I hAvE bEeN tAgGeD + Story Info
Yo yO Yo As YoU cAn SeE i HaVe BeEn TaGgED (let's get this started *I can hear the groans now*)
Shoutout to @Chaotic-Midnight for tagging me...I guess
1: What Is Your Nickname?
I mean there's Ki, Kyle (because people are dumb and can't read my name right), Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashian (because Kylie Jenner just WASN'T UNIQUE ENOUGH) *I'm not crying you're crying* Jiggles (my hands can't stay still when I play with Dominos :,D) and yeah... this is off to a bad start
NeXt PlEaSe
2: What's Your Eye Color?
Blue, they switch to green sometimes too depending on what I wear CuZ iM sO cOoL
3: What Is Your Hair Color?
My natural color is brown, but it's currently dyed blonde, gotta be even more of a white girl then I am right now ((another nickname I have is Becky, my real name is Kiley, just let that sink in))
4: What Is One Fact About You?
Why was this so hard to answer :,)))))
I mean I guess a fact could be that I'm 5'9, is that tall? I think that's tall? If that's not interesting just ask me a question in the comments, CUZ I AIN'T UNIQUE *quietly sobs*
5: What's Your Favorite Color?
Yellow. And gray. Black too. Am I emo?
6: What's Your Favorite Place?
I mean I like some Didney Land.
YoOoO, I take that back, my favorite place is Pet Smart.
7: Who Is Your Favorite Celebrity?
I mean, I love myself some Jeremy Shada and Josh Keaton. (Why am I constantly Voltron Trash Jesus.) *send your virtual hugs to Josh and Jeremy*
8: What Is Your Favorite Animal?
*cuddles next to giant plush lion* you know, I really like my lions.
9: What Is Your Favorite Song?
WoRdS fAiL, wOrdS fAiL, tHeRe'S nOtHiNg I cAn SaY
"Word's Fail" from Dear Evan Hansen *intensely dabz*
10: What Is Your Favorite Book?
"Wonder" by *is too lazy to look on Google* some really good author.
We be DONE. Now to the story info. You thought we were done hAHA.
As you guys know the chapters come out every Sunday, but now I have a question. Would you guys prefer two shorter chapters every week (Wednesdays and Sundays starting next week) or would you prefer the usual long chapter ever Sunday. This is just gonna be a quick survey so either way I'm still posting on Sunday, I would either be making shorter chapters and you'd get it twice a week. Or, the usual long chapter on Sunday.
Anyway, last thing, last chapter you guys were like "What I BECOME the lion," and all that jazz. After rereading it, I realized it sounds like you're gonna become a mechanical white lion, but sorry to disappoint that's not what happens. In the next chapter, I'll be sure to clear the confusion of what I meant by "you are the white lion" and have the reader be a sarcastic booger and ask Allura is she's a transformer (cuz I'm great)
Before I go, thank you guys for 2k+ reads and 100+ votes! It means the world to me that people take time out of their days to read my trash.
Anyway just wanted to do this cuz I can. Instead of tagging specific people, tag me in your tags and i'll be sure to read them! Goodbye and see you Sunday!
Why is Hero the definition of me.
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