I looked over to find my boyfriend, Jack Matthews, racing toward me with a big smile. I couldn't help but grin when I saw his attire.
He wore an unzipped baggy maroon graduation gown overtop of a button-up shirt. His maroon graduation cap was placed crookedly on top on his beautiful dark hair. His bright blue eyes were filled with excitement and happiness.
It was high school graduation day. The single day every Senior at Curmouth High School had been anticipating since they started school. And now it was here.
When he made it over to me he didn't hesitate to give me a quick peck on the lips, causing me to blush. It's funny how even after dating him for over a year, I still blush every time he kisses me. It's just so hard to believe that I could ever get someone as amazing as Jack to be my boyfriend.
Ever since my dilemma about staying or leaving Curmouth over a year ago, he had always been there for me. He always seemed to care and be there for me whenever I needed him. So when he finally worked up the courage and asked me to be his girlfriend, I didn't hesitate to accept. He was the perfect guy, and he treated me like a queen.
"Can you believe it?", He asked breathlessly. "We're finally graduating."
I smiled. "I really can't. It happened so fast."
He nodded in agreement. "I'm just glad that I passed math."
"Only because I tutored you.", I pointed out.
He laughed. "That's probably true."
"I'm so excited for college though.", I said with a grin.
"Me too. I'm just really glad that we'll get to see each other so much. I'm not a fan of long-distance relationships.", He said.
We were both going to college in New York City. Jack and I had been offered rather large partial scholarships to Julliard. The Masons had agreed to pay for whatever the scholarship didn't cover, but Jack hadn't been as lucky.
Although Julliard had offered him a ton of money, it still wasn't enough for Jack to attend. But thankfully, NYU had offered him a full-ride, so he would be going to university less than twenty minutes away from me. He did plan on taking a few extra courses at Julliard, though.
Jack and I had even thought about renting an apartment together sometime in the future so we wouldn't have to stay in the dorms.
"I'm going to go talk to Tabitha really quick, but I'll see you afterwards.", Jack told me.
Even after Stephen was put in prison again for drug possession, Jack was still constantly worried about Tabitha. He wasn't as paranoid, but his worry for Tabitha was still there.
Now that Stephen had thirty more years in prison, everyone felt so much lighter, but the concern was still there.
Tabitha was doing great though, so his worry seemed purposeless. She had discovered a passion for art and had gotten a hefty scholarship to the San Francisco Art Institute. So far she had stayed clear of self-harm, and she seemed as happy as ever.
"Alright. Tell her that I said hi.", I said.
"I will.", Jack said one more time, giving me another kiss before turning away and walking toward Tabitha.
My eyes roamed the crowded lobby of the Curmouth Arena until I spotted Will standing alone. I walked over to him.
"Hey, Will."
He looked up and smiled. "Hey Kenny."
"Are you excited to graduate?", I asked.
He shrugged. "I guess. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my life, but I do know I don't want to stay here."
Unlike everyone else, Will wasn't planning on going to college at all. He had told everyone that he was just taking a gap year, but I could see clearly that he didn't have any plans for his future. At least not yet.
"That's alright. Sophie will be happy to have her big brother for another year.", I pointed out.
Ever since Mr. Farnsworth had been arrested, Sophie had been clinging to Will. The fatherly role had been switched to Will and it was up to him and his mom to make sure she had a better childhood from then on.
Mr. Farnsworth had lost everything when he received a twenty-seven-year prison sentence. He had been forced to sell his business as well as Arthur's Amusement Park. All the money had been given to Will and his mother so that they wouldn't have to work a day if they spent it carefully, enough.
Money wasn't the only thing he lost either. While in prison, he lost his life. Mr. Farnsworth had been killed in prison by his inmates, and whatever he had left in his will, was given to Will, Sophie, and Mrs. Farnsworth.
"I might actually travel. I've been thinking of going to somewhere in Europe. France, maybe.", Will replied.
"Why France?", I asked in surprise. He had never mentioned travel before.
"Oh, you know, I just really want to hook up with a hot French chick and look at architecture while eating a baguette.", He said sarcastically with a smirk.
I laughed, shaking my head. "I don't even know why I asked."
He just smirked in reply. "I have a few ideas."
I immediately blushed, scowling at him. "Stop, Will. I have a boyfriend."
He busted into laughter, causing a few of the other students to look at us in confusion.
"I know, Kendall. And I have a girlfriend, remember.", He said between laughter.
I blushed again. "Yes. I remember, Will."
Will had been dating a really nice girl named Stephanie for about ten months now. She was actually rather classy, and I had been pleasantly surprised when Will told me. They seemed to really get along even though Will had claimed that it wasn't serious.
Either way, it was confirmation for the both of us that there was nothing romantic between us anymore, and we were nothing more than friends. And I didn't mind that at all. Will and I wouldn't have lasted if we tried. Besides, he was a really good friend. It was for the best.
After Will calmed down and stopped laughing, he continued talking. "Is Jazzy here for graduation?"
"Yeah. She just flew into Curmouth from Peru yesterday. She's sitting with the Masons.", I replied.
"You have the coolest aunt."
