Advices to deal with Writer's block
Having writer's block or having a bad day with no ideas at all is the worst nightmare for a writer so I thought why not to give some ideas about how to make your writing better and deal with writer's block!? Warning, I am not the best author, there are tons of author way better than me out there that are discovered or not yet. These are just the things I do to find ideas and cope with writer's block and it's your choice if you want to follow them or not and not mine.
1) Reading Real Books and not only fanfictions!
Wattpad has a ton of fanfictions and we all want to be with our favorite character or celebrity together but maybe sometimes it is good to read and real books. Go to your nearest library (if you have one) and ask or search for a good book. I prefer horror, mystery and adventure books more than romance but it's your choice!
2) Dealing with writer's block!
it's simple, really. You can ask a friend for ideas or open a book and turn to a random page. Then use the sentence the last paragraph starts with as the first sentence in your next chapter! Ideas for the next chapter will come on the way, probably!
3) Listening to music!
It actually helps me a lot as I imagine things and ideas pop in my head! Also if you want to write a sad chapter listen sad songs, it really helped me writing the chapter one in ''Goodbye Happy Memories'' as that chapter was one of the best I have written until now! Just relax and put your headphones and starts listening music. I would suggest you downloading soundcloud as I learned new songs from there that were really cool and I'm gonna use some of them. For example I'm gonna use the song ''Don't Mess With Me'' in my new fanfiction, ''Evil Rises''.
4) Relax!
I know i know, you want to update your book but no ideas! If you relax the ideas will come along!
5) A story's characters make the story, not the writer!
You may be the writer, the puppet master, the "Alex Hirsch" of your book, you know what i mean but the characters will always be the "writer" of your book. They unfold the story with their decisions and their actions.
6) Write from your heart!
Don't think, just write! Trying to write from the respective of a character that is based on a real human or a fictional character from a show or something can be difficult but you will be ok, get used to it eventually!
7) Organise your ideas!
When an idea is coming to your head, write it down so you won't forget it! Don't try to remember an idea you had yesterday!
8) Don't get emotionally with ur characters!
It seems stupid, i know but i have written only one chapter in Evil Rises but i already have a deep connection with Samantha as i feel her pain. If she die, i will die too emotionally for some reason :/ .
Characters are characters that can make your story a happy or sad place making the reader excited or making hin cry. If you write something with love and each word is from your heart, people will admire your stories if you do it too :)
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