Chapter 5
It had been a great week for Y/N. School was going well, he had made good friends and Gwen and him had confessed their feelings for each other. That was the main thing. It was going smooth.
One day, Y/N was just lying on the bed, relaxing. Suddenly he got the text from Gwen. His face lit up and he opened the chat.
Gwen: Good evening beautiful.
Y/N: Isn't that supposed to be my line?
Gwen: I don't know, is it? :P
Y/N: Hehe, how was your day?
Gwen: It went fine, I guess. What about you?
Y/N: It's going well sweetheart.
Gwen: Sweetheart? XD
Y/N: Can I call you that?
Gwen: You can call me whatever you like.
Y/N: Ok Dora The Explorer.
Gwen: Wait what?! Not like that!
Y/N: But you said.....
Gwen: No
Y/N: Ok, fine...... Gwaanda.
Y/N: Miles told me about it. Suits you well.
Gwen: It doesn't!
Y/N: It does.
Gwen: I almost forgot how much Miles and you were seen talking this week.
Y/N: He's a cool guy.
Gwen: Did he tell you about any other stuff?
Y/N: Nah ;-)
Gwen: What's with that "wink" emoticon?!
Y/N: It's nothing lol.
Gwen: Thanks for helping me with the Physics homework earlier.
Y/N: Anytime, your Majesty.
Gwen: Minister! could you tell me some wise words of yours?
Y/N: Everything is temporary. Everyone and everything will die, well except Queen Elizabeth. She's immortal. (ahem, that aged like milk)
Gwen: *gulp* Uh...... Yeah, that was very wise. :'(
Y/N: I know right? }:-)
Gwen: So.... I'll talk to you later. Got some homework.
Y/N: Oh yeah, carry on. Bye
Gwen: Have a good day ahead. Bye!
Y/N: Sayonara Gwanda.
Gwen: Ughhhh!!
Y/N: Hehe, ok bye now. ^_^
Gwen: Bye ~♥~
Y/N got up from the bed and decided to for a walk. He hadn't done that in weeks so he decided to just roam around.
He went downstairs and was about to exit the house.
Dad: Where are you off to?
Y/N: Just a walk.
Dad: Will Gwen be there?
Y/N: *sigh* No dad.
Dad: Oh..... Sad.
Y/N: No! I'm just going out to freshen my mood.
Mom: F/N! Leave our son along. It's only been a few days since Gwen and him had-
Y/N: Ok bye! See you later. Love you!
Y/N left the house and he could hear his mom's and dad's giggling on his way out.
The evening was quite fresh. The cool breeze blew on his face and sunset was approaching. It was a nice sensation.
Y/N entered a park and sat on a bench there. He just saw the kids playing around which reminded him of his childhood days.
After a few moments, he got up to leave. The sky had darkened a bit. It was almost night. As he went out of the park, he heard a scream behind him.
Y/N was startled for a moment but went towards the direction where he heard the scream. He saw a girl weakly walking towards him. She was clutching her arm. Her face had bruises. She fell down.
Y/N went upto her and helped her get up. She looked weakly at him. She looked scared. Y/N held her hand and gave her an assuring look.
Y/N: What happened?
??: *sigh* The thing is- *GASP* LOOK OUT!!
Y/N moved himself and the girl from seemingly an attack.
Y/N turned around to see four assailants behind him. He turned to the girl and told her to take cover behind him.
Y/N: You're all going down.
Person 1: How do you expect to handle all of us?
Person 2: Let's get him boys.
Both of them ran forward for the attack but Y/N swiftly dodged their attacks and landed a blow on their chest and neck. They fell down, gasping for breath.
The third person quickly attacked him with his hammer. Y/N almost dodged but it hit his thigh and now it was bruised.
Y/N kicked the hammer out of his hand and landed a powerful punch on his face which knocked him out cold.
Y/N seemed tense and angry. He looked behind him to see the girl behind him having a small grin on her face.
Y/N: What's your name by the way?
??: Oh, it's Alexandra but you can call me Alex. And Thank you.......
Y/N: I'm Y/N. We need to take you to a hospital quick.
Alex nodded and began walking with Y/N, taking slow steps.
Person 4: Hey! You think you can just leave like that?!
Both of them turned around to see the 4th assailant holding a gun against them. Y/N slowly raised his hands up.
Person 4: You're not getting out of this!
And then suddenly the person let out a scream and then fainted.
Y/N looked to see that someone had hit that man on the back with a hammer. It was Miles.
Y/N: Miles! Correct timing buddy! Wow!
Miles: I don't know what was happening. But this dude was holding a gun against you and I saw a hammer on the ground. So.... Yeah.
Y/N: Thanks for the massive assist. I'm gonna take Alex to the hospital.
Miles: Alex? Oh... What happened to her? You look hurt.
Alex: It's a long story........
Miles: Carry on your way to the hospital. I'll call the police to take care these pieces of shit.
Y/N: Thanks, appreciate it!
Alex: Thanks..... Bye!
Miles waved goodbye and proceeded to call the police.
Y/N managed to catch a cab. Both of them got in and instructed the driver to go the hospital.
After a few minutes, they reached their destination. Y/N helped Alex get out and then paid the driver.
Y/N and Alex entered the hospital. A nurse noticed the condition of Alex. She quickly went upto them with a wheelchair for Alex.
Y/N gave out a smile to the nurse for her quick help. The nurse took Alex to the Casualty room to take care of her injuries. She was soon shifted to a room on the second floor.
Y/N called his parents to tell them about the incident and that he was at the hospital. They sounded worried and then told him that they'll be coming to the hospital in a few moments time.
Y/N just sat there on the chair outside the room where Alex was admitted.
Soon enough, his parents arrived there. They asked Y/N if he was alright. He said that he was okay. There was only a small bruise on his thigh. They engulfed in a group hug.
Suddenly they saw the police and seemingly two members of the Child Protection Services entering Alex's room. They begun conversing with her. The conversation went on for like 20 minutes.
When the conversation ended, the officers got up and exchanged their Thanks with Alex and left the room. Alex looked out the door to see Y/N and his family. She let out a sad smile.
Y/N's dad stopped a passing officer and the officer looked down at him.
Dad: What happened to her?
Officer: *sigh* She had been subjected to abuse for the past year......
Y/N: Who did this to her?!
Officer: Her foster father. He's violated many laws too. He was arrested today and stripped off the ownership of the child. Alex had attacked him due to her self defense so he had sent out 4 people to hunt her down. They were arrested.
Mom: Foster father?! How could he do that? He should be burnt alive!
Dad: M/N..... Save your energy for later. So, what's the child gonna do now?
Officer: Supposedly, she has no guardian at the moment.
Dad: I see..... Hey Y/N, M/N! Can we discuss something?
Y/N: Yeah?
Time Skip
Y/N and his family entered Alex's room and sat near her.
Y/N: Hey Alex....
Alex: Hmmm?
Y/N: Would you like to come home with us?
Alex: What do you mean?
Dad: We would like to adopt you....
Alex: Whaaaaaa-
Oof late updates guys. Sorry. Huge school workload, you know? Ok beiiiiii
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