Unlikely Friend
"Keith, you ready to head out!" Pidge exclaimed as he geared up into his armor. He watched as Keith blankly stared at his armor. "Keith?"
"Huh?" He suddenly spoke as he came back to reality.
"You good?" The shorter man asked. He didn't know how to respond, he just stood silently. "Look, I get you're upset-" he consoled before he was cut off.
"The way I feel right now doesn't concern you," he barked, slightly startling Pidge.
"Hey, I'm just trying to help," he shrugged.
"Well I don't need your help! In fact, I never asked for it!" He yelled as he began to suit up. "So stop asking how I'm doing, and stop interfering with my life!" He finished before grabbing his helmet and storming off to his lion.
"Keith, I'm just-" Pidge tried to speak before the red paladin violently slammed the door to his glider. "(Y/N) will come back," he whispered before sliding into his glider.
"Is that all you would like?" The waitress asked as you stood at the counter. You nodded while you flashed a quick smile. You walked to a table that didn't seem to be occupied by anyone while you waited for your drink. You looked around, noticing all the different types of aliens that were gathered around in the small café you'd entered. Even the waitress that has just received your order was an alien. You didn't mind, you were just going around space, you were bound to run into a few new species here and there. You were fiddling with your fingers when someone dropped their stuff at your table.
"Is this seat taken?" The girl asked. You looked at her and shook your head. She pulled the chair out and took a seat. She had light, beige skin with dark, black hair that was tied into a bun. She had sharp ears that were close to her light purple eyes. "Hi, I'm Meriuiam," she smiled as she held out her hand. You took her palm in yours and shook it over the table.
"(Y/N)," you said before you continued sitting down. You fixed your (H/C) hair so it seeped out of the hood of the jacket.
"So, if you don't mind me asking, what's with the hood?" She asked politely.
"Just, skin problems," you shrugged. You didn't really want to explain in further detail why you were covering every part of your body, so you gave the blandest answer you could.
"Anything I can do to help?" She questioned, placing her head in her hands.
"Nope, it's one of those things where you hope it just casually fades away," you nervously chuckled.
"Here, let me see" she reached for your arm and rolled up the sleeve, revealing a handful of purple blotches scattered throughout your skin. Her eyes widened, causing you to throw your arm back and cover it up. "Sorry, that's just, really bad."
"I know, that's kind of the whole purpose of the sweater, to avoid, that," you motioned your hand in a circle around her face. You sat in slight awkwardness before you heard your name being called to grab your drink.
"(Y/N), your drink is ready!" the employee yelled as she placed the beverage on the counter. You looked around before you stood up to grab the drink. Once you left your chair, you felt a force on your arm. You looked to see it was Meriuiam.
"What are you doing?" you queried as you saw her fingers digging into your arm.
"Come with me," she whispered.
"Come with you?" you asked as you tried loosening her grip on your arm.
"I know who you are," she pierced her eyes into yours.
"And who exactly am I?" you mocked.
"Your (B/N)'s sister," she spoke. You felt your heart beat quicken. "Believe me now?"
"How do you know him?" you questioned.
"That doesn't matter, right now, all you need to know is that someone is on their way for you right now. I don't know what they're planning to do, but whatever it is, I'm sure it can't be good. If you come with me, I can save you from that, and stop these purple spots from popping up." You didn't know what to say to her request. Should you go with her, or was she just making things up to get a rise out of you. Whatever it was, she had answers about (B/N) that you needed to know. And if she could stop these things from appearing on your skin, that would be a plus too.
"Alright, I'll come," you exhaled. She nodded, moving her hand into your palm and rushing you out of the small shop.
"Wait, you forgot your-" the waitress spoke out before you were too far to hear her voice, "drink."
"So, I would say that was a successful mission," Shiro smiled as the paladins, along with Coran and Allura, started to walk the streets of the small city, holding their helmets on their sides.
"Yeah, I'm sure those people really needed those cats out of their village," Lance scoffed.
"They were allergic, we discussed this!" Allura bubbled. There was really nothing they could say, that was the most useless mission they could have done, and Shiro was the only person who was trying to make light of the situation.
"Is that a coffee shop?" Pidge asked as he pointed ahead to a small shop. He and Hunk had a quick stare-down before racing inside of the shop.
"Guys, watch out!" Coran yelled out as they almost knocked over two civilians that were rushing out of the shop. The two women caught Keith's eye.
"Isn't that suspicious?" he asked towards Coran.
"Isn't what suspicious, that green and yellow know what this coffee thing is?" he laughed.
"No, those two girls were basically sprinting out of the shop, one of them was trying to cover her face with a hoodie?" he asked.
"I don't know, I wouldn't think too much of it, let's go catch up with the others," he suggested as they walked through the doors.
"Hey, excuse me," the waitress called out to the duo.
"Yes?" Keith asked as he walked up to the counter.
"This coffee belonged to the girl with the hoodie outside, do you think you could give it to her if she's still out there?" she asked as she held up the drink.
"Sure, I guess?" he shrugged. He took a quick glance at the name so he knew what to call out. His eyes quickly widened as he saw the name. "Did she mention her last name by any chance?"
"I think she said it was (L/N)?" she remembered. He darted out of the door, running in the direction he saw you go last. "(Y/N)!" he screamed down the street. He turned the corner to see you running with the woman you left the shop with. "(Y/N)!" he screamed once more. You turned your head around, but within the blink of an eye, you were gone.
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