Page 28.
I was getting dressed when I heard a knock on my door " Come in" I said and heard it open " Hey Evan" Craig said sitting on my bed as I finished getting dressed " Why do you look so sad" he asked and I sighed turning around.
" I haven't seen Delirious and I really wanted to see him tonight" I said and Craig gave me a sympathetic look " I'm sorry but you'll have us so don't worry to much" Craig said giving me a soft smile.
" Yeah I know I just miss him" I said shrugged " I know you do but come on everyone is waiting" he said getting up and hugging me " You'll see him soon" Craig said before walking out of my room.
I walked out of my room to the ballroom seeing everyone was dressed and ready " The carriage is outside waiting for us" Henry said and I nodded it's far away in the center of town so it's too far for us to walk.
We walked out the doors and got in, once we started to move I stared out at the trees replaying memories of me and Delirious as I waited for us to arrive.
After some time I saw bright lights " Wow" Jack said placing his face on the window looking out at all the people passing by us " Look at everything" he said ecstatic.
" Come on" he yelled grabbing Craigs hand and dragging him out of the door and onto the ground I smiled as Tyler put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me out " Come on let's have some fun" Tyler said putting an arm around my shoulder.
" Want to look around first" he said and I nodded as he lead me through the crowd " Can you watch Jack please" Henry asked holding Amelia's hand " Yeah we got him go have fun" Tyler said and they nodded walking off.
It was a large crowd of people " Were going to be here late aren't we" I asked nervously and Tyler stared off for a second " Until lunch then we should be heading home so we can eat and rest" he said and I nodded my head.
" Oh this one" Jack said and we walked over to Craig and Jack as he stood in front of a booth with cans " Knock them over with one ball and pick what you want" the guy behind the booth said and I smiled paying for 4 balls.
Jack threw and missed frowning as he walked over to me " Don't worry buddy I got you" I said patting his shoulder and throwing a ball knocking them all down " Now go pick" I said and his eyes lite up as he pointed and the guy handed him a small blue teddy bear with a red jacket.
I smiled at him and thought about getting Delirious one but he probably wouldn't see it much if he is out so much " Oh come on" Craig said throwing his hands in the air from missing his shot " Here" Tyler said throwing the ball and knocking the cans over.
" No you should pick you won" Craig said and Tyler kissed his forehead " I won for you now get your ass over there" Tyler said pushing him and Craig pointed to a small fox, once the guy handed it to him Craig held it to his face " Oooo it's so soft" Craig said smiling.
" Feel" Craig said pushing it to Tyler's face and he laughed as Craig rubbed it over his face " That is soft" Tyler said and pushed it away to kiss Craig before wrapping an arm around his waist.
" Where to next" I asked as Jack jumped on my back " That way" he said pointing over my shoulder and I laughed as we started to walk, more people were showing up and it was getting crowded I don't mind it much but with Jack around I was on edge.
I made sure no one would pick pocket us, steal or try anything funny " Calm down we will be fine" Craig said nudging my shoulder and I softly smiled at him " Gotta be prepared just in case" I said and he shook his head smiling at me.
" Evan" Tyler said as I let Jack off my back and he ran over to Craig " Yeah" I said turning towards him and he placed an arm around me neck and resting his hand on my shoulder.
" What's been going on in that head of yours" he said squeezing my shoulder and we matched or walking " A lot to be honest" I said and he raised a brow at me " Oh no nothing bad just random thoughts ya know" I said looking away.
" You know you can talk to me" he said and I gave a small smile " I know but really it's nothing that bad just like mood swings I guess" I said shrugging and he chuckled " I always knew you were a girl" he said pulling me in for a side hug.
" Thanks" I said sarcastically and chuckled " Your welcome" he said looking forwards as we continued to walk around, I caught a glimpse of Craigs smirking towards us and I raised a brow at him but he quickly looked away.
I thought of something and I wrapped my arm around his waist " Hey Craig" I said and he stopped turning around with a raised brow " Im stealing your man" I said and he smirked " Don't think you could handle him" Craig said and Tyler burst out laughing.
" He can be a little rough sometimes might break your fragile figure" he said and my eyes widened as I chuckled quickly " Well let's find out" I said and kissed Tyler's cheek, I saw Craig smirk as he motioned Jack to Tyler and he ran at me.
I turned and took off running " Come here" he yelled behind me and I laughed " Come on your stamina should be good from Tyler working your ass" I said laughing as I saw him getting closer to me and I laughed turning and running through the crowd.
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