Word count: 2k words
Genre: Short story
Summary: The one where Harrison had the audacity to kiss his life-long best friend or his twin sister's boyfriend.
PART 1 ♡
(Tom's POV)
"I am so sorry. OH GOD, I AM SO SORRY!"
I hear Harrison screaming on the top of his voice. My vision is blurry, the rain isn't allowing me to see much, although I am sure there is much more than just the rain pouring down his face; his tears were also streaming down along with it.
He had taken five steps away from me after kissing me in the rain and my world has already fallen apart. He is pulling at his curls so aggressively. He will hurt himself. I take a step towards him with my hands reaching out but he takes another step back.
He is drifting away from me.
And I am drifting apart from myself.
I freeze on my feet. My heartbeat feels non-existent. I am confused. Am I dead or alive? If I am dead then where am I? Is it heaven or hell? It kind of feels like both.
Harrison has just kissed me. His taste is still lingering on my tongue. My head is spinning without even a single drop of alcohol. His touch did this to me. And now I am starving. Starving for more.
"I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have. Shit! I SHOULDN'T HAVE!"
"No... No... " I try to stop him but he's already running. My ankle is aching. I can't run fast, I can't catch his pace. Then, he slowly vanishes away from my sight.
"HARRISON! HARRISON... PLEASE STOP! Please stop... Please..." I scream, sinking down to the footpath. I was too late to scream. I was too late to stop him.
He's gone. He broke the promise.
I can hear those distinct lyrics as the soft music resonates in the air. It's the Ember Island's version— our favourite version. I am sitting here waiting for the interviewers to arrive but my mind keeps drifting off to the song.
"This is our song!" Harrison says as we are lying down on the bed.
"Umbrella? Really?" I ask, surprised.
He turns on his side and faces me, I do the same. His head rests on his elbow while my head is still on the pillow. We were looking at each other.
"Yeah..." His voice is soft. He hums and looks back at the ceiling while the music plays from his phone. He starts lip-syncing along with the lyrics, "Cause in the dark, you can't see shiny cars. And that's when you need me there with you, I'll always share. Because..."
"When the sun shine, we shine together. Told you I'll be here forever---"
"You are singing." RDJ chuckles sitting beside me. And I realise that I was actually singing. My stomach twists into a knot and my face gets warm.
"We can sing it together, kiddo!" He says, enthusiastically.
"I... er..." I try to stop him but he is already singing.
Why am I always late?
"Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh..." RDJ is singing, he is nodding his head sideways and is peaking at me occasionally.
The song is the same but the voice is different. The lyrics mean different when Harrison sang them. In Harrison's voice, they meant something but right now they are just raw. Hollow.
We are on the same magazine cover.
Oh my god.
We are on the same freaking magazine cover!
'The Spider-man 3 star tells us about his secret power food', The Hollywood Reporter headline reads with my gym photo-shoot as the background.
There are three more sub-headlines to the cover, placed near the right margin. The second one says, 'Harrison Osterfield: The young British actor tells us about his inspirational journey as the young face for Agent 007. (Pg. 3-4)'
The rumours were true. He has done it.
Oh my god. And I am not even there to congratulate him.
"I am so proud of you. I knew you would grab it!" Harrison bounces on his feet while I stand near him, blushing furiously.
"My mate is Spider-man! My mate is THE Spider-man!!" He proudly yells and keeps his palms on my shoulders. When I look up into his blue eyes, they are glossy and act like mirrors. I can see myself reflecting through them. Then I notice a little pinch of sadness shining through them.
"Don't forget me though..." He says slowly. His energetic voice started sounding cracked. It made me think for a moment.
I gulp, "You can be my assistant. I-It will help you... gain experience in the industry." I was planning to ask him this since my role was confirmed because how was I even supposed to step into my new, more chaotic life without my biggest support system?
He pulls back his arms from my shoulders and looks at me with wide eyes.
"Yes!... Also, you know... I-I am kinda afraid going on the journey alone." I bite at my lower lip.
Just say yes, I pray silently.
"Oh, div! You'll not be alone there. You'll have big stars. All those fancy people, fancy life-style and those fancy---"
"These fancy things will never come in between us, Harrison," I cut his rambling off. He pauses and glances at me.
"I am alone without you..."
I am always alone without him.
I regret not saying always, even though it doesn't matter anymore.
My fingers flip through the pages, my eyes land on his half-page portrait. He was wearing a black and white formal suit; his index finger is pressed against his forehead as he is bent forward while his were eyes boring into the front. They are staring into my soul.
My breath hitches in my throat. It's just his portrait but those eyes. Those eyes. I avert my gaze from the picture to the text. He talks about his journey from school to landing this role. He talks about his family, he talks about his journey as my assistant and then he talks about me. I can hear his voice even when it's just plain text.
