Trust Me
"Shiro! That guys like, my hero!" Lance exclaimed, his voice sounding giddy.
"Guess he's not dead in space after all," Hunk said.
"Wait, where's the rest of the crew?" Pidge worriedly stated.
You all got closer to the screen, hunching over one an other to get a better view. You heard your commander speak.
"Iverson?" You question. "I thought he was in the lockdown."
"Shiro, do you know how long you've been gone?" You heard the men in the quarantine suits inquire.
"I don't know, months, years? You're not listening, we have no time! They're coming as we speak! They're coming for a major weapon! We have to find Voltron before they do!" He continued to yell as the other people began examining his head and body, seeing if he had been injured before coming back to Earth.
Your orbs became wide. "Voltron!" You exclaimed, realizing Pidge was right.
The men in the feed made an observation about Shiro's arm. "Sir, look, it looks like his arm was replaced with a cyborg prosthetic," one of the men pointed out. "Put him under, then we'll examine the arm further," the commander demanded. You heard the man on the table yell, before being sedated.
"They didn't ask about the other members of the team," Pidge pointed out.
"He's a legend, why wouldn't they listen to him?" Lance asked, infuriated.
"He's been gone for a year, they probably think he's gone mad, or he's hallucinating," you got up from the ground and crossed your arms. "We have to get him out," you decided.
"I hate the be the voice of reason, like I've been since the day we met, but weren't we watching on the news feed, because there are guards in every direction we look?" Hunk motioned his arm to all the guards and S.W.A.T vehicles surrounding the hospital Shiro was being held in.
"That was before we were motivated to help a legend in need," Lance stroked his chin, thinking of an idea of how to get in.
You all bounced around unrealistic ideas of how to get in, while Hunk begged for you all to go back.
"All we need is a distraction," you urged. Not a second later, an explosion started a couple feet behind the hospital. You all covered yourselves and knelt to the ground.
"Well, that was a distraction, for him" Pidge pointed to the man riding in on a red shuttle sneaking around the front of the hospital.
"Oh no, he is NOT going to one up me again!" Lance's tone seemed annoyed. He began to sprint towards the side of the cliff. You quickly followed.
"Who is that?" Hunk frantically called out.
"Keith!" Lance was able to blurt out in between his pants of exhaustion. Hunk then began following.
"Are you sure," Hunk asked, as he was able to catch up to you and Lance.
"Oh, you can recognize that mullet anywhere, that's definitely Kogane," you chuckled.
"Who's Keith!" Pidge yelled finally having packed up all his gear and trying to catch up to you all.
You slid down the side of the cliff, safely landing on the ground below. You made your way through the entrance that the man before you had made. Once you all got in, he had already cut Shiro out of his restraints, was holding him up on his shoulder, and had all the men in quarantine suits knocked unconscious on the ground.
"Nope, nope, no, no no, I'm saving Shiro," Lance lunged towards Shiro right shoulder helping Keith hold him up.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Keith gave Lance a confused look.
"Um, the name's Lance," he blinked over at Keith with a proud smile. Keith stood still as a statue.
"You know, we were in the same class at the Garrison, it was Keith and Lance, neck and neck," he explained. You snickered, seeing Lance trying so hard to impress his rival.
"Oh, Mcclain, the cargo pilot?" Keith questioned, giving Lance squinted eyes and furrowed brows.
"Fighter pilot, thanks to you being a drop out," Lance said smugly.
"Okay, okay, no time for rivalries or introductions. Let's go before someone comes back," you urged, motioning your hands towards the door. Keith chuckled as he looked at you. You looked down to realize that you were still in your pajamas that you left the barracks with. You blushed and turned away.
"They're coming back, we have to go," Hunk worried.
Lance and Keith carried Shiro back to his shuttle as you, Hunk, and Pidge checked to make sure no one saw them.
"Hey, can we hitch a ride?" Hunk asked before hopping onto the end, causing the entire aircraft to flip back.
"Is this thing going to carry all of us?" Pidge asked, while looking at Hunk holding on to the back for dear life.
"No," Keith groaned. Before you were able to get off the ground, you were bombarded with S.W.A.T cars approaching you. The man with the dark mullet and red sweater quickly turned the handles of the shuttle, lifting you all into the air, and flying away from the cars. You and Lance were in charge of holding Shiro. You looked behind to see the S.W.A.T team coming up faster than you had expected.
"Can this thing go any faster?" Lance complained.
"We could throw out some nonessential weight," his tone was sarcastic and ridicule.
"Okay, okay, let's see," Lance looked around. You laughed, seeing as Lance didn't understand the sarcasm.
"Lance, sarcasm," you chuckled, he gave you a dirty look which made you laugh harder.
"So we know who has a sense of humour here," Keith said in a monotone voice. You could here him snicker under his breath.
You began to become worried, seeing as the slower you were going, the faster the trucks were able to catch up to you.
"Big man, lean left," Keith yelled. Hunk moved left, which was able to tilt the entire shuttle, causing you all to yelp. You looked behind to see that three of the trucks had been wiped out.
"Big man, lean right," Keith yelled again. Again, Hunk leaned causing the aircraft to lean off the hills better.
"Is that a cliff?" Hunk's voice shook.
"No, no, no, no, no," your team yelled.
"Oh yes," Keith's voice sounded dangerous and mysterious. It somehow made you feel adventurous.
"Come on guys, just enjoy the ride," you smiled. It caused Keith to laugh.
"Yeah, someone has a sense of humour of and a sense of adventure! This'll be fun!" Keith hollered.
He rev'd the engine and sped towards the end of the cliff.
"What are you doing? You're gonna kill us all!" Lance stammered.
"Just trust me!" Keith said. As you began your way off the cliff, your (H/C) hair flew back, you'd never felt so alive. You squealed with excitement as the rest of the team's shrieks could be heard from around the world. You looked behind to see that the trucks had stopped following you once you went off the cliff.
Right as you were about to slam into the ground, the shuttle had spun up and flew away.
"Where are we going?" You asked as you readjusted yourself after the ride.
Keith turned his head slightly, his hair blowing to the side, "Like I said." He smirked.
"Just trust me."
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