killer's typically week
killer: *has camera on record* ok, so today i'm gonna be just videoing what i do on a basic week sooooooo yeah.
Venus: *making breakfast* guys, breakfast will be ready in 5- Fu*k!!!!
killer:*stabs Venus in the back* LOL! *runs*
Venus: KILLER!!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!! *Chases him*
Lisa:*looks at kat* i guess no breakfast then.
Felix: i'll go get the cage....
----time skip----
kat: *on sofa petting japan*
killer: hey kat.. wanna fuse?
kat: HA! do you even have to ask?
----short time skip, by a lazy katbean--
killat: HA HA HA HA!! I'M ON BEATABLE!!!
Venus: this again!?
Caleb:......welp...we're all doomed
Cyber: -_-
Luke: *yeets a rock at Killat* YEET
killat: * the rock hits them* *eyes turn red* WHO. THROUGH. THAT.
luke: *gulp* 0_0
Cyber:well nice knowing ya buddy- *pats luke's back, then runs*
R.I.P: Luke XD
killer: seven am waking up in the morning, LOL snooze
Everyone: YEAH!!
Venus: ok i'll be captain america!
kat:i'll be Bucky!!!
Cyber:but you're a girl *smriks*
kat: Shut up Cyber!!
Cyber: *laughs* ok ok, i will be hawkeye
Luke:i'm ANTMAN!!
Lisa: i'm Wanda!!
Red: i guess i'm Sam *smiles*
Killer: No fair you get the good guys!!
Venus: whatever Killer
Killer: oooooh you're going down!! i'm IRONMAN!!
Felix:i'll be War Machine
Pyro: WAKANDA FOREVER!! I'm black panther!!
Ember: i'll be Natasha
Virus:i'm vison
Maddy: and i'm spidey UwU
Virus: why are you Peter?!!
Maddy: because i'm the only one here that has almost the same powers as him.
Kat: she's right
Killer: well you did make her!
kat: UwU
Venus: Aright! battle stations! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!
------le time skip----
spider-Maddy: uhhhh the are not stopping!!
Iron-killer: yeah, well so aren't we..
* if you have watched CA:civil war, just insert the whole movie, i too lazy =w=*
kat the winter solider: *sees spidey* what was that!
Red Falcon: everyone has a gimmick!
Red falcon: i don't know if you've ever been in a fight before, but there usually isn't this much talking.
Spidey Maddy: oh right my bad-
--tiny skip--(the fight is very long!! give me a break)
spider maddy: look guys , i'd really like to keep this up, but i have only one chance to impress Mr.Killer, so i'm sorry-
Red Falcon: * calls redwing using his watch thing, redwing comes and drags Maddy through the window*
spider maddy: ahhhhh!
kat the winter solider: *tied up on the ground with Red falcon* couldn't you have don that earlier?
red falcon: i hate you.
---skip again--
iron-Killer; i was trying to keep you safe-
lisa witch: you locked me in my room..
iron- killer: ok, that was a little exaggeration, Cyber long time no see
Cyber- hawk: yeah well its been a long year *shoots arrow*
Iron-killer: you missed
cyber -hawk: made you look
iron-killer: ????
lisa witch: * uses magic to through cars at him*
iron-killer: *trys to avoid them but gets buried under them*
Friday: numerous impact
iron-killer: yeah, no S*** sherlock.....
------time skip-----
Venus- america: she's my friend killer...
iron- killer: so was i-
---tem skip---
Stan lee (yep, i'm still gonna use him): are you Killer,...StanK?
Felix:YES!! YES!! He is, this is Killer Stank, you"re in the right place.
Killer: * chuckles and shakes his head*
Felix: never, gonna drop that by the way. Table for one Killer Stank! Right by the bathroom.
killer: *opens package, takes up the phone* *reads letter in box*
{Killer, i know i hurt you, i thought that if i kept the truth from you, it would be better. But i know that hiding the truth was worse, i really wish we could come to an agreement, i really wish i could sign the contract, really do. But you know i couldn't do that. i wish i could take away the pain i left you with.if you ever need me, just call, you know where to find me}
-----end of oc rp-----
Venus: Yes!! that was Awesome!!
