Percy POV
We sat around a table in the Room of Requirement. At my mental request, it had modeled itself off of the 'war' room in the Big House.
"So we're going to invite delegations from each camp?" Annabeth asked. I could already see the gears turning in her head, deciding who it would be a good idea to bring and who should be left home.
"Yep. I assume you have some thoughts?" I smiled at her.
"Of course."
I nodded. "Let's bounce ideas."
"Let's get Reyna back here." Was Annabeth's first suggestion.
"That's a good idea, but there'll be no Praeters in camp then." Frank pointed out.
"It's only for two days. You two can put your heads together beforehand and pick someone you trust to cover your jobs."
Frank nodded slowly.
"I also think we should have Hermes' boys come."
I sat up straight. "Are you crazy! That's a terrible idea!"
"Oh come on, you know we can keep control of them if we work on it. Besides, they're probably itching to see the place."
I sighed. "Alright, fine."
"We should have some of the Apollo kids come so they can meet Emmy." Nico suggested.
"Good idea. I'd say Mitch, Lauren and Martha." Piper said.
"They're your half-sisters." I explained to Emmy.
"Even Mitch?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Michelle "Mitch" Callahan."
"That's five from the Greek camp. I'd say one more ought to do it." Annabeth calculated. "Actually, never mind. The Hermes boys are enough of a hassle."
"And the same amount from Camp Jupiter?" Frank asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Alright." He turned to Hazel and Jason. "Who should we bring?"
"Let's have Gwen come! She's Luna's half-sister and she's out of college now." Hazel exclaimed.
"Well if Gwen's coming then Dakota has to. He's not letting his fiance out of his sight no matter what." Jason pointed out.
"That's true." Frank frowned.
"Can Leila come?" Neville asked quietly.
"Leila? Oh, yeah, Leila Smith! Yeah, she can come."
"That's four of six." Annabeth said. "And five on the Greek side."
"Alright, two more Romans and we're done with the guest list." Jason said. Annabeth pulled out a piece of parchment and began to scribble in Ancient Greek.
"That couple from the Fourth Cohort, what were their names?" Hazel frowned. "Maggie and Aidan."
"The son of Mercury? Do you think it's a good idea to have three children of Hermes?" Frank asked.
"No. Very bad idea." Thalia interjected.
"Maggie will keep him in line, she always does." Hazel promised.
"It's in her nature." I pointed out. "She was blessed by Vesta, remember?"
"A daughter of Mars, blessed by Vesta. She's gotta be the oxymoron of the century."
"Pretty much." I smiled. "Is that all of them then?"
Annabeth tallied the names. "Yes."
"Great!" Thalia jumped up. "Let's do something."
"Well, we can practice in public now. Want to spar by the lake?" I asked.
"Hades yes!" She raced for the door. The rest of us followed, itching to be moving after sitting still for so long.
I pushed forward past Thalia. "First two there get to duel! And no powers to get there!"
Our footsteps echoed in the halls, warning anyone nearby that they should get out of the way.
"Get back here Kelp Head!" Thalia yelled.
"Make me, PineCone Face!"
"Oh, you're going down!"
I rolled my eyes, then realized we were coming up on the steps.
"Percy, be careful!" Annabeth yelled as I reached the first stairwell. It immediately began to move as I sprinted down it. Reaching the bottom before it had found my destination, I flung myself off of it and aimed for the next set.
"Jackson if you break your neck I'm going to make Nico take me to the Underworld to slap you!" Annabeth shouted.
"Good to know!" I yelled back, hitting the landing and turning to start the next set. Looking up, I noted that none of the others had taken my approach and were waiting for the stairwell to stop moving.
The two pieces connected and Thalia shot off like a rocket, racing towards me. I turned and kept going, finding the right landing and turning down the hall.
"Look out!" I yelled to the group of first years in front of me. They hastily stepped out of the way. I heard whooping at the end of the hallway. The rest of the group had found the hall.
"I'm coming for you, Aquaman!" Thalia yelled.
I just smiled and grabbed a railing so I could change directions. The large set of steps that led to the entrance hall was in front of me.
Instead of running down the stairs, I leapt into the air and slid down the banister.
"Powers once we get out the door!" Jason bellowed.
"Deal!" I shouted back, calling the water from the lake towards me as I hit the ground running.
Shoving the doors open, I jumped onto the pool waiting for me and soared forward.
"Jason Grace, put me the Hades down!" Thalia screamed from behind me.
"Nuh uh!" Her brother replied stubbornly. "You and Percy are sparring, I'm going to make sure of it!"
It probably looked weird to the students, a bunch of teens flying through the air towards the lake using various means. Frank was a dragon, carrying several of the others on his back. Leo was fire-surfing, however he was doing that. I made sure to put out the fires he left in his wake.
Annabeth and the others were sprinting while Jason and Thalia soared ahead of them, aiming for me.
[A/N Shenaningans and scaring wizards]
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