OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
Okay, Jas.
Sometimes I catch myself thinking about this story. It's kind of amazing, isn't it? How the universe works out just fine. It knows that everything has the right time, the right moment to happen. Some things may not work out now, but maybe they'll end up working out. Or not.
Things come and go in our life and in the right moment, they stay.
Anyways, guys. I know that throughout the book I have made some mistakes. There are countless typos, I have let many of you down and I haven't been the most interactive writer ever.
So I just wanted to take this moment to thank you for guys. Without your votes, your comments, your motivational messages and your patience with me, I would never have been able to conclude these books.
You guys have been SO amazing with me and you guys have helped me more than I could ever imagine. My life hasn't been the best right now and every time something bad came up, I would always write. Writing has always, always been my escape and you guys just make me cry with everything you guys do.
I've received messages saying that this story helped them to move on, helped them to grow up mentally and emotionally and I don't think nothing ever made me so happy.
My story. The story of a completely average 14 year old girl who has a not so interesting life. I was able to help someone out there with my writing and this is just so amazing I could never even begin to describe it.
So thanks guys. Thank you for taking the time to read this despite my failures, my mistakes and my late updates. You guys are amazing and I love you guys so f much.
There were some people who did not understand the meaning of both stories that make up the series.
Well, the first book was about self mental and emotional development and gaining control of yourself. Stephanie did it. She found piece within herself.
The second book is about how after a while, second chances exist. People can be forgiven and we can't live our life looking back at the past everytime something happens.
We need to allow ourselves to forgive others and us for failing. Sometimes we are lucky enough to get second chances and they might turn out being much better than the first one because we learned from our mistakes.
I am sorry if I have disappointed you somehow. I didn't want a cliché ending because life isn't made of clichés.
Life is reality and sometimes reality can suck, but we can always make it through.
All of the book crew thank you for reading it. Stephanie, Ty, Cam, Bella, Zach, Sophie and Nikki.
They will always be somewhere around. Maybe there will be a Tyler, a Stephanie, a Sophie, a Caleb in your life of one of them might as well be you.
Some people asked me if I was really 14. Yeah, and I'll beturning 15 in less than a month (so happy about it haha). I don't know why, but most of the people think that girls my age spent the time obsessing over boys and over how our hair looks and have no interest in books or other interesting stuff.
Yeah, some of the girls do my age do that, but some of us actually like reading or writing or learning about new and interesting stuff.
My dream is to publish these books.💚 More than anything. Maybe they will be put together into one, who knows. But it's actually harder than I thought. It's expensive and lol, I don't even have money to buy a candy. If not, I'll try MY BEST to find sponsors and publish it independently.
It'll be like, really hard, but I'll try to. Oh, and I'll edit it all because this book sucks with all of the typos haha.
Anyways, guys. I think this is it. I'm so grateful for this amazing chance I had and I couldn'tbe happier. You guys are my life and each one of you has a very special place in my heart.
I love each one of you. Thank you for the chance of sharing a bit of my reality with you guys.
Jas, xx.
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