Jisung woke up in his bed. He sat up, groaning. Jisung's hand found his head, holding it tightly. He felt his forehead, noticing how he seemed to be burning up.
The young man stood up and walked over to his closet. He grabbed a slim t-shirt. Jisung removed the oversized sweater from his figure and replaced it with the t-shirt.
The clock on Jisung's wall showed 1am. Jisung silently exited his room, going to find a bite to eat. He had to eat at least a little bit to stay alive. The others should be asleep by now so he wasn't too worried that he only wore a tee.
The t-shirt was supposed to be slim. It had been slim fit on him once. Now it didn't even touch his stomach. That's how skinny Jisung had gotten.
Jisung entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. He grabbed an apple and cut it in half.
"That should be enough for today." He muttered quietly to himself.
Jisung placed the other half of the apple back and took a bite out of the piece in his hand.
The apple was finished in only a couple of bites. That's how hungry Jisung was. He threw away the remains of his apple and grabbed a bottle of water. As he closed the fridge a voice called out his name.
Jisung didn't think too much of it. He was used to the voices and people following him at night. Even so it didn't stop his heartbeat from increasing and his palms from getting sweaty.
"Jisung." The voice sang once again.
Jisung turned around spotting a dark figure in front of him. That was all he ever saw. The dark figure of the people. Never once had he been able to see their facial features.
"What do you want." Jisung quietly muttered, not wanting to wake his band mates up.
"Come to me." The person sang with venom in their sweet voice.
"Please leave." Jisung said and closed his eyes to block out the voice of the figure.
"Open your eyes, Jisung." The silhouette said in a stern voice.
Jisung didn't dare to disobey the figure. He opened his eyes seeing how the person no longer was before him.
A light hand touched Jisung's shoulder. The hand slid over Jisung's shoulder to the front of his chest. Jisung turned around to look for the figure, but they were nowhere yo be seen.
Jisung sat down on the kitchen counter, closing his eyes. He thought back to what his grandma had taught him before she passed.
"They can't hurt you physically, Jisung. Remember that. They're there to mess with your mind. You need to find the switch in your head. Turn it over and block it all out. Remember that you are the one in charge of your gift. They have to obey you. Once you gain control over your gift, you'll be able to use it to your advantage. Your gift brings both advantages and disadvantages. Once you manage to control the disadvantages you'll be able to access the advantages."
Jisung's grandma's voice lingered in his mind. He took a deep breath and flipped the switch in his mind. His surroundings turned silent. No voices. No footsteps. No fear.
Jisung sighed and opened his eyes. His body finally untensed. Jisung jumped down from the counter and turned to the doorway of the kitchen to return to his room.
Jisung stopped in his steps once he spotted 8 people in the doorway. This time it was real people. Not the dark silhouettes he always saw.
"Jisung, what was that?" Chan asked in a serious voice.
"What was what?" Jisung asked, acting dumb.
"Who were you talking to?" Chan asked, inspecting Jisung with his eyes.
"No one. Just forget it." Jisung answered with a forced smile.
Jisung walked towards the group to go back to his room. Minho grabbed Jisung's arm once the younger passed him. He looked Jisung in the eyes before averting his eyes to Jisung's wrist.
Minho eyes widened. On Jisung's wrist Minho saw scars. So incredibly many scars. Some old and some new. Jisung tried to pull his arm away form Minho's grip but Minho only held onto him tighter.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Minho asked with a hurt and disappointed voice.
Jisung felt the tears pricking in the corners of his eyes.
"I-... Why would I tell you?" Jisung asked in a small voice.
Minho looked at him with a confused look in his eyes.
Minho inspected Jisung's face, letting his eyes travel down to Jisung's frame. He noticed how even a slim tee seemed to be baggy on the latter.
Minho used his free hand to see exactly how baggy the t-shirt was on Jisung's body. His hand had to go surprisingly far into Jisung's piece of clothing before he found Jisung's body.
Minho's eyes widened. He let go of Jisung's wrist and brought his other hand to the other side of Jisung's starved figure.
"Oh my God, Jisung." Minho said in surprise while looking at his hands.
He started to feel Jisung's stomach with his hands. The latter's ribs stood out. Jisung didn't have even a drop of fat on his body.
Jisung looked around himself. His band mates all looked at him with wide eyes. A tear escaped Jisung's eyes watching the others look at him.
In his eyes they had looked at him with disgusted eyes. They looked both disappointed and uncomfortable.
Jisung pushed Minho's hands off his body and ran out of the kitchen. His feet led him to the front door of the dorm. He quickly exited the dorm, not even caring to close the door.
Jisung's vision was blurred by the tears in his eyes. He cried out loud while running up the stairs of the building. He didn't stop running before he reached the edge of the roof on the building. He bent over the edge, looking down.
'Mabye It would be for the best.'
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