"It's not what it looks like!", I told Tabitha immediately, practically jumping out of Jack's bed.
She grinned at the both of us. "Sure it wasn't."
Jack's cheeks were equally as flushed as mine. "Stop it Tabitha."
She laughed once more before she walked out of the room and down the hall, leaving us alone.
Jack looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry about her."
I chuckled, "It's fine. Um, what time is it?"
He checked his phone. "4:42, but we're supposed to be there by 5:30."
"Crap.", I mumbled, feeling panic rise in my chest.
"What is it?", Jack asked, his blue eyes filled with concern.
"We have less than an hour to get ready and be at the auditorium, and I don't have anything to wear.", I said frantically.
"Hey, it'll be okay.", Jack soothingly assured me. "I'm sure you can borrow something from Tabitha."
I nodded trying to focus on breathing. "Okay. I can do this. It'll work out."
He placed a kiss on my forehead. "It'll work out, Kendall."
And I truly believed him.
There was exactly eleven minutes and thirty-two seconds until Jack and I took the stage, and I was freaking out on the inside. No one had bothered to tell me just how big of a deal the Annual Fall Showcase was.
The auditorium was packed to the brim, and the chattering of the audience seemed so overpowering, even from backstage. And when I had peeked out from behind the stage curtain, I was amazed and terrified.
It seemed as if the entire town and then some were outside in the audience. As I scanned the seats, I saw Will sitting toward the back with his parents and Sophie. He looked bored, tired, and annoyed, crossing his arms and staring down at his phone. My eyes looked over at Mr. Farnsworth, and I felt sick to my stomach. He would be in the audience tonight.
I forced myself to look away from the Farnsworth's. Then I saw the Masons sitting right in the front row, the closest possible to the stage. They still didn't know about my return, and I couldn't help but wonder what they would think when they saw me take the stage. Surprised, no doubt. John would probably be happy. Mr. Mason, probably not so much.
Sitting cross-legged with clipboards in hand, right next to the Masons, sat two Julliard scouts. I could pinpoint them easily with their fancy clothes and business aura. They had scanned the stage with purpose, and before even performing, I could tell that our performance had to be amazing if they would even consider us for a scholarship. They just had that look to them.
"Kendall, sit down.", Jack said gently, pulling me away from the curtain.
I looked up at him with worry. "Jack, how are we supposed to do this. The Julliard scouts are sitting right there. Front row. They have clipboards, Jack. Clipboards!", I said nervously.
He gave me a small smile and enveloped me in a comforting hug. "You are amazing, Kendall. Your song is amazing. And our performance will be amazing. Don't worry about the audience, just sing."
"Just sing?", I echoed softly, raising my eyebrows at him. How could that even be possible?
He nodded. "Just sing like there's no one listening."
I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. I could do this. We could do this. I just had to forget about everyone that was watching me, and focus on the song. That was manageable.
I took a seat on one of the benches backstage just as Ms. G took the stage to begin the Showcase.
"Welcome, welcome everyone!", Ms. G began. I couldn't see her from backstage, but I could picture her perfectly on stage with her red lipstick and stunning smile.
I looked over at Jack, trying to figure out how he didn't seem nervous at all. He looked so peaceful, even though he was a mere nine minutes and twenty-four seconds away from performing a song in front of Julliard scouts.
He was wearing a button-up shirt with khakis, and his jet black hair was swept perfectly across his head. He was the epitome of perfection in my world of ruin.
Even though I didn't feel it, I did look great. Tabitha had let me borrow a dress that had a sleeved white lace top, and a black chiffon bottom that dropped to my knees. The hourglass shape of the dress looked flattering on my figure.
She even let me wear her black ballet flats because I had only brought my ratty grey converse, which I had worn on the bus. I was a bit taller than Tabitha and her small shoes slightly pinched my feet, but our clothes size was still relatively the same. Overall, I looked better than I usually did.
"Jack, what time do we go on?", I asked him, twisting my hands nervously.
He checked his watch. "About six minutes. We're the third act."
"Oh. Right.", I mumbled, trying to control my breathing.
Just sing, Kendall. Sing like there's no one listening. Sing like it's just you and Jack on the Greyhound bus.
"Jack and Kendall. We need you ready. You're up next.", Candace, the stage director, told us, motioning to come stand by the side of the stage behind the curtain.
