Page 12.
" Have you ever thought about living a normal life" I asked running my finger over his chest, he placed a hand on my arm and I looked up at him " I could never have one" he spoke in a sad tone but his eyes gave no emotion.
I sat up and sat in his lap running my hands over his chest tracing the scars that were left behind " How do you know you can't" I asked tracing on that was over his heart " Because I was never meant to be loved" he spoke softly looking away.
I stared at him he looked sad, hurt and broken, I placed a hand on his chin and made him face me " Everyone finds love" I spoke and he just closed his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them, he removed my hand and slide his fingers between mine.
" Some people aren't meant to fall in love it's just a part of this cold world" he said, I laid my head down on his chest as he played with my hair " If the world is so cold then why are you here" I asked biting my lip and closing my eyes.
" I don't know why I'm here" he said rubbing my shoulders " I just can't stay away I try but I always end up right back to you" he said and I heard his heart speed up for a moment before calming back down, I leaned up looking into his eyes.
" Then stop trying to fight, stop trying to run" I asked in a begging tone " I wish I could but its to dangerous for you" he said pushing my hair out of my face and I frowned grabbing his hands and bringing them to my face.
" I can handle myself and you need someone you can't always be alone" I spoke as if I was trying to reach his soul " I have been alone most of my life yes there are few people who know my mask and lived but I have never had anyone" he said cradling my face.
I closed my eyes leaning my head into his hands " Your not alone anymore" I said with double meaning because for once I don't feel so cold I feel happy even though I hardly get to see him I know he will always be there he will come back to me and that feels the whole in me that was empty.
" Come with me" I said getting up and grabbing his hand pulling him with me " Evan I don't want caught" he spoke as I opened my door looking around " Then follow" I said opening my door pulling him out and closing it as I ran through the house him trailing right behind me.
I opened our back doors and stepped out " Come on" I said in a cheerful tone as I started to climb the house, I looked down to see him climbing his muscles were flexed making my heart beat faster, I smiled climbing onto the roof.
I reached my hand down as he placed his gently in mine staring into my eyes as I lifted him onto the roof, I dragged him to a flatter part and laid down pulling him beside me, I looked over seeing the moon shine on him like an angel " You smile at me a lot" he said chuckling.
I rolled over as my bare chest was against his my hand was on his stomach dragging lines as my head rested on his shoulder " You make me happy that's why" I finally spoke and he wrapped his arms around me.
" Go to bed Evan you need sleep" he spoke up and I shook my head " You need to sleep as well" I said intertwining our fingers " I will sleep once I know your ok" he said and I smiled closing my eyes and nuzzling closer to him.
I woke up and felt cold I looked around and found myself in my bed again, how did he get me here, I saw he was gone his clothes were gone I frowned but knew he would return in time and I would gladly wait for him.
I stood up and took a shower feeling my heart beat stronger as I remembered the moments we shared the nights we stayed away the risks he took for me and the trouble I caused just so I could see him.
I slid down the wall with a smile across my face, I eventually got up and turned the water off stepping out and walking to my closet once I opened it my heart skipped a beat, right where my jacket normally is was his sky blue hoodie.
I pulled it out feeling the smooth fabric tracking the small niks all the darkness all the story behind it, I grabbed a shirt and threw his hoodie on it was big on my but yet it made it all the more better.
There was a knock at my door " Come in" I said and I heard the door open revealing Henry " Ready for today's lesson" he said and I chuckled " Will I ever be done with these" I asked and he laughed shaking his head " When I'm dead maybe but till then every day now come" he said closing my door.
I smiled as I saw him on the ground " Well someone finally learned how to take my old ass out" he chuckled standing back up " You were more relaxed and focused this time" he said raising a brow at me " Yeah well I slept good last night and I'm used to your attacks" I chuckled as he smirked.
" Why the new hoodie" he asked looking at it, I looked down running my hand down the fabric " My other one got ruined so this is an old one" I said lying to him but he nodded at me and I knew he believed me I felt bad but yet I knew I couldn't openly tell him about Delirious he would get extremely mad.
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