 2011
I was never a big fan of the photo sessions, or the interviews they did with my family because of my father's business. It was almost a pain to know that I was on the media radar as if we were celebrities. At the same time I hated this I also didn't. I didn't want to be shown like that, I was just another teenager with the hormones on edge. My parents also felt pressured, fights were frequent between them, they didn't even sleep in the same room anymore. Then my mother went back to Korea, her native country, and stayed for there a year and a half without giving much news. That's when my dad changed. He started yelling at everyone without distinction, employees, co-workers, me. He also started to drink more than he should.
Going home was the last thing I wanted at that time, so I went to a lot of parties, slept at friends' houses. And then I met her.
"My name is Sea. Before you ask, yes it is like the sea"
That smile caught my eye. During that time I really believed in love at first sight when Sea Collins crossed my path. But well, it wasn't love since the beginning. She became my safe haven. We dated in secret for almost a year, my parents couldn't know about our relationship. They didn't trust anyone and because of that, we also hid the truth from our friends.
I loved her hopelessly. Is a first love scary like that?
It was also in that year that I met Jang Yuri, a Korean exchange student. Her pronunciation was funny which made her look cuter, it didn't take long for everyone to become friends. She was captivating in her own way, and a complete airhead, but that was what made her be said to be the most beautiful girl according to my friends. Well she really was beautiful.
Fun, parties, drinks, dating, sex in the car, I was enjoying my youth. But whatever is good, ends quickly.
"Son, we need to talk."
I never saw my father as serious as that day. I was afraid of what he was going to say to me, however I just heard it. It had been quite a blow. My mother had an affair, she gave birth to another boy and the child's father was just a scammer. With the right amount, my father managed to silence that rascal, and my mother didn't come back home by her own choice.
She didn't have a divorce, my father didn't want to lose everything he built because of his wife's actions. In fact, he still loved her, but he refused to believe it.
That was one of the most difficult moments of my life. Seeing my father suffer, not being able to do anything and knowing that my mother didn't even care about me, she didn't care. She never paid any attention to me. I wasn't the disciplined son she wanted, she was cold, and terrible at showing affection. She didn't seem to love me.
In this time of bitterness, Sea was the one who supported me and everything became bearable because I had her by my side.
One day, then, my mother decided to return for the opening party of my father's new airport. Lies, the happy family, all that made me sick, I hated that life. My mother stayed a few more days to resolve matters, and so she discovered my secret.
"You'll no longer meet her and end of story."
She saw me with Sea in the mall parking lot. She demanded that I give up my only source of joy. And for what?
"I already do everything you ask of me. I pretend to be the perfect child of a perfect family. I'm a fraud, but she loves me the way I am!"
"Stop believing in fairy tales! She doesn't love you, pay attention, she's using you!"
"She's not like you!"
Those words ricocheted bitterly from my mouth, and in return a slap was enough to shut me up.
Without being able to say goodbye, without even being able to tell the truth to my friends, I was thrown on a plane to Korea.
"You'll be responsible, mature just as I raised you to be. You'll keep your family's secret. One slip, just one and your ticket to Australia is guaranteed."
How would I refuse if the price I would pay would be the same? I am the one who's alone at the end and always will be. I lost my love, my friends and I hated my father for letting her destroy my life just like that. My mom never wanted me, it took me a while to realize it, but I thought at least my dad did. She left me in an apartment at my father's request. I couldn't visit her and see my stepbrother as much as I wanted to. I started over from scratch alone and I didn't even know to speak korean properly. I lived in prison.
But it wasn't all bad. I met Jaehyun in the hallway, in the last year of high school. He introduced me to each of you and I gradually became part of the group.
For a while my life was established and loneliness, no matter how much it haunted me, I didn't allow it to dominate me. You guys were my medicine, at night it could be hard, but I knew that the next day I would see you all again.
I saw Jaehyun fall in love with Gayeon. I helped Yuta confess to Katrina. Our bonds were strengthening. We finished college, I had a job. I was becoming happy.
"Stop being stubborn and do what I say."
But then she came back.
Taeyong was speechless. It was a lot of information and he was still trying to process it all.
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