Ginny Struts Her Stuff
Annabeth POV
"Alright, we need to get down to business and start finalizing things."
We had finally calmed Thalia and Jason down and we were holding an impromptu strategy meeting. We knew the attack was only days away and everyone in the group was starting to feel the stress. None of the full wizards, except for Ginny, would be able to defend themselves. I had a sneaking suspicion that spells wouldn't work on them, at least not the way it was intended, so we were going to keep the school from fighting when the time came until we could find out what spells would do to the monsters.
"None of the wizards are proficient in fighting. They're all awkward, keep insisting that they can use their wands for everything! Except for Ginny." Percy reported.
"I'd like to see Ginny fight, actually, I haven't seen it yet." Hermione commented.
"I've been training with Percy and Luna in class." Ginny said, getting to her feet.
"Well, lets see it then." Thalia said with a grin.
"Let's see Luna and Ginny." I suggested. The two were of similar build, Ginny was slightly taller, but she was a little skinnier too. They'd be an even enough match.
Ginny helped Luna up and they got into ready crouches. Luna pulled a dagger from a sheath under her oversized Ravenclaw sweater and Ginny clicked the gold and bronze bracelets on her wrists together. One of her daggers was Imperial Gold and the other was Celestial Bronze.
"How'd you do that?" Piper asked when the daggers transformed from the bracelets.
"Hermione and I have been working on transfiguring things so that they can change when a certain action is acted out." Ginny spun the daggers in her hands and the bracelets returned. Then she clicked them together again and faced Luna.
"Annabeth, you and I can referee." Percy said.
"You got it." I stood and walked to the other side of the two girls.
"3... 2... 1... Fight!" Percy slashed Riptide between the two girls like it was a flag and they lunged forward at the same time.
The fighting was a blur. Luna had obviously been practicing to make sure she didn't get rusty, and Ginny had definitely been training hard.
After about a minute of back and forth where each girl landed several minor cuts, I pulled my replacement dagger, similar to the one I lost in Tartarus, from it's sheath and tossed it into the air above them. "Knife!"
Luna leapt up to grab it, but had to change direction as Ginny took a well aimed swipe at her stomach. While the daughter of Iris landed again without the extra weapon, Ginny grabbed one of her blades between her teeth and continued the fight with my dagger and one of hers.
"Nice move, Ginny." Neville called from where the group was watching.
The only response he got was a sharp nod. Ginny knew not to take her eyes off an opponent.
As the two girls locked blades for the umpteenth time, Ginny slightly overextended her left arm. Luna took the chance and made a strike at her ribs, which the redhead blocked by sharply pulling back and getting her weapon between her ribs and the other blade.
My dagger clattered to the ground as the force from Luna's strike knocked it clear from Ginny's grip. Without missing a beat, the girl snatched the knife from between her teeth and kept on.
After almost a minute more of fighting, the girls stopped. One of Ginny's daggers lay at Percy's feet, her other one pressed lightly to Luna's throat. Luna's dagger was sticking out of a small wooden box off to the side.
"That was wonderful. Percy, I hope you're having her work with you three for demonstrations." I commented.
"We went one on one on one on one on one yesterday for the class." [Evil sentence! MWAHAHA]
"Good. Keep it up, Ginny. And good for you, practicing even away from camp, Luna." Both gave me a quick nod.
"We need to talk to McGonagall. She's going to need to figure out how to keep the other students from trying to cast spells on the monsters. We can use the spells we know to take out any Death Eaters we run into, but let's mainly leave Hermione, Luna and Ginny to that. Use whatever you need." Jason said.
"Does that mean I can use my favorite spell?" Ginny asked.
"And what would that be?" I asked.
"Anaticula. Whoever I cast it on, no matter the spell they use, the only thing they're going to get is a duck."
Leo snickered.
"That's actually a really good idea. They'll be confused and that should give you time to fight them off." I turned to address everyone. "I'm going to say this once. If you have to, use the Killing Curse. Just make sure you aren't aiming towards the students that will be watching, since there will be students watching. These people are trying to kill us and our friends, and if we hesitate for even the smallest moment, they won't give us time to recover or think. They will kill us."
A chorus of 'Okay's and 'Yes ma'am's rang out around the room.
[A/N Aye Ginny is amazing and yaaaaaaas! Book Ginny for life]
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