Chapter 13 - Truths
Tod was completely unresponsive when he noticed those giant eyes staring at him, not to mention the almost melodic voice saying good morning. His eyes shone so brightly that Henrie noticed him easily making him smile silly. Tod blushed and couldn't answer, just asked getting up:
"What time is it?"
"Ten to seven yet." Henrie replied, still silly with him.
Tod noticed and threw a pillow in his face:
"Be careful not to droll..." He laughed.
Henrie controlled himself and didn't respond, he seemed too happy to call.
"Who's going to shower first?" Tod asked.
Henrie again controlled himself not to answer something unnecessary, but he didn't hold back:
"Oh, I think we better shower together, it saves time..."
Tod just rolled his eyes smiling awkwardly and went to the bathroom.
"I'm kidding. I already took a shower before you wake up." Henrie said almost shouting when he saw him disappear into the bathroom.
Tod was constantly intrigue by all of Henrie's attitudes, and began to wonder if he felt the same way. He couldn't get a very clear answer. He couldn't deny that his body liked Henrie's around, but he couldn't decide if his mind and him as a person were on the same wavelength.
When he got out of the bath Henrie was no longer in the room. He had already come down for coffee. Tod snorted. In a few minutes he was ready and walking down the stairs, he didn't want to risk Henrie talking to his mom or anything, but it seemed like it was too late. When he approached the table, his mother was smiling pouting, as if imitating a kiss, and he quickly understood. He passed Henrie and gave him a light neck, making him let out a muffled growl.
"So, how was your night?" She asked laughing a little.
Tod just looked at Henrie awkwardly and muttered:
"Did you need to tell her? We didn't even talk about it right...." He blushed.
"Tell what? The kiss? I saw." She replied between laughs.
Tod froze. He hadn't stopped to think that his mother would have to go through this.
"As well? So, that noise..."
"Yes, it was me." She interrupted him. "But rest assured. I ship you! That's how they talk today, right?" She said laughing to Henrie who accompanied her in laughter.
Tod was completely disconcerted by that comment and just remained the entire breakfast in silence trying to digest both the food and everything that was going on.
Henrie and Ms. Evans in turn spent their entire breakfast talking about Tod. She was telling everything about Tod's childhood and the moments she considered the cutest. Tod actually felt good for that moment, but for him something didn't seem to fit, as if everything was happening too fast.
The drive to school was the same. Henrie and Tod's mom talking. They seemed to have a connection that Tod would never understand, but he didn't seem to care, since he knew that Henrie's parent were not so present. When they arrived at school, Henrie couldn't controlled himself and stayed with Tod the entire time, as if they were in a single body. He put his arm behind Tod's neck and rested it on his shoulder. The entire school was finding that approach of two strange because of the quarrels on the council of presidents.
Tod was completely embarrassed and was trying to get rid of Henrie, but he forced himself not to let him go with a huge smile on his face. Before leaving Tod in his class, they met Lucy on the way.
The three of them stood looking at each other until Tod noticed her angry glance when she saw that approach and felt guilty about it all. His mind was invaded by the event with Lucy and everything seemed like a blur. He took advantage of Henrie's distraction and released himself walking towards his class with a sad look at Lucy.
She, for the part, wasn't moved. Her eyes were filled with anger, as if she was blaming Tod for all of this. Henrie was still paralyzed for some time until he was interrupted by a whisper near his ear:
"Don't think it will be like this..." Lucy instigated passing by Henrie who remained intact trying to absorb both the situation and what she just said. When he realized there was no one else. He just looked at Tod 's class and noticed that he was already there talking to Fred and went on to his class.
Tod remained as always airy in all the classes, so much so that he didn't even pay attention to what Fred was saying about the upcoming tests. His head kept thinking about the fact that he ruined a relationship, but deep down he knew it wasn't his fault, but he also knew that Lucy didn't think that way.
He thought If he walked away it would be the best. He would rather hurt himself than hurt several people, but he didn't stop to think that he would also hurt Henrie. Why was this so difficult for him? There didn't seem to be a complete answer.
"Hey, Tod! Are you on earth?" Fred asked.
Tod seemed to ignore him, but only because he was lost in thoughts. Fred continued until he got his attention:
"What wrong, Fred?"
"Nothing, is that the class is over and you didn't leave for the break, what happened?" He replied showing the empty room.
Tod was startle by that. Was it over? How long had he been lost in thought?
"But... It's just.... I don't know, it's all so strange with Henrie."
"What happened? Now you don't say anything else to me." Fred insinuated leaning close to him thirsty for that information.
"So, you know that Henrie and Lucy broke up, right?"
Fred shook his head in confirmation.
"So... They broke up just because of me...
"You? As well?"
"It's just that I think Henrie is liking me."
"Liking it? No, wait... But what about you... Do you like him?"
Tod's throat was dry. His mouth wanted to say, but his mind wouldn't let it. The strangest thing was that Henrie was approaching the door just in time for Fred's question. He sneaked into the wall just waiting for his answer.
"Actually..." He took a deep breath. "I like him. He's been treating me so well lately that I don't know if I'm managing to reciprocate in the same way, but there's a problem..."
Henrie's heart was almost bursting with emotions when he heard all that, but he doesn't imagine any problem, but his mind just insisted that it wasn't the fact that he didn't like in the same way.
"Go Tod, spill it!" Fred exclaimed without blinking.
"The problem is Lucy! I didn't want to leave her like this. I know I'm not blame for what happened, but I think getting away from Henrie is the best thing I can do, it will be the best for everyone...."
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