You're Allowed to Love
"What was that!" The Cuban boy yelled towards Keith as he saw you running from the room crying.
"I'm gonna go after her," Shiro whispered, as to avoid whatever fuse Lance was about to blow. He watched as Shiro left to explode on Keith.
"I didn't mean to, it just happened! Besides, it's none of your business!" Keith barked in response as he flung his arms to the side.
"None of my business! You've only known her for like two weeks, and you already kissed her!" He fumed. "Looks like against her will I might add!"
"Why does it matter to you what I do or don't do with her!" Keith retaliated.
"Because it should've been me who kissed her!" Lance spilled. "I've known her for four years, we've been side-by-side ever since we joined the Garrison! It was the trio, Hunk, (Y/N), and Lance, the three musketeers, and then Pidge came and it became the four musketeers, we've always protected each other, we've been through thick or thin together, and I'm not going to let some, some dropout hurt her!"
Keith, infuriated by the comment, took a large step forward towards Lance.
"I. Am. Not! A dropout, or a failure, or any other word you would like to call me! (Y/N) Is sweet, kind, bold, gorgeous, she's the whole freaking package, and I would never take her for granted!" He balled his hands into fists on his sides.
"Yeah, you won't take her for granted, or hurt her ever again, because I won't give you the chance," Lance barked. He pulled up his fist and swung at Keith, who was able to dodge it.
"You wanna play? Let's play!" Keith returned the swing. They both fought for your honor, and you would never know.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Shiro asked as he rushed to your side.
You didn't know where to go, so you had just sat on the bride of the castle, you had your head laid in your hands. He took a seat next to you. You tried to avoid eye contact with him, because your eyes were swollen red from crying.
"I hurt him," you sniffled.
"You didn't hurt him," Shiro comforted.
"I pulled away, I don't even know why!"
"I think you do."
"But, if I did know, wouldn't the answer be clear?"
"I think the answer is clear, you're just too afraid to admit it."
"What am I afraid of?"
"That's for you to decide." Shiro slung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. "But, I think I have a pretty good idea of what it is."
"What? I've never truly been afraid of anything, maybe, spiders?"
"It's the same reason why you won't let anyone else learn to love you, and why you've been too afraid to love again."
"Shiro, don't--"
"I really don't want to talk about him right now," you argued as you stood up. You were getting ready to walk away when Shiro pulled your arm, causing you to stop.
"You can't keep running from him, you know."
"I'm not running."
"Then what are you doing?" You stayed silent. You knew you were running, and he knew you were running, but you didn't have the heart to admit it.
"He doesn't deserve for me to forget him."
"But, why would you forget him?"
"When I kissed Keith, everything else in the world didn't matter, it was just me and him, and I didn't feel like anything else was important."
"And you forgot about him?"
"Only for a second, and that felt, awful." Your voice cracked. "He's done too much, for me just, to move on."
"Just because he's not the only man you'd learn to love, doesn't mean you're leaving him behind."
"But, what if this isn't what he wanted for me?"
"If he knew you joined the Garrison, then he would want you to be the best, whatever you chose to be, and now, you're a freaking paladin of Voltron! He's probably prouder than any of us could imagine!" He grinned. "Are you happy?"
"With Keith, I mean." You took a deep breath in, you knew whatever you were about to say, could affect every decision you made from here on out.
"I think so," you smiled. He made you happy, he was the first man in a while who made your heart flutter. But, then again, you weren't perfect, and you never claimed to be. You were afraid of being hurt, but more importantly, hurting him.
"Bring it in," Shiro laughed as he held his arms out for a hug. You joined his embrace, which quickly turned into him putting you in a headlock and messing up your hair.
"Before we were interrupted, can we please go see my lion now," you laughed. He nodded his head, and you were on your way.
"So, how's the black lion treating you?" You asked.
"Well it's good, it actually--" he cut himself off after you both heard yelling. You exchanged glances before sprinting to where the lions were held, to where you had left Lance and Keith. You entered the room to see the two of them slamming each other against walls, pinning each other to the ground and taking several punches.
"Keith! Lance! What are you doing!" You and Shiro shouted in unison. You pulled Lance away while Shiro did the same with Keith.
"Let me at him!" Lance yelled, spitting blood onto the floor.
"What has gotten into you both!" Shiro urged, you watched as he struggled to hold Keith back without hurting him somehow.
"Yeah, Keith! What happened, please enlighten them! Please enlighten (Y/N)," Lance grinned towards Keith, who looked like a bull in a rodeo.
"I'm done," Keith barked. He wiggled himself away from Shiro's grip and headed towards the door, you quickly let go of Lance.
"Hey, I'm sorry," you tried reasoning, but he had given you the cold shoulder. "What's the matter?" You tried putting your hand on his shoulder, but he violently pulled it away. He turned to you, giving you the eyes of a scolding parent.
"Just go, before you make things worse."
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