Fact #100
Now, if you are an elder to this website and was there in the beginning when I did Things You Didn't Know About Disney, you should remember how every 100 facts, I did something special. Well that also applies here.
And the special event I am going to ask the readers is: Name Your Favorite Pokemon of All 18 Types. Comment below what they are, I'd love to know your opinions. And legendaries do count.
What are mine, you may ask? Well, I'll tell ya: ((Oh, and please go in the order listed below so I know which types you're talking about. And try to put it all in one comment to make things less confusing. Thank you!))
Fire: Houndoom
Water: Tie between Walrien and Empoleon
Grass: Torterra
Steel: Aggron
Psychic: Gardevoir
Ghost: Froslass
Dark: Bisharp
Bug: Armaldo
Dragon: Tie between Salamence and Garchomp
Electric: Luxray
Fairy: Gardevoir
Fighting: Tie between Primeape and Mienshoa
Flying: Noivern
Ground: Tie between Nidoqueen and Groudon
Ice: Froslass
Normal: Ursaring
Poison: Tie between Arbok and Drapion
Rock: Bastiodon
Well, those are my favorite Pokemon of each type, what are yours? Comment below what they are, I'd love to know! ^_^ ((And in case things get crazy here, I'll delete this chapter and try something different.))
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