Leo Builds ANOTHER Ship
"Are you sure that thing is going to even get off the ground?" Ginny asked skeptically, staring up at the contraption that Leo had put together at the edge of the Black Lake.
"Usually Leo's inventions work pretty well, so yes. We just need Percy and Jason to help us out." Annabeth shrugged.
"Then once we're up, we'll be fine!" Leo popped up and hopped over the railing, grabbing onto a knotted rope and scrambling down to stand next to them in the grass.
"What about muggles?" Ginny frowned. "You don't think they'll be confused to see a massive flying- what did you call it before Piper?"
"A yacht." The daughter of Aphrodite provided. Ginny made a face and waved in her direction.
"Yeah, that."
"The Mist takes care of that for us." Leo shrugged. "We'll probably look like a low-flying plane. Or-" his eyes glinted as he turned to Harry and Ron, standing a little ways off and staring at the huge boat. "Maybe a flying car."
Ron groaned. "Don't remind me about it. I still get chewed out on a regular basis."
Ginny giggled and nodded. "For his seventeenth birthday his card from the twins had a tiny Ford Angelina circling it, with the people on the card pointing up at it and staring."
Harry muffled a laugh and looked at Ron. "You didn't tell me that."
"Why do you think?" The redhead sulked, arms crossed.
Annabeth turned back to look at Leo's yacht. It was big and white, with dark blue detailing. She actually thought it looked quite like how she'd always imagined the Princess Andromeda looked, back when Luke had it.
Most of the group's things were already packed and stowed in their cabins on the ship. Leo had strung a huge banner along the side of the boat that said '"Farewell and good luck, Morons!", with Morons crossed out and replaced with Wizards. Apparently it was a movie quote, she didn't know.
"Hey Annabeth?" She turned to see Nico standing there, arms crossed.
"Something wrong?" Annabeth asked, frowning. The son of Hades stared determinedly at the ground.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?"
Annabeth nodded slowly and motioned for Nico to lead. "Yeah, wherever you want to talk."
He walked along the bank of the Black Lake for a while, with Annabeth following. She could tell something was seriously upsetting him.
"Okay, Nico, what's going on?" She asked when he finally stopped walking.
Nico took a deep breath. "I want you to hear me out before you say anything, okay?"
"I'm staying here."
Annabeth stared at him for a moment. "I-I'm sorry, what?" She finally managed.
Nico shrugged, wrapping his arms around his torso. "I want to stay here."
"Well I- First, I've got business here. All these ghosts need to be checked on, they either need proper paperwork to stay in the mortal world or I need to send them home. And second-" he sighed and shook his head. "There's nothing left for me in America. Without Will, I don't have anyone."
"You've got Hazel."
"I already talked to her about it," He admitted, staring at the dirt between them. "She gets my reasoning."
Annabeth nodded, but crossed her arms. "Which means there's more to it."
"I want to take care of Emmy. Someone needs to stay here and watch out for the demigods that pop up." Nico muttered. "Gods know Olympus won't."
There was a faint, angry rumble of thunder. Both demigods rolled their eyes out of habit.
"Who else have you mentioned this to?" Annabeth finally asked.
"Hazel, Frank, and Drake."
"And they all are okay with it?"
"Not... okay, I guess, but they understand."
Annabeth sighed and reached forward, gently putting a hand on Nico's shoulder. "And I do too. This is a good place for you. And you could help them learn to defend themselves in more ways here."
Nico smiled a little. "I'm not a great teacher, but I can try."
"No one's a great teacher when they start out." Annabeth shrugged. "You'll get better as you go."
"Thanks, Annabeth. I'm glad you understand what I'm doing."
"One thing I would suggest though."
"Yeah?" He frowned.
Annabeth moved her hand and pointed back to the ship. "Tell the others before we're all piling onto the 'Wiz-Boat.'"
Nico snorted. "Is that what he's calling it?"
"It is."
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