'I cannot thank Tom enough. He pushed me harder whenever I slowed down. He pulled me up when I fell down. I really look up to him.'
No Harrison, you are wrong. You pushed me harder when I slowed down. You pulled me up when I fell down. It's me who looks up to you.
"Oh em jee!" The teen girl squeals seeing me at the airport. Harrison and I were walking, dragging our trolleys. I was wearing a cap, sunglasses and even had my hoodie on yet she somehow spotted me. She ran towards me.
"You are Tom Holland! I am such a huge fan of you!!!" She is still squealing as she takes out her phone, asking me for a picture. I was really sleepy and sleep-deprived at the same time, but it still made me smile. I lowered my hoodie and took off my goggles.
Harrison was standing beside me, grinning too. I was ready for her to take a selfie with us but then she walks up to Harrison and points her phone to him.
I see a little confusion appear on his face.
"Take our picture," She says almost disrespectfully. I feel a pang in my heart, I can't even imagine what he must be feeling. But then he looks at me, takes the phone and smiles.
The girl stands beside me, and Harrison is standing in front of us.
"Smile..." He whispers, looking at me in the eye, his face breaking into a bigger grin and I can't stop the smile that spreads across my own lips seeing him smile.
But I know he was sad from inside and even when I was physically present there, I wasn't still there to make him really smile, the one that makes his eyes crinkle.
I am really sorry for making you feel left out when all you did was try to make me feel included. Sorry for every time I left you alone. Yet, you always kept smiling. How do you do that?
I seriously need to learn a lot from you...
I had stopped stalking him on social media weeks ago. It was taking a toll on my mental health. But much to my dismay, I had a notification of him mentioning me in his Instagram story. My finger hovers over the unseen story. I click to see it.
The story was completely black, he has even tagged me in black. This story is exclusively for me. The song plays in the background.
No. No.
He can't do this to me.
He can't fucking do this to me.
"Now that it's raining more than ever,
Know that we still have each other,
You can stand under my---"
I threw my phone at the wall and the song stops playing abruptly. I am sure that I broke the device. But at least the song has ended.
I hate him for this!
How can he do this do me? How can he go so low?
I sunk down to the floor of my room. I am not just crying, I am screaming. Just like that night when I sunk down to the footpath...
Harrison and I were walking on the wet footpath. The rain was only getting heavier but none of us cared. The occasional honking of vehicles or the whooshing sound of tires against the wet concrete didn't bother us either.
Our shoulders were bumping against each other while we talked and laughed at stupid things. We sometimes did it, went out to have an ice-cream and talked about everything. It cleared off our minds and provided us with a break from our busy lifestyles. Harrison was holding the umbrella over our head as he was the taller one. A small portion of my other shoulder was slightly wet even when we were super close to each other. The umbrella was small, so I shifted closer to him. But I accidentally twisted my ankle due to the slippery path.
"Ouch!" I stop, putting my arm across his shoulder to balance myself, lifting the injured foot in the air.
"What happened?" He asks in a voice full of concern, stopping his motions.
"My foot. I think... I got a sprain."
"Oh, Tom. I tell you to be careful." He says and hands me the umbrella while I shift towards the wall, supporting myself. He crouches down on the empty footpath and unties my sandals, holding my foot in his hand.
"At least I didn't break my nose this time." I chuckle but it ends up as a whimper when he twists my ankle.
"It looks mild," He declares, re-tieing my sandals and stands up. I smile at him in gratitude but he wasn't smiling back. My expression changes to reciprocate his'. Then I realise that he wasn't properly standing up. His knees were slightly bent and his face was at the same level as mine. We were staring at each other. He took a step closer to me and suddenly all my senses were shutting down. The only thing I could feel was how close he was to me, how the scent of his aftershave was the sweetest smell I have ever inhaled, how his eyes were staring at mine, how they flickered down to my lips, how they closed, how the sound of his shaky breath made my heart shiver, how his lips were feeling against mine, how his breath tasted of vanilla and chocolate...
My limbs lost all their strength and the umbrella fell down, drowning us both in pouring water. His hands came to hold mine as he interlaces his fingers through mine, giving them a little squeeze.
He was kissing away the water droplets off my lips. I didn't do anything. I just let him. Or maybe I was kissing him back but it was all... so natural. I have never felt so calm and protected in my life. The way his lips rolled over mine... I was completely intoxicated.
There was something intimate about rain. Something soothing. Your ears are drumming with the pitter-patter sound that you can't hear the regular hustle-bustle. For once I felt like Harrison and I were absolutely alone in this world. I liked that feeling.
But we weren't.
That's when the reality hit him and he panicked.
I was dating his twin sister.
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