Chapter 2
Gwen's POV
My first day of high school passed through well enough, though some classes were boring. Me and Miles even made some new friends and they were really nice.
Peter and me talked about the comics, especially Marvel and most of it was about Spider Man. We had a nice talk. He even said that he knows Mary Jane. I was a little surprised by that. He's a nice guy!
And then I met Peni, she was a huge anime fan. Her roots are originally from Japan, so she knows Japanese. So..... Konichiwa! She would read almost every manga and anime. It did seem interesting enough. Maybe I should take a look.
And finally there was another Peter but everyone calls him Noir cause he loves collecting old stuff from the past centuries or so. And he wears all black. And he cracked some old dad jokes. I don't know why, but I laughed.
Then, suddenly I noticed Y/N was sitting alone at a table, silently eating up his lunch.
Gwen: Hey guys.... Do you mind if I invite Y/N to sit with us?
Peni: *points at Y/N* him?
Gwen: Yeah
Peter: Yeah, we could use some new company.
Noir: Seems like he's a new student like you two.
Miles: Really?
Gwen: I guess so...
Peter: Go on.
Gwen goes to the table where Y/N sat. He seems a little surprised to see her approaching him.
Gwen: Hey... Y/N, I'm Gwen.
Y/N: I know....
Gwen: So, I was wondering if you would like to come and sit with us.
Gwen said while pointing to the table while everyone waved at Y/N
Y/N: Thanks, but I'm good.
Gwen: C'mon, you could use a little company, right?
Y/N: No, I just want to be alone right now.
Gwen: Is something..... wrong?
Y/N stood silent, not saying anything.
Gwen, after standing there for a few more moments, left the area.
Miles: What did he say?
Gwen: He didn't agree to my request.
Peter: Huh.....
Peni: Maybe we can talk with him later?
Noir: Sure, we can.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. It was time for the last subject of the day. Everyone went to their respective classes.
Gwen had History, she quickly went into the classroom and found a seat with.... Y/N.
Gwen took a slight glance at him, but he seemed unbothered and didn't glance anywhere.
Suddenly, Mr Johnson, the History teacher announced a group project that would be really important for the grades.
Mr Johnson: So, the one sitting beside you will be your partner for the project.
Y/N and Gwen looked at each other for a moment.
Mr Johnson: The topic is any interesting or decent event that happened in the medieval age. Got it? Submit it after 2 weeks.
The class nodded and agreed to the project.
Mr Johnson: So that's it for today guys! Have a good day.
Gwen: So... Uhhh, group project eh?
Y/N suddenly gives Gwen a paper and she looks at it for a moment.
Y/N: Here's my number and adress, so that we can discuss and work on the project.
Gwen: Thanks! This will be useful.
Y/N: I'll tell you about the time.
Gwen: Sure, bye!
Y/N and Gwen parted ways. Gwen walked with her new group of friends on the way to home.
Peni: Mr Johnson's straight to work right away!
Gwen: Yeah, I know right?
Miles: Who's your partner by the way?
Gwen: Y/N
Peter: The one at lunch?
Gwen: Yep!
Miles: Well, I hope it goes well.
Gwen: We've reached my home guys. Nice walking with y'all.
Noir: So long youngling.
Gwen: Hehe, yeah bye!
Group: Bye!
Gwen walked into her house, placed her bag in her room and flopped onto the bed.
Gwen took a look at the paper Y/N had given her. She saved his number in her phone. She decided to slide him a text.
Gwen: So when we meeting up?
10 minutes later
Y/N: So, can we start today?
Gwen: Oh hey! Yeah. So.... Can I come to your house?
Y/N: Ok, I've given you the address, haven't I?
Gwen: I'll be there.
Gwen took a look at the address and went on her way. And after a few minutes of walking, she arrived at a house.
Gwen: Nice house!
Gwen knocked on the door. After a few moments, the door was opened by Y/N.
