You entered a dark room, once the lights turned on, it revealed six suits of armor, each colored to match the lions.
"In here you'll find your suits of armor," Allura announced. You each individually stepped up to admire your separate pieces of protection. Your armor was strictly white, with a band around the waist that held a light blue gem.
"These are incredible," you whispered to Lance. He nodded his head in excitement.
"Now I must warn you, (Y/N), your armor may need a few switches, seeing as it was never tested out on a paladin before," she warned.
"So, you're saying that her armor may not hold out during a fight?" Pidge intervened.
"That is correct, but the good thing is, it won't just fall apart, it may tear, but it should hold up its own," Allura assured.
"Well, if you can say (Y/N) is safe, then let's suit up," Shiro insisted. You all looked to his side, before silently agreeing to put on your suits. You were surprised your suit fit you, seeing that you were only slightly taller than Pidge and the suit looked like it was twice your size. You all slipped on your armor with ease, except for Hunk who was having trouble getting it over his slightly larger body.
As you finished, you noticed the princess placing her hand on a large, flat table. The table opened to reveal four gadgets. They began hovering above the table.
"What are those, Princess?" Hunk questioned.
"These are bayards, the traditional weapons for the paladins of Voltron," the princess inquired. The bayards soon started moving towards their selected paladins, but you soon realized, you and Shiro didn't have any bayards moving towards either of you.
"The bayards take the distinct shape of each of their paladins," Allura recounted. The weapons were a variety of sizes, ranging from Hunk's monster of a blaster, to Keith's sharp, precise sword and shield. Allura soon stepped to you and Shiro.
"Shiro, your bayard was lost with its original paladin, and (Y/N), your bayard is kept within the lion, I'm so sorry," she lamented.
"I'll guess we'll just have to make do," Shiro gave a slight smirk, you nodded in response. Once everyone was ready, you made your way back to the control room, where you needed to get your plan ready.
"You will need to retrieve the red lion, from the center of Sendak's ship," Allura stated, there was a large holograph laid in front of you with a big chunk of it made red to symbolize where the lion laid.
"That ship is pretty big, how am I going to know where to find it?" Keith asked.
"Well, you'll probably be able to feel its presence, like how you felt in the desert," you shrugged. Shiro stepped over to Keith and placed his palm on his shoulder.
"When we get in there, you'll know, here's our plan of attack," Shiro paused and looked over the group, making sure everyone was listening. "The galra know we have both the blue and yellow lion, but they don't know we also have the green lion too. What will happen is Lance and Hunk, you will go in front of the cruiser, pretending to give yourselves up. Once you do that, and Sendak is distracted, the four of us will go in and get aboard the ship. Keith, (Y/N), and I will go in for the red lion, while Pidge makes sure to guard the exiting point, Lance and Hunk, you disassemble that ion cannon," you had all agreed with this course of action, and began on your way to the ship.
After you had completed step one of the plan, you were instead the cruiser.
"We're in," Pidge assured Lance. Pidge crouched beside the entering point, as the three of you continued to the hallway, you turned to see that Shiro had come to a sudden stop.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" you asked as you quickly came to his side.
"I've been here before, I was taken by a galra cruiser, like this one, off Kerberos, they brought us here," Shiro groaned.
"That must mean the other crew members are being held captive here, right? Meaning we have to go find them!" Pidge exclaimed.
"Pidge, you know we don't have time. We have to get the red lion and head right back to Arus," you sighed.
"(Y/N), you know just as well as me that we can't leave helpless prisoners, Shiro, you know that better than anyone!" he barked back.
"In war, he have to make difficult choices, like these, so let's go," Shiro reasoned. You continued walking off before Pidge barked once more.
"No!" he stomped his foot in place to assert his anger. "Commander Holt is my father. He and my brother were with you when you went on the Kerberos mission."
"Commander Holt was your father?" Shiro asked, his expression suddenly turning to sorrow.
"Yes, and I've been looking for them everywhere, and I am so close! I refuse to turn back without even checking for them!" He yelled.
"I'll come with you," you stepped forward.
"What?" Keith urged.
"(Y/N), I know where the prisoners are held, I'm a better bet here," Shiro rejected. "Keith, you'll be with (Y/N)."
"Why don't we just keep the same plan we had originally, that would make everything so much easier," Keith asked.
"This is just a minor change in the original plan, I'm sure you two will be fine, just remember, both of you. Patience yields focus," your plan was cut short when you heard a door opening down a separate hall that laid between you. You looked at each other before splitting into your groups and sprinting down your separate corridors.
You panted your way until you stopped at two ways to go.
"Where do we go now?" you asked while peeking into both halls. Keith stared at the galra symbol that laid above your heads. Suddenly, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Keith, without warning, grasped your hand, running you down one of halls. After many go-rounds of dead ends, Keith finally was able to lead you to the lion. This one was held like how you'd seen the blue lion, protected by a particle barrier.
"I'll stand watch, you get the lion, and we'll met up with Pidge and Shiro," you smiled. He nodded his head, and headed towards the lion.
He placed his hand on the barrier, but it didn't open.
"Let's go, come on, open up," he urged. "Come on, it's Keith, your buddy. I am your paladin!" you could tell by the tone in his voice that he was becoming infuriated.
"Keith, remember, your lion is temperamental and hard to please, just be patient, patience yields focus," you soothed. Before he was able to respond, a swarm of galras came flooding through the halls. While Keith was able to turn around and use his bayard, you were weaponless. You stared at your palms that you had made into fists, and became filled with courage to fight.
"I'm bonding with you, we're connected!" Keith yelled.
"Keith, you're fine, I'll keep them off, just get the lion!" you yelled as you had been trying not to get shot by the aliens, while also trying to fight them off. You were able to fight most off, while Keith continued to try to connect to the lion, but you hadn't realized one of the galra had a sword. While you had turned to see how Keith was doing, your back was pierced with a sharp blade. You fell to the ground with a scream of agonizing pain.
"(Y/N)!" Keith cried out.
"I'm fine, just go," you grunted. You kept scooting back on the floor, before you were finally able to sweep the guard off their feet, their sword flying across the room. You ran after it, while seeing Keith had come into the fight with you. You reached down to grab the sword, but a foot, slamming your fingers, stopped you. The guard grabbed your arm, swinging you aside. They grabbed the blade, sliding it against the stomach of your suit. You let out another ear piercing scream. You weakly were able to kick them into a large pit in the middle of the room.
You lifted your head to see Keith flying back due to being shot.
"Keith" you swallowed your gut wrenching pain, and stumbled your way to your feet. He looked over at you, dazed. You saw his hand on a panel, before he slammed his palm down on a button. Before you were prepared, the floor opened, showing infinite space. You grabbed onto one of the pillars, holding on with all the strength that was left in your body.
"Keith," you weakly let out, he was holding on to the control panel, seconds away from being pushed into the stars. Without thinking, you flung yourself forward, swinging Keith to the pole you'd originally held onto. You were reaching for something to hold onto, but realized you were grasping air.
You were able to hear the faint sounds of Keith yelling your name. There you laid, in the stars, in infinite space. Before you were able to go unconscious from the shock waves of pain, you squinted your eyes. You saw something, you opened your eyes a little wider, to realize what was actually laying before you.
There she was, in all her white, metallic beauty.
(A/N: Sorry this chapter was so long, I was trying to squeeze everything in without having a suspenseful two parter (I'm saving that for a few chapters from now). Do you guys like long chapters like this? If so, I'll be sure to write longer chapters like this more! So, until next time, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and see you next Sunday!)
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