Blood of the Covenant
He couldn't help but smile to himself. A sense of pride and accomplishment bubbled up in his blood, causing goosebumps to cover his skin. It had been some days since he made his mother smile. But tonight, he meant to. He met her intimidating stare. She sat in her chair, wearing a long black dress that draped the floor even when she wore high heels. Her lips and eyelids were painted black, which made her golden eyes stand out even more. Her long hair, as black as night, fell over her shoulders and down to her waist in waves. While he smiled, she looked onward with an expression of curiosity.
"I brought a gift for you, mother." Casius indicated to the girl next to him. She wore a dirty and torn dress that should have been white. Although, it had turned a dingy tan in some places, covered with dirt and blood. She wore a black hood over her head with her hands tied tightly behind her back. She trembled in her fear and wept under the sack.
He yanked the hood off sharply causing the girl's dirty brown hair to fly back. The room was dim. Only lit by candles. But it was bright enough to the girl that she had to wince in the sudden light. Her face was bruised and swollen in some areas. She had dried blood by her scalp and running from her lip, down her chin.
She whimpered more, her chin wrinkling in a voiceless cry. She wouldn't look at the man, only the pale woman sitting in the chair. As if silently pleading for her understanding and protection.
"You brought me a snack?" The woman looked confused as she eyed the whimpering girl. How was this anything new? He children brought her meals often.
"Even better." Casius could hide the thrill in his voice, "I brought you a virgin! Your favorite!"
The woman stood now, a regal display, causing the girl to jump and try to crawl backwards on her bound hands. The man caught the girl by her shoulder and held her tightly into place.
The woman's heels clicked against the stone floor slowly as she approached the girl. She stood above her, looking down at her, still under the claws of the man. After a moment, the woman spoke, "Stand."
"Get up." Casius yanked on the shoulder of her thin dress to pull her to her feet himself.
The girl shook, her legs barely able to hold her own weight. She was sore and bruised all over.
The woman placed the tip of her finger between her own teeth, exposing her fangs. She closed her teeth on the tip of her black glove to pull her hand from it. Taking her glove in her other hand, she used her exposed hand to touch the girl's face. Her long, black nails pressing into her cheek. She turned the girl's head left and right, observing her in more detail. She still sounded disappointed, "You know that I don't like my fruit bruised."
"She put up quite a fight." He defended himself. "But I knew I had to have her. That you had to have her. She is perfect for you."
"She is young." The woman said. "Young enough that parents will come looking for her."
"Parents that are no longer an issue." Casius assured his mother proudly. "I took her from The Grime. No one will come looking for such trash."
"Please..." The girl fought the tears in her eyes but couldn't help the one that escaped down her cheek and onto the woman's long, black nail.
The woman retracted her hand and tasted of the tear from her nail. She looked back to her son, "Fear spoils the flavor." She reminded him. "As does your... tenderizing."
"My apologies, mother." He dipped his head. "Had I any other way to possess her, I would have. But she is here now, and she is all yours."
"Clean her up." The woman said to his surprise. The girl hadn't even hit maturity yet. The woman loved the taste of virgins. But not one so young. She couldn't bring herself to take the life from the girl's eyes. She was already quite offended that her son would bring her in so badly beaten. He was an overzealous one. He was always willing to please her. Although, sometimes, she wondered just how far he would go.
Casius took the girl to his sister. His pout was evident on his lips, "Take this." He shoved the young girl at Ophelia.
"What am I to do with this?" She took hold of the girl's arm. She happened to be the only thing holding the poor girl up at this moment. Yet by instinct, she went about untying the poor girl's hands.
"Mother wants her presentable." He snapped, "I only make messes. I don't clean them up."
"And I'm meant to?" Ophelia's golden eyes flashed. As the second eldest behind her brother Casius, she was always the one he went to in order to clean up his messes. It frustrated her. Even though Casius was always causing trouble, he seemed to be their mother's favorite. She always treated him like her golden boy. Like this. If she had kidnapped some random child in the night, her mother would have asked so many questions and possibly even reprimand her. But Casius could do anything. He could always get away with everything. A literal child was bleeding in her arms. And now she was meant to clean this up.
She took over. She gave the girl a bath and brought her one of her own dresses that was far too long. But it would have to do.
"Please. I want to go home." The girl whispered while Ophelia was brushing her long, damp hair.
"That's up to mother." Ophelia told her. "And that's usually up to her mood."
"What is this?" The girl asked. "She called me a snack!"
"Maybe you will be one." Ophelia shrugged, not at all aware of how heavy her words were. For her, it was as casual as describing the weather. "Mother loves innocent and pure blood. You're just her type. I can smell it from you."
The girl knew. She knew what this was. Where she was. She understood. All in a matter of seconds, it came together.
"The... vampire." She said in a soft gasp. "My grandparents told me it was real. Expect they said it was a vampire lord. A master of night."
