Chapter 4
It had been a good few months for everyone. The days were going by without any trouble. And everyone was doing fine for the most part.
Class had ended and it was time for the weekend. The teachers had given the students minimum work, so the surrounding moods were good and fresh.
Y/N had become really good friends with Gwen and the others. They provided him the feeling of warmth and trust and that he would not be alone, ever.
They were talking about the usual interests and stuff as they were walking along. They kept on talking until they arrived at their homes.
Y/N knocked at the door and his mom gave him a hearty welcome. He beamed a smile at his parents and proceeded to go towards his room.
Dad: Hey son! Did you talk to Gwe-
Y/N suddenly turns and gives his dad a death glare that would blow away even Thanos or Darth Vader.
Y/N's dad suddenly turns his glance towards a news article he was reading.
Y/N: Thank you.
And then Y/N leaves for his room. He opens his door and then flops on the bed.
Y/N: If plastic is made out of petroleum and petroleum is made out of fossils and fossils are dinosaurs, so that means plastic toy dinosaurs are real dinosaurs?
Y/N just stares at the roof thinking of theories that doesn't make any sense but makes some sense......
Suddenly his phone buzzes. It was a message from Noir.
Y/N: Hey, what's up?
Noir: Nothing, I was a little bored.
Y/N: So... What were you doing?
Noir: Just killing some Nazis.
Y/N: Whaaa?
Noir: In a video game.
Y/N: Understandable, have a great day.
Noir: So, how's it going with Gwen?
Y/N: What do you mean?!
Noir: Isn't she your girlfriend?
Y/N: No! I'm just friends with her like I'm with you all! (Or am I?)
Noir: No.
Y/N: Yes.
Noir: No
Y/N: Yes
Noir: Yes
Y/N: No
Noir: Ha, got you.
Y/N: Ahhhh.
Noir: It will be soon.
Y/N: ๏_๏
Noir: Oh, gotta go. Some idiot is challenging me, thinking he's better.
Y/N: Oh.
Noir: Gotta go kick his ass. G'day!
Y/N: Yeah sure, good luck.
Y/N plugged on his headphones and began listening to relaxing music and just lied peacefully on the the bed.
And his phone buzzed again. This time, it was a call from Gwen.
Y/N: Why do I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach?!
Y/N: Heyyy Gwen! How's it going?
Gwen: Nothing much. Just lying on bed, listening to music.
Y/N: Same here.
Gwen: Oh, cool. Whatcha listening to?
Y/N: Before You Go
Gwen: Oh yeah! I love that song. The feelings are intense!
Y/N: And I think you're listening to rock music, aren't you?
Gwen: Yeah! Stairway to Heaven, a golden oldie. How did you know?
Y/N: Do you not remember our conversations Gwen?
Gwen: Hey! Don't judge me! I got only 2 brain cells!
Y/N: Aw C'mon Gwen, we both know that it's not true, hehe.
Gwen: Anyway, I'm vibing so hard right now. Ouch, I've hit my head against the wall. Owwww!
Y/N: I think you got your remaining brain cells.
Gwen: Ha-ha, very funny.
Y/N: I wanted to ask something to you.
Gwen: Yeah, shoot.
Y/N: *inhale* Are you free tomorrow evening?
Gwen: Well yeah. Why?
Y/N: I would like to take you to a place.... To show you something.
Gwen: *gasp* Oh? Umm, yeah! Yeah, we'll meet up.
Y/N: Yeah? Ok, meet me at my residence? Tomorrow at 3 pm?
Gwen: Yeah...yeah, sure!
Y/N: So... Good night Captain Stacy!
Gwen: Hehe, that's actually the title of my dad.
Y/N: Whoops, didn't know. It does fit you by the way.
Gwen: Oh? Uhmm... Thanks!
Y/N: Bye then.
Gwen: Good night Y/N
After the call ended, Y/N slowly turned around to see his dad beside him.
Dad: Dad Knight Rises
Y/N: No, dad. Please no dad jokes.
Y/N's dad places his arm across Y/N's shoulder and he looks like he's about to give some advice.
Y/N: Dad?
Dad: So..... Y/N, I think you like her.
Y/N: Whaaaaa?!
Dad: Gwen.
Y/N: You never give up, do you dad?
Both of them share a moment of laughter for a few seconds.
Y/N: I think I kinda like her.
Dad: No.
Y/N: Ok, I "like" her.
Dad: Better
Y/N: But I guess she only sees me as a friend.
Dad: Oh, I don't think so.
Y/N: What do you mean?
Dad: The way you two talk on the phone! And.....
Y/N: And?
Dad: Yeah... About that....
Y/N: And what dad?
Dad: I might have saw you two hugging each other, a few months back.
Y/N: *sigh* Well, I did have a feeling, we were being watched. Were you being Drax?
Dad: What?
Y/N: Nothing.
Dad: Wow, I expected a more stern response from you.
Y/N: I know you were just looking out for me dad......
Dad: *gasp* Look at my matured little boy! And I'm really sorry about invading your personal space, son.
Y/N: It's fine dad. Just don't do it again.
Dad: No promises.
Y/N shoots his dad a glare, to which he gives out a laugh.
Dad: Just kidding! No more invading your space.
Y/N: Hehe, thanks dad.
Dad: Tomorrow you go there.... And show her what you're made off!
Y/N: Yeah........ Ok, ok, yeah!!!
Y/N & Dad: YEAH!!
Mom: Excuse me? Am I ruining a father-son moment.
Dad: Yeah, you are. I'm indeed very hurt.
Mom: Nice.
Dad: Seems like our son's going on a date tomorrow.
