Dedication to mythomanicartist . Thanks so much for reading, commenting, and supporting my story!
Why did he do that?
Draco was in his bed, laying on his back, hands folded across his stomach. Why did he get so angry? What caused him to burst out like that?
Sure, he disliked the word. He used to always be the one to use it, but once he was disowned by his family, he realized that pureblood ideology was just a load of shit. In fact, procreating with muggles would raise the wizarding population, so why was it so frowned upon? Magic was something to be celebrated, to be proud of, not something to be kept behind closed doors.
Even so, he didn't know why he got so angry. He was always great at controlling his emotions, or at least he thought he was. Whenever someone would pick on him or shoot him the wrong look, he would simply make a snide remark and keep walking. He would always be the silent kid in class, in the library. He had never caused a scene like that, so what happened?
Maybe it was because the word was directed at Granger. Again, he didn't mind her, but it's not like he was friends with the girl, either.
Or perhaps it was because he spent all summer locked up alone in a castle with minimal human interaction, and being around a few hundred at once made him so horribly irritable.
Yes. That had to be it.
The other boys came into the dormitory, breaking his train of thought. He suddenly felt uneasy, as their usual boisterous voices immediately turned to soft whispers. He turned his head to glare at them, and they all quickly turned their heads away.
Ah, yes. They were talking about him.
He continued to glare at them, locking eyes with Potter when he turned back around. His eyes pierced into his, making him feel uneasy in the stomach. Scoffing, he dramatically whipped his bed curtains shut. He cast a silencing charm on his bed, so even if they continued talking about them, he wouldn't have to hear it.
He didn't care about what they had to say about him. It was probably the same as always, about how he's just so depressing, how he's a disappointment, a traitor, et cetera, et cetera. But that didn't mean that the whispers didn't bother him.
Draco liked being invisible. He didn't care what others thought about him, but he just preferred if they didn't think of him at all.
He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a perfect world in which he was the only one.
Thankfully, Draco was able to start his day off right, with potions.
Unfortunately, he seemed to be the only one in his house who thought so, and it was usually a painful class to sit through. He was the only one who Snape was somewhat decent to, but it wasn't just because he was his godfather. It was because Draco was the only competent person in that class.
But of course, Snape just had to torture him by partnering him with Granger, a smirk crawling onto his face when he read off the names.
At least he wasn't with Finnigan. God, he'd rather jump off the Astronomy tower than have him burn his hair off.
"Okay, so Draught of Peace, should be simple enough," she said. Draco merely rolled his eyes. They began their potion, working in near silence, Draco grateful for this. While she was very smart, Granger was also quite bossy, even when she wasn't right. It was very annoying.
"Let me stir the potion," he demanded, and she nodded, stepping aside from the cauldron. He stirred the potion three times counterclockwise, as the blackboard said, and then once clockwise and one more time counterclockwise. Granger nearly had a stroke.
"What-" She exclaimed, putting her head over the cauldron,"-are you doing! The instructions clearly said to stir three times counterclockwise-"
"Which I did." Draco interrupted. "Which I then followed with one stir in each direction, canceling them out." She still seemed furious and confused, so he continued. "The potion will still brew correctly either way, as I really only stirred it three times, but changing direction and stirring it five times after adding the moonstone reduces the potency of the moonstone. If you only stir it three times, as the instructions say, the potion will induce grogginess after the main effect wears off, as the moonstone is too strong. But you still have to add the full amount of moonstone, or else it will just simply not work. When you stir it like this, you effectively prevent that side effect from ever occurring while still ensuring the potion functions as normal."
She seemed shocked. "But, but then why wouldn't the instructions say to stir it like that!"
He rolled his eyes. "There are many ways to brew a potion. A textbook will give you the most simple way, so people like Potter do not end up inadvertently killing themselves in the middle of a lesson."
They glanced over, and sure enough, Potter and Weasley's cauldron was boiling over with black goop. Granger stifled a giggle.
"But, how did you know to do that?" She asked.
