Chapter 3 - Sweet as lemon
Tod felt his whole body shiver with all that. He stood still for a few seconds, his breath catching, and he thought of all that he had just said:
"My God, what if he heard me saying that maybe he was liking me?" His mind was completely lost, teeming with thoughts.
Henrie noticed that strange moment of Tod and sat in front of him without the answer:
"Are you all right, Tod?" He asked, staring at him almost blankly.
Tod could breathe easily and his mind was slowly returning to normal. He then focused the look on Henrie's face, which now had a smile that made Tod completely disconcerted. As if that smile showed that he knew what was happening, and it irritated him even more. Tod only felt his lips tremble and with a faint sound he replied:
"Yes I'm fine". He finished glancing at Fred, who was staring at the moment of the two, still not understanding anything that had just happened there.
"Fred!" Tod said wobbling a little.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, it was just a vague thought here". He shook his head slightly.
"But then Henrie how are things going?" Fred asked trying to understand why this boy was after his friend.
"Actually, everything is fine." He smiled at Fred who could not seem normal, since Henrie had a gift for smiling with the look that impressed anyone.
He got a few seconds lost, but quickly gave an answer: "It's okay too, actually, I need to go to the bathroom now." He answered, standing up quickly. Tod noticed his strange friend and then asked:
"Are you alright? I'll go with you". He exclaimed, rising quickly, but before he could move any longer he felt a force on his right wrist. It was Henrie, he had the insured.
Tod took a deep breath, but before he could say anything he heard that melodic voice of Henrie saying: "Please stay!". Fred realized that, and without hesitation said: "Actually, I can go it alone, I'm fine, thank you for caring." He ended up going to the bathroom and then out of sight.
Tod turned, let go of Henrie's hand and sat down. He never felt as intimidated as he did now. His heartbeat was fast, and he just overheard Henrie's super calm thank you for staying with him.
"So the council was worried about you that day. It's not so easy to work things out without you there." Henrie explained, leaving Tod a little flushed. "But can you tell me the real reason for being like this lately?"
"I'm glad to hear you were worried about me, but actually you're the one who should explain why you're like this to me," he snorted.
"As?" Henrie asked, taking his coffee.
"Being kind and treating me well... You've never been like this to me, and now out of nowhere everything changes, this is confusing me!"
"Confused? What do you mean by that?!" Henrie hinted as he laid a hand on his with a crooked smile.
Tod realized that and quickly took his hand away.
"Not in that sense, you pervert!" He exclaimed rolling his eyes at his boring play. Henrie just giggled at the situation and started to speak shortly:
"Actually, I've always tried to be more like you." He took a deep breath.
"At first it was good because you were better at everything, I felt compelled to try to be better, but after a while it became a stupid brawl, and I realized that you are a good person and I want to be your friend." He finished staring at him again with that smile in his eyes.
Tod felt a different sensation taking his body, an affectionate feeling. He had never heard of Henrie. He always thought the other way around and felt bad for having treated him so differently for all that time. His eyes watered, but no tears fell. He held himself so that it would not happen, took a deep breath and now it was he who put his hand over Henrie's and said:
"Thank you for telling me this... I've never thought of it that way, and I'm sorry for anything I did to you, and of course we can be friends." He finished seeing Fred approach and see that scene again without understanding anything, he just sat down and finished drinking his coffee without saying a word.
After a while they were talking about things from school, as if they were good friends, but it was not long before all that climate changed. A girl had entered the shop. She was beautiful, light brown hair long and wavy. An angelic face, striking and slightly rosy cheekbones, fleshy lips, striking eyes and dark greens.
She was not very tall, but she had a very pretty body with sharp curves and a princess way. She approached the counter asking for her coffee and while waiting tried to look for some acquaintance on the spot until her eyes fixed on Henrie. She picked up her coffee and walked over to the table apologizing and already sitting next to Henrie already complaining:
"Then this is where you are, is not it?" She asked. "I called you several times to go to the mall to buy that new collection of books that came out, but you did not answer." She said with a little pout, but before Henrie could say anything she went on:
"Oh, my head, I'm sorry, I did not introduce myself. I'm Lucy, Henrie's girlfriend." She said with a very silly smile. "And who are you?" She asked, already reaching out to greet them.
"I'm Fred!" He exclaimed. "I'm a student at Henrie's school, but we're from different rooms." He said, squeezing her hand lightly.
"And I'm Tod..." He said, but before he could continue he was interrupted by her.
"So you're Tod!" She exclaimed, looking directly at him. Tod felt her gaze shift suddenly, as if she were hiding something, and by the look was not good.
"Henrie will not stop talking about you." She explained, staring at him even more. "I think we're going to get on very well..." She took a deep breath with a bloodthirsty look at him ending with a small smile.
Hi everyone, this is the last chapter I will post this year, next chapter only next year! I hope you are enjoying it! Taking advantage and wishing a Happy New Year and many congratulations to all! Love you!
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