Chapter 7
It had been a few months since Alex had become one of the members of the L/N household.
She quickly adjusted to the surroundings there and had a great time interacting with her new family. She became a really active student in her class.
Y/N had introduced his friends to Alex. She quickly got along with them, especially Gwen. They formed a great friendship.
Sometimes Gwen would share Y/N's photos that she took when he was asleep in exchange for Y/N's baby pictures which Alex snapped from the family album. This trade did annoy Y/N to an extent.
Alex would sometimes accompany Y/N in his hang outs or trips with his group. Miles, Gwen, Peter and Noir really liked having her company. Life surely was going well.
~Valentines Day~
It was 14th of February. Valentines Day, a day for the couples, a day of love. The city would be surely be busy at night. The lights at night would be beautiful and romantic, perfect for couples.
The sun arose, Y/N woke up from his sleep and then brushed his teeth and had a bath. He felt refreshed at the moment.
It was a weekend so Y/N just walked to the living room and flopped at the couch and turned on the T.V and searched for something interesting to watch.
After a few minutes, Alex entered the living room. She flashed a smile at Y/N before sitting near him.
Alex: So Y/N, what are you and Gwen gonna do today?
Y/N: Huh? I don't know.... Maybe we'll meet up today.
Alex: What?
Y/N: What?
Alex: Don't you know what day it is?
Y/N: It's today.
Alex: NO! That's not a good joke!
Y/N: Hehe sorry, so..... It's Saturday isn't it?
Alex: *sigh* I'll leave it to you. Find out yourself.
Y/N: Uhmm.... Ok? And hey! Don't share any of my baby pics. It's getting annoying.
Alex: No promises :P
And with that, Alex left the room after Y/N gave out a small sigh.
Y/N: What day is it today? Oh, a text from Miles.
Miles: Hey, I need your help.
Y/N: Yeah, what's up?
Miles: I can't decide what to get Rose for Valentine's Day.
Y/N had a sudden realization. IT'S FLIPPIN VALENTINE'S DAY. and with a gulp, Y/N texted back.
Y/N: You two have been together for a long time. I think you know what you can do for her. I know I might not be of much help but-
Miles: You know what? I think I know what to do. Thanks Y/N!
Y/N: Oh? Yeah sure, you're welcome, I guess?
Miles: Hope you and Gwen have a great day 😉
Y/N: Yeah, thanks bud.
Y/N placed his phone away. He began walking around the room, thinking about what to do today.
Alex: HEY!
Y/N: Ahhhh! Alex?! Where the hell did you come from?
Alex: From the kitchen. Want frozen yogurt?
Y/N: No thanks.
Alex: What were you thinking about?
Y/N: Well.... today is Valentine's Day and I am wonderi-
Y/N: *sigh* Yes.....
Alex: I thought you forgot about it, hehe. So what are you and Gwen gonna do today?
Y/N: I might or might not have a plan.
Alex: Mm hm... Nice!
Y/N: Do you have any plans for today?
Alex: What?
Y/N: Do you have a boyfr-
Alex: I think mom's calling me. See you later. *shaky laughter*
Y/N: Why was she blushing though? Something's fishy....
Y/N then grabbed his phone and sent a text to Gwen. He waited for a few minutes but still no reply was to be seen.
Y/N finally decided to go to Gwen's house and surprise her. He grabbed some money of his and went out of the house.
He stopped at the bakery and bought some good chocolates, especially on sale because on Valentine's Day.
He stopped at the florist to buy some flowers. Of course, who forgets to buy flowers on Valentine's Day? He bought a bouquet of roses and sunflowers for Gwen. 💐
Satisfied, Y/N continued on his way to Gwen's residence. After a few minutes, he was at the front door of the house. She was most probably home alone or might have gone out.
Y/N rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. After a few moments, the door opened, slowly.
Gwen: Oh, h-hey Y/N *cough*
Y/N: Happy Valentine's Day! Wait.... Gwen, what happened?
Gwen: It's nothing! Just a fever. I'll be alright in no time, hehe *loud sNeEzE*
Y/N: You do not look fine at the moment. C'mon let's get you inside.
Gwen: Oh, you really shouldn't trouble yourself. It would be better if you go back home.
Y/N: It wouldn't hurt to have your guy by your side, wouldn't it?
Gwen: Hehe *sigh* Well, I don't want you to catch my fever. So go back please.
Y/N: Very well. By the way, here you go... Happy Valentine's Day.
Gwen: Wow.... Chocolates? Flowers too? Thanks Y/N, Happy Valentine's Day...
As Y/N handed his gifts over to Gwen, he saw an opening and quickly slid inside the house.
Gwen: Hey!
Y/N: Can't get rid of me!
Gwen: You might catch-
Y/N: Shush! You know what, I am staying here.
Gwen: Well, don't blame me if-
Y/N: Nah, I think my body's got a good immune system.
Gwen: And mine's not?
Y/N: No
Gwen: Meanie
Y/N: Hehe, C'mon let's get you inside.
Gwen: *cough* Yeah.....
Y/N followed Gwen to her room. He placed the gifts on the table and turned to Gwen.
Y/N: You should get on the bed, milady.
Gwen: *giggle* What's with the posh accent?
Y/N: Why art thou maketh foolery of my accent?