Jack picked up his guitar and gave me a reassuring smile. "We can do this, Ken. It's just you and me singing alone, okay?"
"Okay. I'm ready.", I breathed, following him over to the side of the stage.
I peered out onto the stage, watching the group act that was in front of us. They had just finished, and the audience was clapping as they exited the stage. It was our time to shine.
Jack gave me one last smile before he walked out onto the stage. I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face. Then I confidently walked out after Jack.
The first thing I noticed when I stepped foot on the stage, was how bright the stage lights were. They seemed blinding as I neared the microphone that was placed in the center of the stage.
The second thing I noticed was that the audience was huge. Even larger than I originally thought when I peered through the curtains. It was like they multiplied the population of Curmouth by three, then stuffed everyone into an auditorium that felt more like an arena. It must have seated thousands.
The third thing I noticed was Jack. He was looking at me through his kind blue eyes as he sat down on a stool that was placed by a second microphone. It was as if he was comforting me without saying a thing.
I made it to the microphone, and looked out at the crowd, trying not to focus on anyone in particular. I knew that the Masons in the front row would be caught off guard about my presence, and I didn't want their reaction to make me ruin our performance.
"My name is Jack, and this is Kendall. And we are going to be singing an original duet called Forgotten Love Song.", Jack confidently announced to the crowd.
Then he began to play the familiar intro on his guitar. Once he hit the starting note, I began to sing.
"I wish I were as wise
As the night skies
Cause even now I can't choose
Which of two lives is better to lose," I sang, my voice sounding perfect. I couldn't help but feel relieved that it had started out perfectly. But I still had to finish without failure.
"My eyes are open wide but I still can't see
How is that my life can finally be decided by me
Too many options not enough truth
No matter if I stay or go
I'll be missing you
Tell me
Where does your heart lie
Was my own not enough to stop goodbye
If I'm better off
I can't tell
There's money and drugs, but love
You can't sell,"
Jack began to sing the chorus with me, "So what path will I choose
The sun, the moon, or our ruined youth
I'm dancing in the rain
And crying in the sunshine
If things were different
Maybe you could've been mine", We sang together. Our voices blended together to make a perfect sound, and I couldn't help but smile as we sang. It sounded so perfect. Jack stopped singing at the chorus again, and I continued alone onto the second verse.
"I'm wishing upon a fallen star
You're strumming my heartstrings like a guitar
My heart is bloodied, broken, and bruised
Love isn't something to be abused
I've been on the run for so long
I'm breathing to the beat of a forgotten love song
So look me in the eyes one last time
Before I leave,
Say goodbye"
Jack began to sing along again, "So what path will I choose
The sun, the moon, or our ruined youth
I'm dancing in the rain
And crying in the sunshine
If things were different
Maybe you could've been mine
If things were different down the line
Maybe you could've been mine.", We sang together. I held the note out longer, while Jack did the same in a lower pitch.
The audience erupted into an ear shattering applause once we finished. For the first time since I got onto the stage, I let myself look at the people.
The Julliard scouts were giving us a standing ovation, looking at us with approval. I felt my heart soar. Maybe there was a chance for that scholarship?! I felt a grin appear on my face.
Then my eyes wandered over to the Masons who were smiling ear to ear, even Mr. Mason. John looked at me with a huge grin. Then he mouthed something. I'm not the best at reading lips, but I was pretty sure that he said, 'That was beautiful, Ken'. I smiled back at them.
Then my eyes settled on Will. He was standing just like the rest of the auditorium, but he wasn't clapping like they were. He was just staring at me with a look of regret, awe, and relief, all in one. Then he smiled at me. He didn't smirk or grin, but he smiled as if I was an old friend or something. And it was the strangest, most hopeful thing I had ever seen.
We held eye contact for awhile, until he gave me a curt nod. Then he turned away from me and walked out of the auditorium.
The applause died down, and I looked over at Jack who was picking up his guitar and walking offstage. I quickly followed after him, not wanting to be alone on stage.
What had Will meant by nodding? And why had he left? I shook my head. I was done with Will forever. I shouldn't even think of him anymore.
Once we were safely out of eyesight of the audience, Jack set down his guitar and looked at me with an adorable smile. Then he enveloped me in a huge hug.
I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his smell. I wasn't sure how to describe Jack's scent, but it was comforting, and it made me put all my trust in him. I loved the way his strong arms felt wrapped around my body.
