Vault of epicness
Golf Ball made the smaller drone thing. Then she put her other plan into action. Firey didn't know why he needed to go there but he did anyways just to be safe. Blocky went over to the place with an oddly specific entrance, as you actually enter through the top through a weird hole. Blocky put the drone and the machine in a box and went down a ladder to get in.
Blocky's Pov
This seems hopeless, but there's still a chance I can clutch this. I go through the final door which means I'm in the building. "Hey Blocky" There he is. "Hey Gelatin" I pretend I'm not going to do what I'm going to do and that I'm just walking around. Then he walks away. Good, he doesn't know I'm the one saving Leafy, does he? I quickly bust open the main guard door. It's really tough, but I got through. Then I opened the box and got the stuff out. I turned the drone on. I made it go through a different hallway, so I find a lever on both sides to affect something on the other side. The building has many laser-based doors as well as physical ones. The ones with lasers are there because the physical ones can be broken quickly with the right tools (Jokes on them they forgot to check on the one I broke so I had time) but the ones with lasers allow for smaller things to go through, so they had to use some physical ones too. Then they realized they could put rooms with similar purposes right above each other so they can turn both laser doors off at the same time.
Now this is where the vault of epicness shoots itself in the foot.
It has a room with a single lever that temporally turns off all of the electricity in the building to prevent any electricity-related incidents. There also happens to be a trap room underneath it, which is a useless room that is meant to look useful, because it has a floor that can set itself on fire and a one-way mirror for a ceiling so you can see the room above, but they can't see you. Believe it or not, this room is the key to victory. Stupidly, they put all of the electrical wires on the other side of the wall of this room. So I can cut a hole in the wall to get into the wiring. So I'll walk in when a guard is going into the room with just the lever and start cutting. When they start to leave, I'll leave as well so I don't get burnt. Then eventually, I'll get into the wiring system. Then I'll just crawl until I reach the center room with the electrical generator in it. Then since it's in the middle of the place, I have access to the entire building.
Though, is it really worth it? Every time I save Leafy from one of these, everyone in the 'army' is like "whoever that was may have beat us this time, but he can't beat the new version" If they were smart they would've realized I have been escaping the new versions. I'm beating the new version, of the new version, of the new version, of how many other times we did this, on the first one, and they thought that was unstoppable, and they keep saying it to every single one. Right now Gelatin thinks he's 'won' but in reality, this place is just another palace of nothing.
When will it end? Once I'm done here, they'll just make another one with some fixes, and the fixes won't even be that good! They'll do nothing different! I'll just beat that one again and again, over and over. They're just too dumb to realize that they straight-up can't win. The worst part is that I never really needed to do this! I could have just gone to that computer thing, told him Coiny's true intentions, then make Leafy recoverable again, then it would be over! Instead, however, I did this the painful way.
My point is, that what I'm doing is the dumb way of saving Leafy. Though if that really is the case, if I really could've saved Leafy a much better way, then this whole thing was never about saving Leafy.
It was about sending a message.
I quickly go to another room with the wiring close by and start cutting it, but I also have to fight Gelatin with the drone whenever he goes back into the room to put him in another one. Eventually, I realized that it was much easier to just move the drone to a different room. Once the hole is done, I enter the other room, which has a ventilation shaft. Unlike the 'wiring rooms', this doesn't have anything to slow me down, so I go to the closest vent to the room where Leafy is supposed to die. Now I know how the imposters in Among us feel. Then I turn around and see Gelatin. seriously, why haven't I seen Lollipop yet? I start moving the drone toward my location and I start giving Gelatin a long random speech just so he doesn't notice.
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