Harry Potter Is Insufferable and Idiotic
Third Person POV
"Huh?" Ron asked stupidly.
Luna stood, marching purposefully towards the front of the room. She walked up to Percy and spoke quietly in his ear.
"Luna, are you sure about this?" He asked her.
"Yes." The blonde responded confidently.
"Alright, go ahead." Percy stepped back, giving her the floor.
"My name is Luna Lovegood. Most of you know me as Loony. I'm a daughter of Iris and a legacy of Morpheus, technically. Usually Greek demigods don't have children, so I'm pretty rare, I guess." She clapped her hands and held them out. A small rainbow formed, arcing from her left palm to her right. "As my connection to Morpheus is stretched from my grandfather, who was a demigod, I don't have any powers from him."
Harry couldn't hold in his surprise. "You didn't tell anyone?"
"I told a few people." Luna said calmly. The entire school noticed that her usually dreamy, strange demeanor had faded. It was still there, but much less noticeable.
"Who'd you tell?" Percy asked her.
"The others. Well, Neville and technically Emmy. The other four knew already."
"Of course. Speaking of, you all want to come up here?" Percy addressed the audience.
"Hades, yes!" Draco was the first out of his seat. He ran up the aisle between the tables, Emmy on his heels. Hermione and Neville jumped up from the Gryffindor table. As they ran, they shed their robes, leaving the black fabric in the aisles. Luna dropped hers too, grinning widely.
"Who's going first?" Percy asked them.
"I will." Neville pulled his wand and held it in the palm of our hand, showing us. He conjured up a plant, then handed his wand to Luna.
Taking the small potted plant in his hand, he frowned at it for a moment. The leaves began to unfurl wildly and the plant grew steadily until it was two feet taller.
"Son of Ceres." He smiled.
"What about your mom?" Ron asked.
Neville looked down. "S-she adopted me. Loved me like a son...until, you know..."
Luna handed his wand back and hugged him.
"Draco, why are you up there?" One of the Slytherins shouted.
"I'm a son of Nemesis." Draco stated simply.
"Any specific powers?" Percy asked him.
"Not that I've found yet, other than knowing when someone needs to be knocked down a peg because of something they did." The blond shrugged.
"I'm a daughter of Athena." Hermione announced quickly.
Harry scowled. Why hadn't she told them?
"Emmy?" Annabeth motioned for the younger girl to go.
The redhead stepped forward. "I'm a daughter of Apollo and Will was my half brother." She held her hand out, palm up, and golden light shot from the center, flowing into the air and twisting into a beautiful rendering of her deceased sibling.
Whispers burst out at the image. Several of the demigods hugged Emmy, who was now crying. The picture of Will slowly faded away and Percy stepped forward, deciding that it was time to move on. He stood in front of Emmy, giving her a little bit of privacy.
"Alright, that's it, we've got some stuff to discuss with the Headmistress, you all go back to class. If you're in my class, we're done for the day."
The students began to leave, but Percy's voice rang out once again. "Potter, Weasley, you both have detention."
"What did we do?!" Harry exclaimed.
"You questioned my teaching methods and brought back some very unpleasant memories." Percy grimaced. "And you've been nuisances since day one, practically. 8:00, my classroom."
Harry scowled and stormed out of the Great Hall.
"What did you wish to speak with me about?" McGonagall asked Percy once most of the students were gone.
"Well, to start I'd like to request that we," He gestured to the demigods around him, "Can use the Room of Requirement as a dorm. I also would like permission to bring a group of demigods from each camp to demonstrate group fighting styles and how to match them against others that may be seen."
McGonagall nodded. "I actually had an idea that we could invite some of your camp-mates to a dance in your honor. Then you can do the demonstration in the classes."
Percy grinned. "Done." He turned to Annabeth and the others. "Any suggestions of what I should have Harry and Ron do tonight?"
"Spar them." Ginny said calmly from where she had come over to stand and listen.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Harry dropped into bed, his body aching. Percy had made him and Ron work on non-magical fighting. Fist-fighting and sword-fighting, it had taken a lot out of him.
As soon as his head hit the pillow, he dropped off to sleep.
Harry wandered through the Forbidden Forest. He hadn't been in this part of the forest, despite being in the forest quite a bit.
"So you're the Harry Potter. The famous kid who everyone's obsessed with?" A distinctly American voice asked from behind him.
Harry whirled, drawing his wand. "You!"
The blond boy from the messages, Luke, stood in front of him, smirking.
"Me. What are you doing here?"
"No clue. It's a dream, right?"
"See, that's the thing, I can make dreams real." The Luke guy inspected a cut on the back of his hand. "I have a proposition for you."
Harry bit his lip. Was it worth it to make a deal with someone he didn't know who was supposedly extremely dangerous.
"I won't promise anything, but I'm listening...."
[A/N Harry you idiot]
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