And I loved the way that he rode a Greyhound bus from Curmouth to California, just to see me. And I loved the way that he spoke, dressed, and looked at me like I was so much more than I really was. I loved Jack as if he were my forever.
"You did perfect.", I told him softly, pulling out of his embrace.
"You are perfect.", He replied cheekily, his smile the size of Texas.
I blushed, pushing a strand of hair behind my face. We were still standing really close to each other, and I couldn't help but think of how we had kissed in the meadow all those weeks ago. My eyes flickered down to his pink lips, and I couldn't help but want to kiss him again.
But the reasonable part of me was telling me not to. After tonight, I would have to go back to Phoenix, and I couldn't let Jack think that there was still a chance that I could stay. Love or hate, I couldn't face the heartbreak. Not again.
I stepped away from Jack. "I, um, I'm going to get some fresh air.", I said quickly.
He expertly hid his look of disappointment. "Okay. I'll be here."
I nodded once more before I walked out the back door of the backstage area, and walking outside. The air felt cool on my hot skin, and I let out a small breath, letting my shoulders sag.
It was over. The Showcase was over and now I would have to go back to Curmouth.
I couldn't help but feel saddened.
I shook my head as I walked down the sidewalk that led to the courtyard. It didn't feel right to leave Curmouth again.
My eyes danced around the campus of Curmouth High School. It looked as if I never left. The shrubbery was preened to fit the prestige of the tall brick buildings. The courtyard was still there, and the students still came to school every week to fill the same classrooms and walk the same hallways that I once did. But for the past two weeks, I hadn't been there.
And that felt so wrong.
As I made my way into the courtyard, I spotted a familiar blonde mop of hair sitting on one of the benches underneath a large oak tree, his back facing me.
I froze in my tracks. Had he changed? Would he act with the same hate that he had shown me?
The logical part of my brain, yet again, was telling me that he hadn't changed one bit. But still, my feet carried me over to the bench until I was standing right in front of him.
His green eyes met mine, then he smiled sadly. "Hey, Kenny."
I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing or crying. He had used my nickname. He hadn't called me that since our fight.
"Hey, Will. May I sit?", I asked.
"You don't need to ask.", He said, "To sit, I mean."
"Okay.", I whispered in reply, taking a seat on the metal bench right next to him.
It was awkwardly silent for a moment before he spoke up. "I know it won't do anything, but I'm sorry. For being such an ass."
I nodded, laughing a little bit. "Yeah. You really were."
He laughed slightly, before biting his lip. The air grew still again, the only sound being the occasional car driving past the school parking lot and the sound of sirens in the distance.
"I-I took, um, I took your advice.", He said suddenly after a few minutes of silence.
I furrowed my brow, looking over at him. "What do you mean?"
He sighed, before looking me in the eyes. "I called the police about five minutes ago. I told them about the domestic violence. They're on the way to get my dad right now. They're going to be here any minute."
My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened in surprise. He had actually called the police on his dad. He was getting help. For real.
He smiled a bit when he saw my reaction. "I know. Hard to believe, right?"
"But... why?", I asked. I was glad that he had called the police, but I still couldn't understand what had made him do it at all.
He his smile turned into a sad one. "It got too bad. Sophie... she needs better than him."
I smiled and grabbed his hand, entwining my fingers in his. His hand was firm and warm, and he gripped my hand in reply. He was something poisonous that I missed.
"Thank you.", I whispered.
"I-I've been missing you, Kendall.", He said, his words getting caught in his throat. His eyes glistened as if he were about to cry.
I bit my lip, not able to look at him. "I-I couldn't stay here."
"But you can. Now, I mean. My dad will be gone. I won't have to deal with Jesse or the druggies. I'll get help, I promise. If you stay. Please."
I pulled my hand away from him, burying my face in my hands. I couldn't do that. He knew that I couldn't.
It sounded just as wrong as leaving. I didn't belong anywhere, not even in the in-between.
"I don't know, Will. Nothing seems right anymore. I can't just trust you again. You hurt me.", I admitted, looking up.
He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "I know. I'm sorry, I really am. I was only doing that to protect you, Kenny. I swear."
I laughed darkly. "How could that of helped me? You broke my heart, Will. I-I told you that I loved you! Do you know how you made me feel?"
"I didn't want you to be Tabitha. I didn't want to get you into my mess. I couldn't go through that again.", He said, his voice cracking. "I couldn't do that to you."