"That's because there are no survivors. Only the tales and secrets we spread to misinform." Ophelia giggled some. "Well, mostly Beatrice." She rolled her eyes now, "My younger sister. She likes to gossip."
The shock was still weighing heavily on the girl, "I'm going to die." It was as if the reality of her horrible situation hadn't quite hit her yet.
A bell chimed a lovely tune throughout the halls.
Both the girls froze as the chime continued.
Ophelia perked up, "That means it's time for dinner! I'm starved!" As if on cue, her stomach growled.
"Oh my god..." The girl ran her hands over her face. The numbness was beginning to overwhelm the panic. Her fight or flight was nonexistent. All she could do was mindlessly follow Ophelia. Like some sort of zombie. Marching onward towards her death.
Ophelia and the girl entered the dining hall. Casius was already seated at the table. The girl moved ever so slightly to walk shielded by Ophelia. She didn't want his eyes on her. Not after what he did to her.
"Right here!" Ophelia eased the girl down in a chair. Straight across from the head of the table. Her heart was thumping madly in her chest.
The woman from before - their mother - entered into the room. Her strut demanded attention. The three adult children smiled up at the woman, and each dipped their heads to her.
"My children." The woman returned a smile. Her eyes went over each of them, then to the girl. Her expression was hard to read. But the girl only felt a numb feeling of fear in her gut.
"Greetings, Mother!" They called out in praise to the woman.
Casius sat at the woman's right hand. Ophelia sat at her left. The other woman had copper hair that came over one shoulder. The girl assumed this had to be Beatrice. She smiled at the girl. A smile that seemed too wide.
"Welcome." The woman took her seat and spoke to the girl now. "To my humble home. You've met Casius and Ophelia already. This is my youngest Beatrice." The woman confirmed the girl's suspicions.
"A new playmate?" Beatrice grinned to her mother. "Is she for me?"
"She's for Mother!" Casius snapped, slamming his fist on the table. The glassware and utensils rattled under the impact.
"Sweet boy." The woman brushed her hand over his, "Be nice to your sister. You know I encourage sharing."
"But I got her for you!" He protested.
"Enough." She scolded him. "The girl is too young. You shouldn't have taken her."
"That's what I thought." Ophelia asserted, "I knew she was too young. I never would have taken her."
"Oh, come off it!" Casius scoffed. "You wouldn't have the courage to do half the things I would for Mother!"
"I wouldn't kidnap children from their cradles!" Ophelia snapped.
"She's not that young!" He corrected her.
"Take her back!" Ophelia told him.
"I can't!" He started, just to be interrupted by the woman.
"Enough." She didn't raise her voice. Only scolded them in a low tone, "We have a guest, and you two behave like animals. Where are your manners?"
"Sorry, Mother." Both of them said, looking a bit ashamed.
"What's your name, child?" The woman asked over a glass that looked filled with blood.
"Um." She girl felt a sudden rush of panic. She preferred it when they were talking all amongst themselves. Now, all golden eyes were on her. "Patience." She finally managed to stumble out.
"Patience." The woman repeated as if mulling the name over, "Nice to meet you. I am Lady Veander. While here, you may address me as My Lady or Madam. How old are you, Patience?"
Patience looked down, feeling tears welling in her eyes again, "seven."
"Seven!" Ophelia gasped, her accusatory glare back on her brother.
"I thought she was older." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Can I play with her?" Beatrice asked her mother again. Whatever she meant by play, Patience had no idea. But she didn't like the sound of it. She didn't know their true ages. But by the looks of them, the older two looked like they were in their twenties, while Beatrice looked to be a teenager.
"No." Lady Veander spoke up to answer her daughter. "She is too young to play your games."
"So, what do we do with her?" Casius asked with a pout. "I can't exactly put her back."
"What did you do?" Ophelia pressed to no avail. He ignored her.
"She may stay here." Lady Veander smiled at the young girl. "It's far too dangerous for her to go out freely. In these woods? Bears, wolves, ghouls. There's no telling what terrible trouble she may find herself in out there."
"Stay?" Ophelia looked back to her mother. "Here? Is it safe?"
"She will be safe here." Lady Veander said with authority. "If anything happens to her, I will hold you personally responsible." She eyed Casius now. "You brought her here. You'll monitor her as well."
"But, Mother!" He was quick to protest, "surely Ophelia would be better suited."
"I'll take her!" Beatrice volunteered cheerfully. A little too cheerfully for Patience's liking.
"You'll do no such thing." Lady Veander declined her daughter. "Make sure that at no point Beatrice is allowed to be alone with her."
"Yes, Mother." Both the elder children conceded.
Meanwhile, Patience stared off, lost in her own world. The voices were muffled around her. She was so numb that her senses were in hibernation. She couldn't even smell the food right in front of her on her plate. She had no kind of appetite. Her body was still sore from being manhandled by Casius.
She wanted to go home.
To be home again with her family.
The family she didn't have anymore.
Her family was gone.
A silent tear rolled down her cheek, and the voices carried on around her. The voices of monsters.
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