Page 8.
I was laying on my bed staring at my roof when my door swung open " EVAN" Jack yelled and jumped on my chest, I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him " Take me to see the lights" he said and I raised a brow.
He leaned back and Henry was leaning on my door frame " Its ok I trust you" Henry said and I smiled " COME ON" Jack yelled grabbing my hand I laughed as he drug me out of bed and down the stairs.
" Ok ok" I said as he jumped on my back " Bring him home safe" Henry said and I nodded my head as we walked out the backyard and I started down the path I explored one night when I couldn't sleep.
" It's scary out here" Jack said wrapping his arms around my neck " I know but its calm if you ignore the fears" I said and he chuckled " Well I have you to protect me so im not that scared" he said and a smile creeped on my face slowly.
I heard a noise and I turned towards it not seeing anything so I tensed up " Are we close yet" Jack said and I hummed keeping my eyes peeled into the woods.
I saw the clearing and I walked out " Ok close your eyes" I said and he removed his hands putting them over his eyes, I walked out on the hill seeing the city glowing as I helped him off my back, I stood him facing the city and I put my hands on his shoulder " Ok open them" I whispered in his ear.
I heard him gasp as his eyes searched the lights " I have never seen it from this far away" he said and I walked over to a tree and sat down as Jack came up and sat between my legs I played with his long hair as he stared.
" It's so pretty" he said " I know I love it" I said and he giggled " It like the stars but it's closer I just wish I could reach out and touch it" he said and I hummed " I know how you feel" I said as he leaned back and I wrapped my arms around him.
A few hours I heard soft snores coming from him and I smiled at his small figure as he shifted " You're the best brother I could ever have" he said sleepily as he pulled my arms tighter around him and I heard the soft snores again.
I smiled looking around when I froze and gasp, the masked man was leaning on the tree right beside me, how long has he been there!
He looked down at me " H-How-" he held a finger up so I stopped talking as he looked back towards the city, I kept looking at him and everything felt calm when I should be freaking out for my life but he looked so relaxed.
" Beautiful ain't it" I said in a whisper and he looked down at me staring into my eyes as I saw beautiful blue eyes sparkling and he nodded looking back at the city I smiled at him but he didn't see me and I felt my eyes getting heavy.
I awoke to a tap on my shoulder and I looked to see those blue eyes beside me, I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see it was still night, I should be getting home.
The blue eyes walked beside the tree as I shifted and picked Jack up in my arms, once he was in my arms fast asleep the man came out and stood beside me I smiled lightly and started to walk " If you want to kill me let me get him home safely" I said looking down feeling my heart race.
I felt a hand on my chin as my head was turned I looked at him and my heart was pounding against my chest, he closed his eyes and shook his head, he let go and kept walking I was frozen in shock his hand was gently and soft for a killer.
He turned around looking at me and I took a deep breath and started walking once I was beside him he walked with me I was so nervous I was going between scared and calm it was really messing with me.
" So your not going to hurt me" I asked in a whisper and he looked at me shaking his head " Why" I asked but he didn't answer he kept walking I haven't heard him talk and his mysteriousness was really getting to my curiosity.
Once I saw the house he stopped and I walked out into the yard I turned to see him walking away " Hey" I whisper/ yelled and he stopped turning around " Will I see you again" I asked and he sat there I'm guessing thinking before his head lifted up and he shrugged at me then disappeared into the dark.
Damn he does that a little to well, I smiled at myself as I walked in and went to their side of the house, I walked in looking around and found Henry sitting on the couch " Hey" I said and he looked up smiling at me " Sorry we didn't come home sooner he fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him right away" I said.
" I'm just glad your home safely" he said putting a hand on my shoulder as he walked down the halls and up the stairs, he opened a door and I walked in placing Jack on the bed and covering him " Thank you" Henry said and I nodded " No problem" I said walking out and closing the door.
" He likes you guys a lot so please whatever is going on keep it up because your not dead yet, your making him happy" Henry said and I smiled " Thanks and yeah I have been careful" I said as I lied I walked back to my side not bothering to speak of the man I have been seeing here and there well whenever he shows up to me.
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