He shrugged. "Read up on it over the summer. I cannot remember the name of the book to save my life, but it discussed the properties and potency of powdered potion ingredients. I am sure you can find it in the library somewhere, just ask Pince and she should know what I am talking about." Why was he being so nice?
She nodded, with a quiet "thank you," and they continued their potion in silence. Draco had almost completely forgotten about his outburst the night before until she brought it up.
"Malfoy, can I ask you a question?" She asked quietly, as if she was afraid, and he briefly looked up from the cauldron to raise his eyebrows, signaling her to go ahead. "What- why did you defend me yesterday?"
His heart sank. He really didn't know why he did it, and he really didn't want people to remember that he did it. He just stared at her directly in the eyes and shrugged, hoping she wouldn't question it further.
She sighed. "I appreciate it, I really do. It was just out of character for you and-"
"You know nothing about me, nothing about my character," he snarled through his teeth, his voice shifting to coldness, as he clenched his fist around his wand. "Just drop it."
"I said just drop it!" He realized he had raised his voice and the entire class was staring at him. The dropping feeling in his stomach from last night had returned. The voices started back up again, and they knew they were all murmuring about him again. This was worse than before, as it wasn't just Gryffindors. No, this was the class they shared with Slytherin, so now the story of last night's outburst was spreading through the houses and around the castle. As if the Slytherins didn't already think he was a blood traitor.
Fuck you Granger.
His hands were cold and clammy, and he could barely hold onto his wand. But they managed to complete their potion, along with only five other pairs. Of course, they were awarded ten extra points for their exceptional alteration.
Snape's last words had barely left his lips when Draco bolted out the door.
The halls were loud. The common room was even louder. And for whatever reason, Draco thought Pince might have been kidnapped, because the library was the loudest. Everywhere he went, the whispers, the names, followed him. This was not how Draco wanted to start the school year.
He had nowhere to go. He didn't have class until later that afternoon. He couldn't hide outside somewhere, it was too nice outside and everyone was there. There were always people in the common room. He couldn't go to the Great Hall. Snape was teaching a class, so he couldn't hide in his office. He needed somewhere to hide, somewhere to escape it all.
He found himself pacing back and forth on the seventh floor, where despite not being too crowded, the whispers were still following him. Suddenly, a door appeared to his right, and he decided it was in his best interest to duck into this mysterious room before anyone else did.
It was perfect.
The room was completely silent. It was empty apart from a large, plush armchair, a side table, and a fireplace with a warm, gentle fire.
He sank into the seat and immediately felt at ease. He didn't know what this place was, or how he had come across it, but he was certain that no one else would be here. It was exactly what he had needed.
He took out his parchment and quill and began working on his potions essay that was just assigned, writing it with ease. He only had to write 12 inches on moonstone, but he felt as if he could write miles and miles about it. His thoughts of everyone talking about him had long left his mind, as all he could think about was potions. He let his mind and his quill wander, getting lost in his work.
The crackling of the fire in the mysterious room was replaced with the crackling of fire in the Gryffindor common room later that evening.
To his surprise, the common room was empty after dinner. The only occupants were Draco and Octavia.
Octavia, of course, was Draco's cat.
She was curled in his lap, purring, as he read his Ancient Runes textbook with one hand, the other stroking her silky black fur. Of course, he did have his owl, too. But it wasn't like he had anyone to write to. And besides, he couldn't necessarily go and snuggle up with an owl in the owlery.
He heard a faint meow and his head shot up, as Octavia never meowed. Crookshanks.
"What is it, Granger."
She cautiously stepped out from the stairway leading to the girls' dormitory, as if every step she took would break the floorboards in half. "I, uh-" she trailed off, obviously nervous.
He rolled his eyes, scoffing. "I am not going to be here all night, you know."
