Page 4.
" So want to mess with some people" Craig asked and I looked at him in pure shock " Whoa since when did you turn into a little devil" Tyler said hugging Craig from behind smirking and kissing his neck gently " Ok well E-Vanoss pick someone" Craig said he gets nervous using my real name in case when I'm out someone sees my face they won't be able to track me by name.
I leaned against the wall looking around until I saw a woman step out of a carriage she had a young boy following her as she commanded him to do stuff " That one" I growled and the guys got their devilish smirks " Go hide then mister boss man" Craig said as Tyler lead him over.
I waited by the local store I put a hat on and tied a golden bandana around my mouth staring at the ground looking around with the corner of my eyes, I saw Tyler and Craig slip into her carriage and I smirked, this is gonna be fun.
After a few moments she walked out, the boy was carrying all her bags, she opened the door " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" she yelled and I laughed running and grabbing her purse as Tyler pushed her away " Children aren't fucking slaves you whore" He yelled dragging Craig behind him.
" Guards somebody" She yelled looking around but everyone was in shock as to what just happened, no one has seen this happen in broad daylight, we rounded a corner taking back alleys behind shops and buildings.
" Ok" Craig said hands on his knees panting and laughing, I sat down laughing as Tyler leaned on the wall " Did you s-see her face" Tyler said wheezing " She was pissed" he added on, once we calmed down I opened her purse " Hm she's got some money in this thing" I said counting it " Yeah here too" Tyler said opening a bag.
" Want to have a date" Tyler said wiggling his eyebrows at Craig " Would love to sir" Craig said putting a hand on his chest and kissing him shortly " Whoa you didn't have to give him a hickey" I said laughing as they both looked at me.
" If I'm going to make out in someones carriage im going as far as I want" Tyler said chuckling " Ok but don't fuck him running away naked might be a little harder" I said bursting out laughing as Craigs face went red.
We got up and I put my bandana away and my hat in the bag as we walked down the street " Now see we are a help" Tyler said and I sighed " Yeah for this stuff I would never let you join me at night its to dangerous" I said frowning at how much they offer to help.
" I can handle myself" Tyler said puffing his chest out, Craig slapped it " Thanks Mini and no Wildcat you have him to take care of while im gone" I said motioning to Craig and Tyler sighed " Yeah yeah whatever" he said waving it off.
I heard commotion when we walked by and alley and I went to walk in " No leave it be" Tyler said grabbing my hand but I shrugged out of his grip as I walked slowly down the alley the guys behind me " Please stop" I heard someone beg before a thump was heard.
I peaked around a corner and saw a group of men and a skinny elder on the ground, my stomach turned to fire and I was gritting my teeth " Wild take him home now" I growled " Vanoss leave it be please its day time" Tyler begged me " NOW" I yelled staring him down, he held his hands up nodding and walking off " Be safe" Craig said before they left.
" Bitch" I yelled walking into sight " And who are you" one of the men said and I smirked behind my bandana " Your worst nightmare" I said and they started to laugh " Want to be a hero boy" a guy said walking towards me with a knife out.
I stood tall waiting as he walked at me slowly, lets hope all that training helps because ten men is a little much for the daylight and I can't hide, he swung at my face and I ducked grabbing the knife from his hand, as I brought my arm back I cut his throat open.
His hands went to his neck in attempt to stop the blood but I kicked him to the ground and threw the knife into another guys head, they all jumped and got their weapons out " Come on" I said smirking at them feeling more of a rush.
Three men came at me as I bucked and punched one in the stomach making him back away I stabbed another's leg, one came at me and I dropped to a knee and bent back away from the knife, another came towards my face so I rolled.
I rolled over the guy I stabbed in the leg and as I did I stabbed him through the heart then stood up noticing the other five men were on the ground dead and I looked back at the two in front of me ones throat was cut as he dropped to the ground.
What the fuck?, the last standing man dropped his knife " I-Im sorry" he said backing away and I raised a brow standing up but I soon froze when a knife went past my head sticking into his skull, I swallowed and slowly turned around to find no one, I looked around frantically and still saw no one, how the fuck?
I walked over to the man on the ground " Hey" I said kneeling in front of him and held a hand out, he shakily opened his eyes " P-Please d-don't" he stuttered and I frowned " No sir I'm not here to hurt you" I said removing my hat and bandana.
His eyes softened up " T-Thank you" he said taking my hand and I helped him stand " No problem now here" I said reaching into the purse I stoll earlier and dropped coins in his hand as his eyes widened " Take this and go eat feed your friends or family" I said nodding and turning around.
" What your name" he asked grabbing my arm lightly as if not to upset me " Vanoss" I said and he nodded " Thank you" he said once again before running off I smiled, I always felt better after helping them because I know it's a hard life and a little kindness will go a long way in their eyes.
I turned my attention back to the bodies I walked up to each of them finding clean cuts on the men I didn't kill, I took the knife out of the one guys head it shines a light metallic blue, who did this, I thought runnign my finger over it.
I hissed pulling my finger away " Fuck that's sharper than anything I've ever touched" I said sticking my finger in my mouth to stop the blood as I looked over the knife and examined it, it shown with the light and yet the blood was clung to it as if trapping the blood inside.
I looked around removing my thumb to see the bleeding stopped, I couldn't see anyone then I looked up and curiosity got to me so I climbed a building getting to the top in no time I crouched on the roof as I looked around I still saw no one " What the fuck" I whispered to myself.
Once back on the ground I hide the bloody knife under my shirt and zippered my jack so no one would see, I walked down the street looking at every face wondering how someone could go from being right behind me in an open area to just vanishing.
What scared me more was that whoever it was killed seven men by themselves while I killed three, and why wasn't I dead maybe the knife was meant for me, I shivered at the thought and put my head down as I walked through the streets.
For now what happened will stay to just me I'm not risking telling the guys in case someone comes so they can deny knowing what I do to keep them a little safer, let's hope next time I run into this person I come out alive again they seem highly skilled.
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