I laughed. "That's probably true."
"I still can't believe that she just let you ride the Greyhound bus all the way from Phoenix to Curmouth. And then she just let you stay."
"I know. I can't either. She's sort of insane."
He laughed. "Didn't she give you pepper spray."
I nodded, a smile finding its way on my lips. Jazzy was crazy, but she was fun and adventurous.
"Mr. Mason is probably fearing for his life right now.", He said with a laugh.
"He'll be fine. He has his body guards to protect him.", I replied with a grin.
"I can see the headlines already. 'GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA HOSPITALIZED
BY ARIZONA CIVILIAN'.", He said sarcastically.
I shook my head, a small laugh escaping my mouth. Ever since Mr. Mason had won his campaign for Governor of California he had hired these two beefy bodyguards to follow him around. He had always been arrogant, but holding himself up to a point where he needed bodyguards was a bit of an exaggeration of his importance.
But I was just glad that he had stopped using me for his campaign. After I had returned to Curmouth, I refused to participate in anything to do with his campaign. I wouldn't be used anymore.
And apparently, neither would Mr. Mason.
Not long after he won Governor, he discovered that Tori, his publicist and mistress, had been stealing money from his bank account for years. He fired her right on the spot.
It was actually a miracle that he actually came to our graduation at all between his business and Governor duties. He was a busy, rude, and arrogant man, but I did respect him a little more for attending graduation. It meant a lot to John, Hannah, Anna, and even myself.
No matter how mighty Mr. Mason acted, I could tell he was proud of all his children. John would be going to Brown University to study business. Anna was going to Stanford to study Psychology. Hannah was going to the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, so I would be able to see her on occasion. And then I would be attending Julliard. It was only fitting for him that we all attended Ivy League Schools.
Before Will and I could continue our conversation, Principle Michaels ordered everyone to get in line with our walking partners so the graduation ceremony could begin.
"I'll see you afterwards.", I told Will quickly.
He nodded before disappearing in the crowd to find his place in line.
I quickly found my place in the long line of students. Minutes later, the deafening chatter of students was replaced with the sound of the graduation march anthem, Pomp and Circumstance, begin to play. The line of students lurched forward and we began walking into the Curmouth Arena, where all of the major events were held.
I followed the people ahead of me until I was seated inside the humongous arena. Once the anthem was finished and all of the students were seated, Principle Michaels began to speak.
"We are gathered here today to announce the graduating class of 2017...", Principle Michaels began.
Instead of listening, I looked around at all the students sitting around me, dressed in matching maroon caps and gowns. We had all worked so hard to be where we were now. It was so weird to think that after today, we would all go our separate ways and lead different lives.
I spotted Jack towards the front with Tabitha on his other side. Then I found Stephanie, Will's girlfriend, sitting a couple rows away from me. Then there was Sarah from Choir who was wearing and obnoxious crimson shade of lipstick. And John's surfer friend, Mike, was seated too. Then I found John, Hannah, and Anna all sitting next to each other a few rows behind me. I even spotted Q, who I hadn't talked to in ages.
Students I knew and didn't were all sitting in the same place for the same purpose; to move on.
"Will you please come to stage to receive your diplomas when your name is called.", Principle Michaels announced.
One by one, Principle Michaels called students' names out alphabetically, and they went up to the stage and got their diplomas.
"Kendall Hanks.", I heard him announce after what seemed like forever.
I rose to my feet and walked confidently up the stage, the deafening sound of applause and cheering filling the air. Principle Michaels handed me my diploma and firmly shook my hand.
"Congratulations.", He told me with a smile.
I grinned in reply. "Thank you."
Then I exited the stage and found my seat again.
I clapped when Will, Jack, Tabitha, John, Hannah, and Anna got their diplomas. Then, after everyone had received their diplomas, the arena grew silent.
"Will you please switch your tassels from the right side of your cap to your left.", Principle Michaels spoke, his voice booming throughout the entire arena.
I carefully moved my tassel to the left side of my cap. I allowed a grin to spread across my face. It had really done it.
"It is my pleasure to announce, the graduating class of 2017!", Principle Michaels announced.
Everyone flung their caps into the air, creating a sky of maroon. I took mine off my head and examined it in my hands, running my fingers over the fabric.
This cap represented my high school career. My failures, my accomplishments, my laughter, and my tears. Now it was time to let it go and keep the memories.
With one big breath, I hurled my cap into the air, letting it fly away.
I grinned. I did it! I conquered high school! And now it was time for a new adventure.
I felt happy with where I was, and with who I had become. I had struggled my way to this arena, and now I was going to sing my way to Julliard. I had overcome my demons and made the best of friends. I had stayed strong when I was broken, and now I was moving on to bigger, more adventurous things.
I wouldn't remember everything in this life, but this day would be engraved in my mind forever. Because it's the moments like this that stay as fresh as summer rain; when you are truly happy and feel as strong as you've ever been.
Because in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the memories we didn't make, and the things that didn't happen.
Holy guacamole!
That was it, gang. Happy final #MachoMonday! Thank you a million for reading this entire book! You're support means the world to me💕.
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