chapter 1
If anyone would like to make a cover, than go ahead :3
~at Divinus Magia~
Everyone was in the guildhall for a meeting and none of them could have expected what happened during the meeting.
''The reason we called this meeting is-'' Ritchie got cut off by a bright light appearing in the middle of the room.
When the light died down, three cloaked figures were standing in the middle of the room. All of the guild members stood up and prepared their magic for a battle.
''Who are you and wh-'' Brandon got cut off when they each threw a potion, one at Ritchie, one at Mario, and one at Lucas, before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Everyone was silent for a moment as they processed what had happened, but were shoved out of their thoughts by coughing. The three who got hit with the potions began to cough badly and, before anyone could react, began to glow.
Everyone shielded their eyes from the light and noticed that the coughing died down before the light did. When they stopped shielding their eyes, they all became extremely surprised by what they saw.
It was pretty obvious that the potion had turned their guild mates and one guild leader into babies, seeing as how there was three, sleeping babies that looked almost identical to then, in their places. They were wearing some baby clothes instead of their usual outfits and they had pacifiers in their mouths, each of them were also hugging a plushie, but those weren't any of the biggest changes.
Baby Ritchie had tiny little devil horns on his head, some tiny devil wings, and a tiny little devil tail. Mario also had tiny little dragon horns, some tiny dragon wings, and a tiny dragon tail. Lucas had little cat ears and a little cat tail. The potion not only made them into babies, but made them into adorable babies.
Everyone was still for a moment, unsure of what to do. David snapped out of his shock and leaned down to gently pick up Lucas, making sure to also get the plushie, causing Kit to do the same to Mario and Brandon to do the same to Ritchie. When they got picked up, they each made a cute cooing noise before snuggling into the chest of the person who picked them up.
''What should we do Brandon?'' David spoke in a whisper, not wanting to wake up any of the babies.
''I'll contact the other guild leaders and ask them to come here.'' Brandon flew up to the office and grabbed the communication lacrima, unaware of what has happened at the other guilds.
~at Grimshade~
Everyone was just doing their own thing in the guild hall but stopped to cover their eyes when a bright light appeared. When the light died down, there was two cloaked standing in the middle of the room. Everyone stood up, pulled out their weapons and got ready to use their magic. The figures each pulled out a potion before one got thrown at Colin and the other got thrown at Mitch.
Michael launched a shadow orb at them but they disappeared in a puff of smoke before it could hit them. He let out a growl and glared at where they were once standing but quickly stopped when Mitch and Colin began to cough badly. Everyone turned towards one of the two in the room, having to cover their eyes when the dragon slayers began to glow.
By the time the light died down, the two had stopped coughing. Everyone jaw dropped when they saw that Mitch and Colin were turned into babies, their outfits had changed, they had pacifiers, they were hugging plushies, and they had tiny dragon tails, tiny dragon horns, and tiny dragon wings.
Pat walked towards where the sleeping Mitch was before gently picking up both him and the plushie, while Bren did the same for Colin. This caused cooing noises from the dragon slayers.
''I'll go contact the other guild leaders cause it's likely this might happen to the other guilds.'' Michael walked into his office to get his communication lacrima while everyone else was cooing over the two babies in the other room.
~with The Protectors~
Everyone was hanging out in the kitchen, doing their own thing, Kay was looking at Bryan and Jakey with an 'I ship it' face. A bright light appeared and a cloaked figure was standing in the kitchen with them.
Before anyone could react, they threw a potion at Bryan and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Everyone was confused but Bryan began to cough badly, causing everyone to turn towards him. He began to glow brightly causing everyone to shield their eyes.
When the coughing stopped and the light died down, Bryan had been turned into a sleeping baby with tiny dragon wings, a tiny dragon tail, and tiny dragon horns. He had a pacifier, a different outfit, and a plushie that he was clinging onto. Bri gently picked him up, causing him to coo, before turning and walking away.
''I'm going to contact the other guild leaders.'' She walked away causing everyone to look at eachother before speaking again.
~with The Wandering Coins~
Stu and Brick were sneaking out of the guild hall, trying to avoid Silver. That failed as he teleported infront of them. Before they could say anything to their leader, Silver spoke first.
''For your own safety, you'll have to stay here for a bit longer.'' They were surprised by their leader's words, and looked at him for an explanation.
''According to the other guild leaders, some cloaked figures have teleported into their guild halls and threw potions at some of their members before teleporting away. The potion takes effect almost immediately and ends up turning them into babies.'' Brick and Stu looked surprised by this, but still doubted his words.
''So if any of you get turned into babies, I'll be taking you to Divinus Magia which is where we decided to meet. But if I get turned into a baby, either one of you or both of you will have to take me instead.'' Stu was about to voice his doubts when a bright light appeared.
The light died down and a cloaked figure was standing in its place, causing Stu and Brick to wonder if Silver was telling the truth. The figure threw a potion at Brick, who was to surprised to move. The potion never hit him though.
Silver and teleported infront of Brick and got hit by the potion instead. The figure teleported away while Stu and Brick looked at Silver in shock. Everything was silent for a few seconds until Silver began to cough badly before glowing brightly.
When the light died down Stu and Brick saw a sleeping baby in Silver's place. The baby had a different outfit, a pacifier, was holding onto Fred, and had a pair of little bear ears on his head and a little bear tail.
They remained still for a moment before Stu picked Silver up gently, which caused a cooing noise. He looked at Brick before speaking.
''Let's head over to Divinus Magia.'' Brick nodded and they left the guild hall, being quiet to try not to wake the sleeping baby.
Here is a list of each plushie that each baby was latching on to.
Dark blue fox with light blue tips
Light blue seal with white tips
Green dragon
Black dragon
Purple dragon
Red dragon
Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!
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