Mom: *gasp* A date?! Wow! Must be with Gwen right?
Y/N: Aw Come on! It's not like a date! It's like a meet up or something.
Dad: Sure.
Y/N: No.
Mom: Anyway, dinner is ready. Come downstairs or starve.
Dad: Right away ma'am.
The family share a moment together and then head downstairs for dinner.
●Time Skip brought to you by Deadpool●
It was a Saturday evening. Both Y/N and Gwen got ready for their little meet up today.
Y/N went out of his house and stood there near the entrance, waiting for Gwen.
Gwen: Hello there, General L/N.
Y/N: Ah, Captain Stacy! How do you do?
Gwen: *giggles* I'm spectacular. How about you?
Y/N: I'm fabulous.
Gwen: Awesome! Anyway, what are we gonna do today?
Y/N: Follow my lead.
Gwen: Yeah, let's go.
After a few minutes of walking, Y/N turned towards a park. Gwen realized she had come to this park before but it's been a really long time since her last visit.
Gwen: Ah, this does freshen my memories.
Y/N: I see you've come here before.
Gwen: Yeah, it's been a long time.
Y/N: Yeah, follow me.
Gwen: Ok?
They reached at like the end part of the park and Gwen was a little confused.
Y/N stood there and told her to enter the area. She had never seen this before. When she entered, the views in front of her just shocked her.
Y/N: Like what you see?
This area had a wonderful view than the other one. And a very few people were roaming around. The trees were huge, flowers were blooming, birds chirping cheerfully and the wind was cool and refreshing.
Gwen: This is wonderful Y/N! Thank you for this!
Y/N: Anytime. Care to join me for a walk?
Gwen: Yeah! Of course!
They began roaming around the area, admiring the beautiful view. Soon, they realized that they were holding each others hands. A blush could be seen on both of their faces.
Gwen intertwined her fingers with Y/N's, which made him blush more and then the both of them flashed a smile at each other.
As they were walking, Gwen suddenly tripped on a hard rock lying there and fell down with a thud.
Y/N: Oh shhhh, Gwen! Are you ok?!
Gwen: Yeah, yeah. I'm ok.
Y/N helped Gwen get up and then saw that Gwen was limping and there were expressions of pain on her face.
Y/N made Gwen use him as a support and she gave out a small smile at him.
They sat down at the bench. Y/N removed Gwen's shoes and saw that the ankle was twisted.
Y/N: Oh no... I think your ankle is-
Gwen: Twisted.
Y/N: Yeah....
Gwen: *sigh* I'll just go to the doctor tomorrow.
Y/N: Or......
Gwen: Or....?
Y/N places Gwen's affected area on his lap and inspects it.
Gwen: What are you going to do?!
Y/N: Well.....
Gwen: Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it!
Y/N grabs Gwen's ankle and twists it, which makes Gwen shriek in pain.
Gwen: OWWWWW! Why did you do that for?!
Y/N: Move your leg , ma'am.
Gwen gets up and is surprised to see that her ankle is back to normal right now. She walks for a bit and then eventually comes back and sits on the bench.
Gwen: Wow Y/N, how did you learn to do that?
Y/N: I've experienced a few. And my dad would help me in fixing it. You can say he taught me this.
Gwen: That's wonderful! Thanks a million!
Y/N: The birds flew away when they heard your loud shriek.
Gwen: Haha, was it really that loud?
Y/N: Is that a question you're asking me?!
Gwen: Nevermind.
Y/N: Hehe...... The sunset's beautiful right?
Gwen: It really is! The view is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for bringing me here Y/N.
Y/N: Anytime Gwen, anytime.
Both of them look into the sunset with awe. The sight was a real wonder.
Gwen moves a bit closer to Y/N and places her head on his shoulder. Y/N gives out a smile with a blush and places his arm across Gwen's shoulder. It really was wonderful.
Gwen: Y/N.....
Y/N: Yeah?
Gwen: We have spent a good amount of time together everytime we've met. I really like spending time with you. You're one amazing person.
Y/N: I feel the same. Seems like there's a connection between us.
Gwen: I like you Y/N.
Y/N: I like you too but......
Y/N & Gwen: More than a friend.
Y/N and Gwen stare at each other for a few moments.
Gwen: You feel the same too?
Y/N: Yeah, now that I think of it..... It's kinda obvious.
Gwen: I know right?!
Y/N: So.... Are we a thing now?
Gwen: Hell yeah! Get in here Y/N.
Gwen reaches out bear hugs Y/N. And then suddenly Y/N grabs Gwen and spins her around. Both of them share a moment of laughter before staring into each other's eyes.
Y/N moves his face towards Gwen's. Gwen cups his face with both her hands and gives out a smile. They close the gap between their faces by planting a passionate kiss on the lips.
After a few moments, they release each other from their grasps. Both of them were blushing intensely. And they could feel the warmth and comfort too.
Gwen: That was great.
Y/N: *gasp* I have a girlfriend!
Gwen: And I've found my guy.
Y/N and Gwen share a warm hug and then watch the final moments of the sunset, close to each other.
Gwen: I think I love you.
Y/N: The feeling is mutual. *wink*
Gwen: Wow, that's so romantic....
Y/N: Learn from the master.
Gwen: No
Y/N: Ok
Gwen: It's getting dark right now.
Y/N: Oh yeah..... So ready to go milady?
Gwen: *giggles* Charmed, I'm sure.
Y/N and Gwen make their way out of the park whilst holding hands with one another.
It was a great day.
I am your father.
Together we can rule the galaxy...... As father and son.
Thank You for all the support guys. See you in the next chapter. Sayonara
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