my thoughts on shipping.....
so if you have read any of my BMC/DEH shorts book then you know that I, like most other fans, love shipping.
I ship characters in books, Movies, TV shows and SOMETIMES in real life. the thing with shipping real life people is that, shipping your friends can be fun and all, but when it's really large scale, it can really hurt people and friendships.
First of all, if you've been living under a rock and don't know what septiplier is, it's the ship between the Youtube gammers Markiplier and Jacksepticeye (in the pic above)
they are friends in real life and they sometimes do videos together, but people on the internet decided to imagine what it would be like it they were a couple, aka, people, lots of people, ship them.
honestly, I love that ship. I think it's frickin adorable and I would be lying if I said that I hadn't read a Septiplier fan fic or two but not that long ago I stopped myself from supporting the people that ship them.
the thing is, people would comment and yell at them in real life really rude things. from so many people harassing them about it, they started to grown apart which is legitimately upsetting.
the reason I shipped it in the first place was because I love them both so much as people and for what they do. they are great people that love their fans and are just generally really kind people and I would never want to wreak their friendship or be apart of something that is hurting them.
but on the flip side....
I don't think it's ok to ship real life people with out permission but shipping in general is amazing. heere me out!
it's a great way to get people, especially young people to get into more creative ways to express theme selfs. take the Boyf Riends ship, it's not hurting anyone in real life and the amount of fan art and fan fictions for it is amazing!
young people are relating to these incredibly made characters, using and building on skills they have and they are creating this art!
hehe sorry this was a longer rant then I thought it was gonna be, ANYWAYS,,,
good byyyyyeeeee ~
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