Page 30.
We arrived back to the house and everyone made their way out Delirious was laughing and smiling as they all talked everyone seemed to like him a lot and well I'm seeing a nicer side to him then I expected he wouldn't be bad in a group but he chose to stay alone.
I smiled as I stepped out and Craig grabbed my hand before I could walk inside, he pulled me to the backyard and let go " Do you think he was lonely" Craig asked and I sighed putting my hands in my pockets " Maybe he has been alone for so long" I said staring at the stars.
" I like him he is really nice and everyone likes him too, Tyler is taking a liking to him like their long lost friends" Craig said looking down chuckling to himself " Yeah he fits in perfectly" I said seeing my breath in the cold crisp air.
" He does maybe after tonight he will have that little push to stay more" Craig said as if speaking from his thoughts " I hope so but yet maybe this will make him want to stay away more" I said sighing as I started to think of the downsides.
" Oh would you stop it" I heard a low soft voice say and arms wrap around me " Hey" Craig said and I felt him place his head in my shoulder " Hello Craig" Delirious said and I smiled lightly.
" Want me to leave" Craig asked and Delirious shook his head " You can stay I don't mind" Delirious said and I looked down at his hands holding my stomach and I ran my thumb over his arms " You two are just so fucking cute" I snapped my head up hearing Tyler's voice.
I looked away blushing " So you two are dating" Tyler asked and Delirious chuckled " No I wouldn't say dating but there's definitely something here" Delirious said making my heart flutter " Well how long have you two known each other" Tyler asked and I got a little nervous.
" Eh a few months now" Delirious said " Damn and you never brought him around I feel hurt" Tyler said gasping and placing a hand on his chest, I looked up smiling at him as Delirious chuckled " Well he never wanted to come around" I said pressing my head against his.
" Well you better not be a stranger your cool man I want to see you around more often" Tyler said patting his shoulder " Thanks I'll see about it I think I may be around more" Delirious said and I turned to face him as my eyes light up.
" Your cute" Delirious whispered and kissed my forehead " Oh would you two stop before you make my heart explodes" Craig said and I looked down blushing as Delirious held me close to his chest " That's adorable as fuck" Tyler said smiling at us.
" Foods ready boys" Amelia yelled and Delirious grabbed my hand walking me house I turned my head and Tyler winked at me while giving a warm smile and I blushed looking towards Delirious he was beautiful and I can't help but think about him staying.
" What you thinking about" he said looking at me for a moment before opening the door " You as always" I said walking in, Delirious nodded to the guys as they walked in past him as well.
" You don't have to think about me because I'm right here" he said cupping my chin and kissing me quickly then searching my eyes and smiling " What" I asked quietly and he just smiled bigger at me before he kissed my forehead " Come on your hungry" he said as we walked to Henry's side of the house.
" Jonathan shall you be staying tonight" Amelia asked handing everyone a plate and he looked at me and I gave him begging eyes as I heard Tyler chuckle softly " Yeah I think that would be alright" Delirious said and I smiled brightly.
I looked away at Tyler and Craig they both looked at me with shining eyes and big smiles I just blushed and started to eat.
I felt a hand on my leg and I looked over to see Delirious was finished and rubbing my leg with his thumb staring into my eyes " Well if you two keep that up id say your married" Henry said laughing and I looked away.
Delirious gave him a raised brow and nervous expression, Henry waved his hand " Eh don't give me that look I'm not like most love is love in my eyes so if you two like each other have at it I support you" Henry said and I looked up smiling at him.
Some time passed and we were all sitting around talking and Delirious was laughing I was just quite enjoying our moment and listening to his laugh as they joked with each other, he looked happy for once and I'm just glad I could be the reason for it.
" What are you smiling about" Delirious asked looking at me with a raised brow " Your all acting like he's been here from the start" I said looking around at the guys since Amelia took Jack to bed.
" Well I like the guy" Tyler said " Yeah he fits in perfectly with us" Craig said smiling at us " Eh the guy has a sense of humor I like that " Henry said and I saw Delirious blush and smile brightly god anyone would fall for him he is perfect.
" He's perfect that's why" I said and he looked back at me smiling as we stared into each others eyes " Ahem... Kiss * Cough *" Tyler said and I chuckled until I felt a hand on my face and I stared into his blue eyes.
He smiled lightly and leaned forward kissing me and I felt my body melting as he pulled away " Well ain't that something" Henry said looking at us " You kiss him like he would your wife" Henry said chuckling.
" I can see it" Tyler said and I raised a brow at him " Dude you would so be the girl" Tyler said snorting and I just buried my face into Delirious's chest as I flipped him off, I heard a deep chuckle from Delirious and the guys laughed.
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