I looked up at the sky, not being able to look into his eyes. "I can't forgive you. Not yet."
"I never expected you to. I just wanted you to know, that when you told me that you loved me, it took all I had not to say it back to you."
My heart skipped a beat, and I looked at him. His eyes seemed genuine, and I couldn't believe that he might be saying the truth.
"I love you, Kendall.", He said boldly, staring into my eyes. "I know that you don't. At least not anymore. But that's okay, because I'll wait. I'll always be waiting for you, Kenny. And if you go with Jack, then I will still be here, as a friend... or as something more. But I'll be here. Just please stay."
My hands were shaking as I looked back at him. I stood up, tears threatening to escape my eyes.
"I can't.", I said weakly.
He stood up with me, grabbing both of my hands in his. "You can, Kenny. You're so strong."
"But what about the Masons..."
"They'll take you back in the blink of an eye. John will make sure of it.", He replied desperately.
"We can never be the same, Will.", I said quietly.
"I know that. But you can still stay.", He replied instantly.
"I don't know.", I breathed.
He smiled lightly. "Kendall, you know it. In your heart. This is where you belong."
Just as he said that, three police cars pulled into the school parking lot, switching off their sirens. We broke apart, our hands dropping to our sides as we watched the police officers step out of their vehicles. Then, with one hand on their gun, they approached us steadily.
Will stepped away from me and met the officers a few yards away from where we had been sitting.
"Are you Will Farnsworth?", One of the officers asked.
"Yes. My father's in there.", He replied, pointing to the auditorium. "In the fifth row, seventh seat from the left entrance. He's sitting with my mom and my sister."
"Is there any way that you can draw him out of the auditorium?", Another officer asked.
"I'll text him to come outside. Intermission should be soon.", Will answered, pulling out his phone and sending a text.
A few seconds later, Will's phone received a text notification. "He said that he's coming out right now.", Will said, his voice wavering.
"Stay here.", They ordered before sprinting over toward the auditorium. They quickly concealed themselves by standing on the sides of the doorway. They seemed ready to ambush Mr. Farnsworth.
I glanced over at Will, who looked incredibly nervous, his green eyes focused on the door of the auditorium. I felt bad for him. He had put me through hell, but he had been living in hell for his whole life. He needed something to hold onto.
"It'll be okay.", I promised him, reaching for his hand.
He lifted his gaze from the doors, looking at me with a dazed expression. "Thanks.", He murmured, gripping my hand.
In under a minute, Mr. Farnsworth opened the door of the auditorium, and stepped out of the auditorium. His snake-like eyes instantly landed on us, and I felt Will tighten his grip on my hand as they made eye contact.
Just as Mr. Farnsworth took a step forward, the police officers pounced out from their places and tackled him to the ground.
"You are under arrest! You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say or do may be used against you in the court of law!", One of the officers shouted as he whipped out a pair of shiny silver handcuffs.
Mr. Farnsworth's glaring eyes remained glued to Will. The officers finished reading Mr. Farnsworth his rights and then hoisted him to his feet. He didn't even try to resist, but his eyes showed a violent war.
As the officers led him across the courtyard, toward the police cars, he stopped walking right in front of us. I felt Will's already constricting grip pull even tighter, threatening to break my hand.
Mr. Farnsworth's stony expression broke for a moment, and he allowed a cruel smile to rest upon his face. He stared deeply into Will's solid façade.
"I'll see you soon, son.", He said coolly.
Then his snake eyes flitted over to me, and he smirked rudely. Then he turned around and continued to walk toward the police cars.
Will's grip loosened once his father was thrown into the back of the police car, but I could still see that he was trembling on the inside.
"It's okay. He'll be gone for good.", I told Will soothingly.
He just looked back at me and nodded slowly. "Yeah. Uh, maybe we should go back in, now? My mom is probably worried.", Will proposed.
"You did the right thing."
He smiled at me. "Thanks again, Kendall. I'm going to go sit with Sophie. I'll see you after the show?"
I nodded. "You will."
Then we both split up, heading back to the auditorium. I went in through the hidden door that led to the backstage area, while Will went through the front entrance.
When I went backstage, Jack instantly found me.
"Hey. Are you okay? You were out there for a long time.", Jack asked me as soon as I walked in.
"Yeah, I'm great.", I answered, keeping my eyes off his lips. I didn't want a repeat of last time.
