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" Is this the city" Craig asked looking around with wide eyes " Yep" Tyler said holding his hand as they started down the hill at the city I watched taking a deep breath before I walked with them it took over a week to hike here but yes towns and cities are so far away and with the wildlife most people don't want to run or try and get killed for few they make it to a new beginning.
As we walked down the streets a young boy came up to me " Sir can you spare me money for my family" he asked his clothes were ripped and dirty I kneeled down and put a hand on his shoulder " How about we go meet them" Evan smiled gently and the boy got nervous looking down.
" Hey don't worry about it ok im homeless to I just want to meet the parents of a lovely boy" Evan said the kid looked up slowly staring into his eyes and smiling lightly, Evan stood up and the boy grabbed Evans hand holding it as they walked, Tyler and Craig followed smiling.
They watched as their best friend walked with the young boy it reminded them of the day Evan took them in how they were on the run from the orphanage threatening to split them for dating each other, they were alone in the dark when a kid walked up and offered them food.
They talked for a while and Evan offered them to stay with him and he would take care of them, the boys having no where else accepted the offer from him as they grew older they found out Evan was a thief and killer that's how he made money the boys didn't care because he did it for them they felt like a burden.
Eventually Evan started to take care of the homeless and others that struggled they wanted to help him but Evan always refused saying it's dangerous and he just wanted to see their smiles when he came home and got them things.
" MA! PA!" The boy yelled happily running up hugging a couple who looked like they should be dead, Evan frowned walking up to the couple " Jackson what have we warned you about" The man growled before coughing " I-I'm sorry he was so nice" the boy said hanging his head in shame.
Evan felt a pain in his gut but walked up and kneeled in front of the man " We don't have anything for you to rob" the man growled and Evan shook his head sticking his hand out " The names Evan im not here to steal from you" he spoke in a low tone.
" Im Amelia, this is my husband Henry" The lady spoke in a sweet voice as her son sat on her lap " This is our boy Jackson he believes that people have good in them but the last time he brought someone here they beat my husband and took our food" the lady explained.
" This is Tyler and Craig they were run away orphans I took them in with me" Evan said waving them over and they nodded greeting the family, Evan stood up " Keep them company and make sure no one hurts them" Evan said and the guys nodded sitting down.
Evan started to walk off when he felt a small hand grab his " Jackson get back here" the father growled " It's fine I won't let him get hurt" Evan said " Behave hunny" The mom said while the father growled and Tyler started to talk to him.
The father looked at Evan and nodded, they turned around and walked out of the alley " So you want some candy" Evan said smiling as the boys eyes lite up " Can I" he asked in a tone as Evan chuckled lightly and walked them into the store " Go get something for you and your family" Evan said letting go of the boys hand as he ran through the store.
Once the boy came back Evan payed and nodded to the clerk before walking out and around the town they stopped and got new clothes for the family, Evan and the boy sat down and ate a meal getting some for his parents before making their way back.
Evan rounded the corner carrying the boy on his back as the kid explained how they lost their jobs and he wanted to be a good person who helped out those in need, Evan smiled as this boy reminded him of himself a younger version.
" Here" Evan said handing them the two boxes and setting the boy down handing him his candy " Thank you" the boy said hugging Evan tightly and he smiled at the boy once he pulled away " Sir I'm sorry but we cannot accept this" the man said and Evan simply raised a hand.
" I have been here before so please take it" Evan said and the man nodded as the mother hugged him " Thank you for this" she said tears rolling down her face " You have a good boy" Evan said and she pulled away as they looked at him talking to Craig and laughing.
" Say do you guys need a home" Evan said " Oh no we couldn't ask that of you" the woman said " Well we are new here and would need some help around the house and being shown the town" Evan said smiling as she sat there thinking for a moment.
Tyler picked the young boy up running around Craig as he tried to tickle the boy, the mother smiled and the father stood up " Son we would love to just keep our boy safe is all I ask" the man said shaking Evans hand " I will don't worry" Evan said he watched the guys playing with the boy while the parents got changed.
" I-is this our new home" the boy asked over Evans shoulder and he nodded putting the boy down as he ran inside the small but large looking house, it was two stories split in half by a large ball room " Son you are to kind this town has a dark side so please be careful around here" the man said patting his back as they walked to the left picking out rooms.
" Your to nice sometimes" Craig said hugging Evan tightly " Well you guys seem to like him so why not give you guys something to do while I'm out" Evan said pulling away " Now let's go get a proper nights sleep shall we" Evan said as they walked to the right.
The two sides were like separate houses with the same things conjoined through the ballroom, there was a large backyard with a pond and rose bushes it was far enough from town people shouldn't bother them and they could hide many secrets some of those are Evans dark secrets.
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