Killer: *with a bandaid on his head and a sling for his left arm* yeah, it was... BUT DID YOU HAVE TO BEAT ME UP FOR REAL!!!
Venus: LOL
Felix: it was pretty spectacular...UwU
kat: YEAH IT WAS!!
Red: well glad you all enjoyed it, but i'm going to bed!
everyone: same..
kat: night guys.
Killer:ok guys, Pack your bags! we're going to the beach!!
obsidian:but it's winter you idiot.
Killer:I know that. Lets go to Brizal
Venus: Brizal! *grabs Kat out of shower*
Kat:*with towel* WHAT IN THE WORLD VENUS!
Venus:I got everything I need *grins*
Killer and Obsidian: 0_0
------ 1 hour later----
*on the plane*
Killer:this is gonna be a good get a way, ins't it guys?
Kat:yeeeeeeah sure it is, we got a Ninja turtle that can transform into a human and back to her normal form, a creator that made all of you aka me! and two serial kilers!!!!
Killer: oh, don't be like that kat.this a chance for you maybe bring down your walls, and have a little fun *nudged her teasingly*
Kat:whatever kills *smiles*
Venus: don't worry kat, if he and sidian over there murder anyone on this trip, they are gonna get it when go back *hands spark with blue fire as she cracks knuckles*
Obsidian and Killer: 0_0 *gulp*
-----now in Brizal---
Killer:OK GUYS LETS HAVE SOME FUN!! *gets knife*
Venus:*grabs Killer by his coat* hold up killer, no killing.
Killer:you're not my Brother!! even so he'd let me kill ppl >=3
Kat:kills plz
Obsidian:welp, *grabs Kat* kat and I are gonna look around cya
Venus: Wot!?
killer:guess you're stuck with me. *smirked*
Venus:grrrrr. *eyes go black*
-------With sidian and kat------
Obsidian: hey Kat, let's go on that boat ride! *pulls her along*
Kat: b-but I don't have any money!
Obsidian: I got that covered *grins*
Kat:oh no. no no no no no! Sidian!
Obsidian:oh relax! *tp on boat*
kat: *clings to Obsidian* cough, cough *coughs up blood*
Obsidian:oops, sorry doll *smiles before giving kat water*
Kat: *drinks it* *stares daggers at him*
Obsidian:hey, my powers are still very unstable *grins*
Kat: you're an idiot...
obsidian: hey kat.
Obsidian:watch this *uses powers to speed up the boat causing people to fall out*
Kat:AAAAAAHHHHHHH *falls and hits head*
Kat: Obsidian! STOP!
Obsidian:oh. *stops*
kat: *glares at him* will you stop doing bad stuff!
Obsidian: *sighs and moves to kat so he is an inch away from her face*
Kat:*crosses arms*
Obsidian:that's the thing kat. *pins her to wall* I'm the bad guy~ *grins darkly at her*
kat: where's Venus when you need her?!
--------with killer and Venus----
Killer: *high on sugar*
Venus:...... Killer, I think you need a rest.
Killer: imnothighyourhighwhywouldIbehigh! *runs around the place*
Venus: *sigh*in 3...2...1
Killer: *passes out*
Venus: every time..
Venus:*picks up the "sugar" pan, and reads it then pulls of the label to find another label* pot...oh crap! (pot is a type of drug)
Venus: *picks Killer up*
Venus: The he-
Kat:AaaaaaaaaHhhhhhh! *falling from the sky*
Venus: KAT!!!! KILLER WAKE UP!!!
Killer: 5 more minutes horror...
Venus: *drops him*
Killer:IM A UP, IM UP!
Killer:save kat? what do yo- OH MY F***! *tps to kat and grabs her*
killer: I gotcha kid. *tps to the ground*
killer:what happened?
----time skip----
Killer:he did all that?!
Venus: *comes back with Obsidian*
Obsidian: *laughs nervously*
----at home with the other ocs-----
Felix:*watches news* !!!!
Felix: uhhhh Red!?
Red: *eating poptarts* yeah?
Lisa:you might want to see this...
***Red and the others go to the living room***
everyone:The ****!!!!!!
{the end of this part but there is still more to come bye 💞}
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