"The show's almost over. After the last act, we're supposed to all go out on the stage for the curtain call and take a bow."
I nodded. "I can't believe it's over."
"It doesn't have to be.", He replied.
"What do you mean.", I asked, looking at him with confusion.
He sighed. "You don't have to leave, Ken. You can stay here."
I paused. Now that I came back, it seemed as if staying might be a possibility. But I had already started a new life in Phoenix. I had Jazzy, which was wonderful, but she still wasn't everyone that I had in Curmouth. Even if I wanted to stay in Curmouth, how could I possibly tell Jazzy that I wasn't coming back? I couldn't. I wouldn't.
"Maybe. Maybe not.", I replied to Jack, dodging the question.
He opened his mouth to say something else, but before he could, Candace rushed over to us, telling us to get ready to go on stage for the curtain call.
I quickly followed some of the other students to the side of the stage. Jack followed after me, but thankfully he didn't continue our conversation. Once the last act finished, everyone walked out onto the stage together.
The lights didn't seem as blinding as they did during our performance, and I could clearly see the faces of the audience. After everyone made it on stage, Ms. G walked up to the microphone.
"Thank you everyone, for coming! Please give our wonderful choir a big hand!", Ms. G announced.
The audience erupted into a deafening applause, and we all took a bow.
"That's all for the show for tonight, folks! Have a great night! We'll see you next year!", She finalized.
The curtains closed, cutting us off from the audience, and Ms. G whipped around with a huge smile.
"Great job everyone! I think this was the best show yet!", She said with a huge smile. "You are free to go now!"
Jack and I began to follow the students but Ms. G quickly stopped us.
"Kendall, Jack, may I speak to you for a minute.", Ms. G called out.
Jack and I turned around and walked back over to her.
"What's up?", Jack asked her.
She grinned. "You caught the eyes of two colleges tonight."
My mouth dropped open. "Two colleges? Oh my god, no way! Which ones?", I asked her immediately.
"New York University and Julliard."
Jack face lit up like the sky on the Fourth of July. "Are you serious?"
She nodded. "I sure am! They want to speak to you."
Jack and I both looked at each other, our shocked expressions transforming into huge grins.
"Where are they now?", Jack asked.
"They're waiting in the front row.", Ms. G replied.
"Thank you so much.", I told her.
She shook her head. "Nonsense. You two deserve it. You were amazing tonight. Now go out there and talk to them!"
Without another word, Jack and I practically ran out of the backstage area and into the audience which was quickly dissipating. We slowed down as we approached the front row where three sets of people were seated: the Julliard scouts, the New York University scouts, and the Masons.
Once we made it over to them, the scouts immediately stood up and smiled at us.
"Hello. My name is Henry Moore and this is Jennifer Scott. We're on the Julliard School scholarship board.", A short well-dressed man introduced. A middle-aged woman, who I assumed to be Jennifer Scott, nodded her hello.
"My name is Emily Breckenridge, and this is Kian Jefferson, we're from New York University." A woman introduced.
"I'm Jack Matthews.", Jack introduced in reply, glancing over at me.
"And I'm Kendall Hanks.", I said with a smile.
"We couldn't help but notice your talent tonight. Did you say that you wrote that song yourself?", the Julliard scout asked.
"I did, actually.", I spoke up.
"And you did the guitar chords yourself as well?", the New York University scout asked.
"Yes.", Jack answered, beaming with pride.
They both nodded in approval, and I felt giddy. It seemed like things were going well.
"It was an exceptional performance, we'd like to see more.", The Julliard scout said, handing each of us a business card.
"As would we.", the New York State scouts said, handing us their business cards as well.
"Every summer we have a camp for potential students in New York. We would love it if you would accept our offer to participate in that camp this summer. It'll be paid entirely by the school board. If the rest of the scholarship board likes what they see, then we'll give you an offer for a scholarship. How does that sound?"
My mouth dropped open. This was way better than I could have ever imagined. "That sounds great! Yeah!"
They smiled. "Give us a call, and we can schedule something."
Jack and I both nodded eagerly.
"We also look forward to hearing from you. We'll be at the show next year, so we hope to watch you perform again.", the New York State scouts added.
"Thank you so much for this opportunity.", Jack told them sincerely.
"Of course. We know talent when we see it.", one of the Julliard scouts commented.
"Thank you.", I told them with a smile.