Y/N: Come in
Gwen: Thanks
Gwen saw Y/N's parents sitting on the couch, talking. They saw Gwen entering in the house. Then Y/N's dad walked up to me.
Dad: Hey I'm Y/N's pops.
Gwen: Nice to meet you Mr L/N. I'm Gwen
Dad: Ah, no! Call me by F/N. Mr L/N makes me feel a bit old
Gwen: Oh ok, F/N.
Mom: Hey Gwen! I'm M/N.
Gwen: Nice to meet you.
Both of them gave out a smile and nodded.
Dad: So.... Y/N, is she your girlfriend?
Gwen got blushes all across her face. Y/N looked like he was about to explode.
Y/N: Dad! No! She's just a friend!
Dad: Sure.
Y/N's mom seemed to be giggling a bit.
Y/N glared at his dad for a bit before instructing Gwen to follow him to his room.
Gwen: That was a fun encounter.
Y/N: Sorry about that, don't mind my dad.
Gwen: No worries!
Y/N: So.... About the assignment.
Gwen: Yeah, what do you think will be a good topic?
Y/N: Genghis Khan invasions
Gwen: Ooo, that brutal Chinese dude?
Y/N: Mongolian... , he seems interesting enough, doesn't he?
Gwen: Yeah.... He does.
Y/N and Gwen collected information from the web and wrote it down.
They didn't talk much except for some info. And after some time, they cross checked with each other.
Gwen: Woah! We've almost completed it. And it's not even a day.
Y/N: Well, the faster, the better.
Gwen: *smiles* Yeah, true.
Y/N gives off a slight smile and then returns back to checking the paper.
Gwen noticed that Y/N had been looking down all day and musters up the courage to ask him.
Gwen: Y/N........
Y/N: Hmm?
Gwen: Something's been bothering you, isn't it? I mean.... you've not been in a good mood since I met you.
Y/N: *sigh* You don't wanna know.
Gwen: Yes, I do....
Y/N looks at Gwen for a few moments and finally says- "There was a fire........ Me, my cousin and my uncle were in a building, just having a relative reunion."
Gwen looks at Y/N with clear sadness on her face.
Y/N: Something malfunctioned and there was a huge explosion. I don't really remember what happened after that. I woke up in the hospital with a fractured arm and my body, bandaged all over.
Gwen: Y/N.......
Y/N: And then I got the news that my uncle and cousin were not able to survive. This broke me and my family for several months. And moving from my old place had quite a toll on my mind too.....
Gwen: Y/N...... I'm so sorry it happened, I really am.
Y/N: Sorry, I felt like letting it all out.....
Gwen suddenly reaches out and gives Y/N a warm, tight hug.
Gwen: I'm glad you did. Stay Strong Y/N
Y/N hugs her back. Both of them have a feeling of warmth and comfort in each other's arms.
After a few moments, they release each other from their grips. Gwen gives out a wide smile at Y/N.
Y/N: Thanks Gwen......
Gwen: Thank you for telling me.....Y/N.
Y/N: So, are you leaving?
Gwen: Oh? Yeah.... It's getting pretty late. I should be going.
Y/N: Sure, see ya later. We'll continue our assignment later.
Gwen and Y/N walk to the door and say their goodbyes.
Gwen: Bye! Thank you for your hospitality Mr and Mrs L/N.
And then Gwen went off, on her way to home.
Dad: You sure, she isn't your girlfriend?
Y/N: Dad! No, she isn't.
Dad: Sure, Y/N
Y/N shoots a death stare at his dad and goes off to his room.
Y/N: OMG Dad! Stop! How do you even know that word?!
Dad: I dunno
Mom: *giggling* F/N! You made our son mad.
Dad: Did I? Y/N!! Are you mad?
Y/N: C'mon Dad, you gotta be kidding me.
Y/N's mom and dad had a few moments of laughter and then went on doing their works.
Gwen flip flopped onto her bed at the end of the day and slowly fell asleep.
At the end of a tiring day, Y/N fell asleep on his bed, along with a smile.
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