She took a cautious step back. "I was just wondering if you would help me go over my potions essay?" He turned his head so he was actually facing her, raising an eyebrow. In all of the four years they had been at school together, they had always been the top of their class. She had never approached him for help, he didn't think that she would need to approach anyone for help. "I just, I know you were talking about how you read that book about moonstone, it was checked out of the library so I couldn't get it. I don't think I exactly nailed it- and I, I just-" she trailed off, stumbling over her words.
Fuck off, Granger, was what he wanted to say. But for whatever reason, the words didn't leave his mouth. He shut his book gently, motioning for her to give him the essay. She gave him the parchment as if she was afraid her hand would burn if she dared touch him.
As he began to read, he noticed she was still awkwardly standing next to the chair. "Take a seat, Granger. I cannot focus with you breathing down my neck."
It was an excellent essay. He had never actually seen any of her work before, he just knew that she was bright.
"It is very long," he noted. "If I recall correctly, Snape said twelve inches. This has got to be, what, eighteen inches?"
She nodded. "Nineteen and a half."
"And you wonder why Snape dislikes you Gryffindors so much." He handed her back the parchment. "You need to cut it down, it should be fourteen inches at most. I made some suggestions on what to cut, the essay should focus on the properties of moonstone. You do not need to go off about the discovery in the beginning. It adds a nice perspective, but there is a limit."
"Thank you-"
"It sounds like a textbook. It is not word for word from ours, but it sounds as if it might as well be. Yes, it is supposed to be highly factual, and everything you have is correct. But I can see you are an excellent writer, so show it off a little more."
Why was he being so nice? Maybe what Snape had said had resonated with him."But I do have people I talk to, people I trust. People I can go out with and enjoy my time. Just because you live an unfortunate life does not mean you must torture yourself."
She nodded, looking down with a small smile. "Thank you, that does mean a lot-"
"What in the bloody hell are the two of you doing?"
The two of them whipped around to see Potter standing in the middle of the common room, shocked to see the two of them talking together.
"Oh, I was just asking Malfoy-"
"So you are voluntarily speaking with him now?" He seemed revolted, his emerald eyes nearly bursting out of his head in disgust, and Draco couldn't help but scoff.
"Oh, sod off, Potter. We are just doing some homework. At least Granger turned to someone for help instead of just copying off someone else. Judging by your performance in potions today, you could afford to do the same. Maybe then you would not be failing so miserably on your first day back."
He looked hurt. "No need to be such a git, Malfoy," he scowled, storming off.
"You didn't have to be so rude, you know."
His nostrils flared. "Are you kidding me? He came in here disgusted that you were even talking to me. I was merely sticking up for myself, you think I am going to let him just walk all over me like that? You have to be delusional."
She sighed. "I mean, I guess you have a point-"
"I would not dislike him so much if he did not make it a point to sneer at me every chance he gets. What is his problem with me, anyway?"
"He- he's just been on edge since we've gotten back. It kinda does seem like everyone is against him, since no one believes him."
"I believe him."
She gasped. "You- you do?"
He leaned forward. "Of course I do. I know that man has done terrible, terrible things. I have heard the stories that my parents speak of behind closed doors. I do not doubt, for one second, that he has finally returned."
"I mean, I think that's another reason he doesn't like you. He doesn't trust you, since, your parents-" she trailed off.
"Death Eaters. I know, you do not have to be afraid to say the word. I know what they were." He leaned back, running his hand through his hair, laughing. "Oh, do not look so scared, Granger. I was disowned by my family the second they found out about me being in Gryffindor. I have not spoken to them, nor seen them, in five years."
"I believed this was common knowledge." He grabbed his book, not wanting to talk about it anymore. He was already regretting telling her in the first place. "Well this has been lovely, but I do need to sleep. Why do they schedule Arithmancy so early in the morning?" She didn't respond. "Speaking of, I could use some of your help in that class, as well. I did not read nearly enough over the summer as I should have. Library after dinner?"
She seemed taken aback. "I- uh- sure, I guess."
"Fantastic. Well, do have an excellent night."
Hey guys! Happy Thursday!
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I will see all you lovely people on Sunday. Have a great weekend :)
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