Chapter 1
~Evan's pov~
I felt the sun shining in. I rolled over searching for the warmth. Only to realize there was no one there. I remember it like it was yesterday. The day she left.
"May I'm sorry! Please don't leave me! I LOVE YOU!" I yelled after her as she ran back to the door.
She slammed the door shut behind her as she stomped over to her car. I never thought she would find out. Not like this. I was going to tell her one day that I was bisexual. I never thought she would walk in on me with another man.
~End flashback~
Tears threatened my eyes. I was about to start crying when my phone went off. It was from Delirious. He always knew how to make my day even when he didn't know I needed it. I smiled and picked up my phone.
Delirious: Hey bitch what's up ;)
Evan: Just woke up bitch :)
Delirious: Me and the guys were going to play some GMOD. Want to join?
Evan: Yeah give me a minute I'm going to take a shower
Delirious: Okay but hurry up Tyler's getting impatient
Evan: Tell Tyler to wait.
Delirious: He said make him.
I looked at my phone and smiled. My friends were all he had right now. My parents died when I was only 17 years old in a car accident.
As I got out of bed I went over the break up in my head again. It's been 12 years, but I still search for the warmth that's never been next to me for years. I sighed and walked to the bathroom.
I discarded all of my clothes and turned the water on to almost scolding.
I got in and tensed slightly at the sudden change in temperature. I soon relaxed and sighed as the water relaxed my tense muscles.
I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and put a decent amount on my palm and scrubbed at my scalp. I rinsed it out and did the same steps with the conditioner.
I grabbed a washcloth and put soap on it before rubbing it on my body.
I rinsed the soap off of my and blindly reached for a towel. I wrapped it around my waist and walked out of the bathroom.
I walked over to my closet and looked or my red v-neck shirt with my black skinny jeans.
I rubbed my hair dry and made my way to my gaming room to start up my computer.
I connected with the guys and was added in the Skype call. I watched as my friends popped up on the screen. First Mini, then Wildcat, Nogla, Lui, Basically, and my favorite, Delirious.
I could see everyone's faces besides Jonathan. It hurts me a little bit knowing that he doesn't trust me. Always wearing that mask. Sometimes I wanted to reach through the computer and smash it.
"Finally! We've waited for fucking hours. What were you doing in there? Fapping?" Tyler said we all laughed. I heard Jonathan's goofy, wonderful, cu- 'No Evan stop! Are you crazy?'
"FUCKIN HELL!!" I heard Nogla yelling as he got killed by Lui.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't have taken my banana!" Everyone laughed as Lui did his squeaker voice sounding like a kid.
"Are we going to get this map started or what?!" Mini Ladd said starting the map. We were playing a horror map. Everything was going fine. It wasn't even scary to me.
"AAAAAHHHH!!!!" I jumped hearing Delirious scream into his mic almost busting my eardrums.
"What the fuck Delirious?!" Marcel yelled back. He must have gotten scared too. His voice shook a little as he spoke.
"That scared the shit out of me!" Jonathan started saying before he started laughing again.
"It's not that scary," I said shrugging.
"Maybe not you, Macho Man, but that hit was right in front of my face." We laughed with each other.
"Alright. You win."
"Damn right I do." We laughed again.
~Time Skip~
We played for a few hours before deciding it was time to stop. We all exited the call. I started editing when my phone went off.
Lui: Hey I was thinking we could all go down to Florida to hang out. I haven't hung out with you guys in awhile. You up for it?
Evan: When are we going?
Lui: In like a week. Tyler, Brian, Brock, Craig, Nogla, Droidd, Marcel, and Delirious are going.
The last name he sent stunned me. Is Jonathan going?
Evan: Yeah I'm up for it.
Lui: Sweet! I'll let the guys know!
(Edit start: 3/19/16)
(Edit end: 3/30/17)
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