An Old Face
A cold shiver runs throughout your body. You're jolted awake with sweat coming down your face. You inhale slowly, placing your palm where your heart lays. You peek up from the couch and see the hideout surrounded in darkness. It must still be night.
"That dream was insane," you sighed as you flop back to your position. Your dream was insane, it was about Keith. You were constantly thinking about Keith, ever since you had seen him at that coffee shop, 2 weeks ago. You had an aching pain ever since you had seen him, if only you hadn't been pulled away, if only he stayed close. Alas, there was no time to think about that for you see, you had to keep your head in the game.
2 weeks ago...
"They're the same thing! His shuttle exploded!"
"No they're not, the station couldn't explain his disappearance, especially to his family, so they faked his death," she explained. How was this possible? They said your brother was dead. Everyone loved (B/N), how could they falsely show evidence of his supposed death? Your breath started to quicken. "(Y/N), are you okay? Take a seat, please." You followed as she said and sat down.
"How can they do that?" You asked as your voice shook.
"They can do a lot of this under the nose of the law, I'm not sure how it works on your planet, but aliens go missing a lot, most people don't ask around at this point." You both continued to go back and forth on the topic before you heard a creak in the floor boards. You turned around suddenly before collapsing to the ground in shock.
"Oh my god," you shook," I never thought I'd see you again." You quickly picked yourself up from the ground and raced towards him. "Matthew!" You threw yourself into his arms and squeezed his torso.
"Never thought you'd see me again? You assumed we would never get back in touch?" He laughed as he tussled with your hair.
"Oh, you two know each other?" Meriuiam quiered as she looked over the two of you.
"We're friends from the academy, we used to be simulation buddies before (Y/N) left me for some wannabe cadet," he scoffed. You pushed him away in a playful manner.
"Hey! I just thought Lance was cute, that was all! Besides, you're the one that decided to stay on the indefinite space expedition!" You laughed. As you brushed your hair from your face, Matthew caught a glance of your purple spots when your arm went up. He grabbed hold of you arm and quickly examined it, he gave you a worrisome look.
"How long has this been happening?" He asked as he continued to look are your arm before grabbing the other one. You pulled them away and hugged yourself. Of course your only friend had to find out about your secret.
"A while, I don't know how long exactly," you shrugged. "That's why Meriuiam took me in, she said she knew a way for them to go away, but why are you here?"
"We met while he was on a mission, we became friends so I invited him to stay," she smiled and came to his side. He placed his hand on her lower back, causing her to smile.
"Matthew, I didn't know your type was aliens," you laughed, causing them both the blush. He stepped away for Meriuiam, leaving a gap in the middle of them.
"That's not the point (Y/N)!" Meriuiam scoffed. "I think the syrum to reversing the effects of your galra genes is with (B/N)," she spoke before Matthew gasped. You both quickly looked over at him.
"(B/N) is alive?" He asked, placed his hand over his chest. You nodded and patted his back.
"I mean, you left shortly after he died, you've missed a lot since then," you spoke.
"I guess I have," he sighed. He sat down on the couch. "Well, if there's a syrum that will get rid of those spots, and help you see (B/N) again, we have to do it."
"Okay, so what's the plan," you spoke.
"Okay so here's the plan," Pidge spoke as he held a bowl close to the edge of the counter. "Hunk, you're going to pour the cereal over all three of the bowls, I'll move each bowl under the box as your keep pouring, and Lance is going to pour the milk once I push the bowl. Ready?" He looked toward the others.
"Ready!" Hunk exclaimed as he shakily held the box over the first bowl.
"Ready," Lance grinned micheviously as he held the milk.
"Go!" Pidge squealed. The cereal began to fall into the orange bowls, filling one after another while Pidge pushed them toward Lance. Lance, as if he was a bartender in a past life, filled all three bowls at once.
"Heck yeah! Team Lance-Hunk-Pidge for the win!" Lance chanted as he held both of his hands in the air. They began to high five each other as they all sat down in front of their seperate bowls. They clinked their spoons and began to peacefully eat their cereal. Right as the spoon hit their mouths an alarm went off that could have caused them to lose their hearing.
"Oh my goodness I just wanna eat!" Hunk cried as he jumped from his chair. Shiro quickly ran into the kitchen.
"There's an emergency, Allura needs everyone in the control room now!" He shouted as he ran out the door.
"So much for team LHP," Lance sighed as he led the group out of the door. As they all gathered, Pidge took noticed of Keith, it was hard for anyone not to. He looked like he hadn't slept in years, no one had heard him laugh, and it's like his smile was hidden at the bottom of the ocean. Pidge stood beside him.
"Hey, are you doing any better?" He asked. No response. Keith's eyes drooped, it's like the life had been sucked out of them. "Well, I'm still here if you need to talk," he whispered before flashing a toothy grin. Still, no response. He stopped trying and looked towards Allura and Coran who were both in distress.
"Paladins, I'm sorry to bother you, but I've just discovered something horrible.
"What is it princess?" Shiro asked concerned as he held his chin.
"There's a syrum, it's being held on Zarkon's ship," she spoke as she pulled up a holographic image. It was some sort of dark green liquid held within a clear tube.
"And what does it do?" Hunk asked as he stepped closer.
"It's apparently supposed to cause a warfare across all of space and time," Coran whimpered. "The galra have been spreading the rumor that it makes galra into humans."
"Rumor, so it's not doing that?" Lance quiered.
"Unfortunately no, it's doing the opposite," Allura sighed.
"You mean it's-" Shiro was cut of by Keith's words.
"Turning humans into galra."
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