They nodded. "We'll be leaving now, but feel free to give us a call if you have any questions."
Jack and I said goodbye to the college scouts, and they left.
"That was insane!", Jack exclaimed, turning toward me with an amazed expression.
"I know, I can't believe that just happened!"
"You have to stay now, Kendall.", Jack said.
"Why is that?", I asked.
"Because they'll be back for next year's show. This is your future. Julliard, Kendall. Julliard."
I paused. Maybe I could stay. Maybe things would be better if I stayed in Curmouth. Everyone had seemed glad that I was back. I hadn't had one bad experience yet. It was definitely something to consider. And as of right now, it seemed like the best decision.
I smiled at him. "I might. I really might stay."
Jack's face erupted into a huge grin. I smiled too.
I would stay. I would stay in Curmouth.
Just on cue, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find John smiling at me.
"Ken! You never told me that you were coming back.", He said, pulling me into a bear hug.
"Sorry.", I said sheepishly, pulling out of his embrace.
"You were amazing up there.", He complimented.
"Thanks, John."
"So, are you going back to Phoenix, now?", He asked, a twinge of disappointment in his expression.
"I don't really know for sure. I was hoping to talk to your dad about possibly re-fostering me?"
John's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Of course! I'll get him for you right now!"
Before I could say another word, John had already dragged Mr. Mason over to me.
"Hello, Kendall.", Mr. Mason said, his expression giving away no emotion. He didn't seem excited or disappointed at my presence.
"Hello.", I replied with a smile. He didn't scare me anymore. I was stronger than I was at first.
"John told me that you wanted to live in Curmouth with us again?", He said, getting straight to the point.
I nodded. "I think that would be best. I want to finish my studies here and continue with choir."
He looked at me for a while and paused, before he finally nodded. "Alright. I don't see why not. Have you talked to your aunt about this?"
Jack and John both broke into huge grins. I could even feel a smile appear on my face. I hadn't expected him to let me come back as easily as he did.
"Not yet, but I'm sure that she wouldn't have a problem with it."
"Then it's settled. You can stay in the same room and we can re-enroll you in school."
I grinned. "Thank you so much! This means so much to me."
He smiled slightly. "Of course."
Then Mr. Mason's phone rang, and he gave me a curt nod before answering the call and walking away.
"I'll see you later, Ken.", John said.
"Bye, John.", I replied.
Then John followed after his father, leaving Jack and I alone in the auditorium.
"Thank you.", Jack said quietly, his voice echoing in the empty auditorium.
I smiled. "I think you were right. This is where I belong. For now."
His blue eyes examined my face and flitted to my neck. Then he smiled. "You're still wearing the necklace."
I looked down, my hand flying to the silver necklace that Jack had given me in the meadow. The words Stay Strong looked back at me.
"I never took it off.", I replied lightly.
"You don't even need it anymore.", he said with a light laugh.
"Why is that?", I asked.
"Because you're already strong. You don't need a necklace to remind you of that."
"Then what do I need?"
"Nothing at all.", Jack said, "Nothing but yourself."
I looked around the empty auditorium and smiled. It had taken me far too long to find that out. I had faced the worst of times, but here I was, still in one piece.
I didn't need anything to be strong. I didn't need anyone. I never did.
All I ever needed was myself.
I am Kendall Hanks, and I am strong.
Guys...it's over. It's actually over. I just finished "Things Happen". Time to go cry my eyes out and start another book😭😂
Welp, Happy #MachoMonday for the last time
Please note: THERE WILL BE AN EPILOGUE POSTED BETWEEN NOW AND NEXT MONDAY. Probably will be posted earlier because I'm so excited to finish this.
Anyways, I'm pretty sure I cried twice while writing this one. It has taken me two (almost three) years to write and finish this book, and let me tell you, it's been a journey. I started this book completely inexperienced with writing. Now look at me! I wrote over 5,500 words in a week, all in this single chapter!
But thank you so much for reading! The Lord knows that I would never have finished this book without those dedicated readers who pushed me along!
Please don't forget to comment/vote/add to your reading lists!
All for one final time, what team are YOU on?
•#Khon -Kendall and John
•#Kack -Kendall and Jack
•#Kill -Kendall and Will
•OR #Kendall -Because Kendall is independent and strong, and doesn't need a guy😂
Please stay tuned for that epilogue, and I'll see you next Monday, or possibly even earlier!
I love you so much,
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