What was that!?!?!?!
(Little note: Everyone on Mystreet went to spend a few months up at a cabin in the woods ,and no it no emerald secret so don't even think about it you sillys, and Travis is the last one to get there and it's a long way up to the cabin. In this world, Zane isn't human but his brothers are knights. (Garroth-jury of nine &Vylad- shadow knight) and Zane likes nature, you'll see why soon.)
Travis's pov:
'Geez why does this cabin have to be so far away ,good thing my car is good on gas mileage.' I thought as I watched the road in front of me. I hit a huge bump in the which hurt my wrists, "Ouch!" I whined rubbing my wrist. Later on my car starts to slow down a lot so I got out to see BOTH of my back tires completely flat. 'God damn it!' I hopped back into my warm car and decided to call Aphmau. "Hey Travis! Where are you it getting kinda cold out and the sun looks like it's going to set soon?" she sounds really concerned. "I hit a bump in the path and it somehow blew bog my back tires totally flat." "Oh well I'll go ask Aaron to call a tow truck for you car and then he could come pick you up ok?" "Ok Aphmau." "Oh well I'll go get Aaron to call the tow truck and we'll come and get you ok? Bye see you soon!" she shouted then hung up. 'Well great, now I'm out here in the middle of the woods ,stuck in my car ,in just my favorite green hoodie ,and there isn't anything good on the radio!' I began to pout when I heard what sounded like something walking in the snow. I slouched in my seat hoping that what ever it was wouldn't peek in the window. The foot steps got closer but sounded softer. My blood ran cold when I saw it peek at my window....
I completely frozen in my seat as it's bright neon eyes stared into my very soul. I maybe a demon warlock but this is terrifying. It emitted a deep growl as it began to lean further onto the car. 'Hey if I'm going to die by this thing ,at least I'm going to die fighting.' I thought as I was about turn into my demon form when I heard the crack of something stepping on a stick. I guess the wolf heard it too because I saw it whip it's head in what seemed to be.......fear? Then I started to hear faint footsteps coming toward me......and the wolf. The wolf's ears were pinned to it's head as it crouched down a bit with it's tail between its legs as it ran back into the woods. I turn around ,still ready to turn into my daemon form, watching a dark silowet approach the path. When it exited the forest I was able to see was it was ,or we'll...... who it is I mean....
(I don't own this :3)
(Another little author's note! In the story Travis and Zane haven't seen each other since high school ,and even then they bairly even knew each other.)
I'm going to leave it here for now so yeah..
Sorry that's all I got for now so Bye!!! :D
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