Gwen: *laughs* That was pretty bad.
Y/N: Why must you hurt me this way?
Gwen: Cause you're stupid.
Y/N: Wha-
Gwen: Burn
Y/N: Welp, just relax. I'll be right back.
Gwen: Oh? Ok.....
Y/N: By the way, where is the kitchen?
Gwen: Down the stairs and then take a right turn, you should find it.
Y/N: Alright, thanks!
Gwen: Wait! What are you gonna do?
Y/N: I dunno
Gwen: Uhmm... Ok?
Y/N: Yeah *wink*
Gwen: *blush* Well, he's weird...... but my type of weird
Gwen gave out a slight smile and then closed her eyes and seemingly went asleep while Y/N went on his way towards the kitchen.
Y/N looked around for supplies in the kitchen. After a few minutes of searching, he found something. He had a satisfactory smile and grabbed more requirements for the meal.
~Time Skip brought to you by iPhone20~
Y/N: Gwen...? Hey Gwen.
Gwen: Huh? Oh, Y/N *yawn* what's the time?
Y/N: 6:00 pm
Gwen: Oh wow. That was a really good amount of sleep.
Y/N: *examines Gwen's forehead* The temperature has dropped a bit. How are you feeling?
Gwen: Better than before.
Y/N: Here, have some soup.
Y/N hands Gwen a bowl of soup which Gwen accepts with a smile. Y/N smiles back at her. Gwen begins drinking up the soup slowly.
Gwen: What's that aroma from down there?
Y/N: Well, it's a surprise.
Gwen: I may or may not like surprises.
Y/N: It's a Valentine's Surprise!
Gwen: Haha, well ok then.
After a few more moments of talking, they went down the stairs. The sight at the dining table really was a surprise for Gwen.
The table was nicely set up with candles and stuff. The food looked equally delicious as well. Romantic.
Gwen: A candle light dinner? And wow, Spaghetti and meatballs? You did all this?
Y/N: Happy Valentine's Day!
Y/N places his arm around Gwen's shoulder and Gwen flashed a blushing smile at him.
Y/N: Like it?
Gwen: No.... I love it!
Gwen grabs Y/N closer to her and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Now, Y/N is seemingly blushing.
Y/N: Uhmm... Yeah, thanks.... *blush*
Gwen: You're the best! Hope you don't catch a fever though *giggle*
Y/N: Let's take a seat, shall we?
Gwen: Yes, we shall.
Y/N: Come along Gwanda.
Gwen: *death stare* WHA-
Y/N: Just kidding!
Y/N and Gwen took a seat and began eating their dinner. You could tell that both of them were savouring every bite.
Gwen: Oh my... Wow! You're an excellent cook!
Y/N: I'm not an expert or anything but I've made this a few times at home. So....yeah!
Gwen: So, how's everybody at home?
Y/N: Fine. And I hope Alex did not send any of my baby pictures today.
Gwen: Aww... Yeah she didn't. You were so cute as a baby though!
Y/N: Please stop.
Gwen: I could squish your cheeks.
Y/N: Gwaaandaaaa.
Gwen: Hey! That's not fair
Y/N: Everything's fair in love and war.
Gwen: Oh well, uhm I can't argue with that, haha.
Y/N: I hope you're having a decent time.
Gwen: Best Valentine's Day ever! You made my day. And also thank you for the chocolates, those are my favorite.
Y/N: You're absolutely welcome.
Gwen: Oh, and where are the flowers?
Y/N: I've placed them in a vase right there. And incase you didn't notice, some flowers right here.
Gwen: Oh yeah! Absolutely amazing set up. Thank you so much for this Y/N.
Y/N: Glad we got to spend Valentine's Day together.
Gwen: Y/N....
Y/N: Hmm?
Gwen: I love you
Y/N: *blush* And I love you too Gwen, you're one of the best people I've ever met.
Gwen: The feeling is mutual.
They spent the rest of the night talking about their daily life and stuff happening.
Y/N video called Miles. He picked up. Him and Rose were at a fair, specially for Valentine's Day. Many couples were here today.
Y/N: Hey how's it going?
Miles: We're having a fun time. And what about you.
Y/N: Yeah, it's all taken care of. We had a good time too.
Miles: Great!
Y/N: Hey! Is that Alex beside you?
Miles: Oh, yeah. Hey Alex! Here
Alex: Hmm? Oh, Y/N?! Uhmmm
Y/N: What are you doing there, you sneaky lil....
??: Who you talking to, Alex?
Alex: Uhm, it's my brother.
??: Hey! I'm Tyler!
Y/N: Who's Tyler?
Alex: He's my date......
Y/N: You're dating?
Gwen: Alex's dating?!
Tyler: Nice to meet you, Alex's brother.
Y/N: You can call me Y/N.
Alex: So, yeah! See you later
Y/N: We're so gonna have a talk when you get home.
Alex: Uh huh, sure *shaky laughter*
Y/N cuts the call and places his phone in his pocket.
Gwen: So Alex has a boyfriend?
Y/N: Most probably yes!
Gwen: Oh wow, good for her *giggles*
Y/N: I guess so, *smile*
So this was a Valentine's Day chapter. Idea given by DarkotheMapper. Thanks! And yeah school works are killing me lol. So yeah, stay safe and cool
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