Good Deed
Misty's P.O.V
The week went by pretty fast.
I haven't visited the forest since school has been getting almost all of my attention.
Today was Friday and I had just got back to the orphanage from school.
"No time to talk, we have to do the history report." I listened to Leggero and went straight to my room. after I entered the lonely space threw my book bag on the side of my bed and pulled out a book I had to read for history,
I was about to start reading when a small noise hooked into my ears, "what was that?" I whispered, I heard the sound again,
the noise sounded like a baby dinosaur from a history movie when they try to animate.
"Over there..." Leggero nods her head towards my couch, I get up slowly and walk over to it, I see nothing but when I go to turn around something small flies into my face,
I yelp and fall onto the floor, the thing smacks onto my bed and I hear a small frustrated whimper. I get up and look to my bed to see a small lizard, "huh?" I go to my bed and get a better look.
The lizard turned it's head and opened it's mouth, only a small hissing noise came out. It went to jump off the bed and that's when I saw it had small wings on it's back.
I duck and sit on my bed as I watch it fly around the room. "This is your problem...Bye!" Ombra yelled before the two wolves vanished, I sat there on the bed stumped on what to do. I grab my camera from the bedside table and slowly hold my hand out.
A minute went by before some weight was added to my hand, I looked at the creature and raised my camera
I put the camera down and raised a finger, a pet the creatures small head and it's nose starts to release smoke, bewildered I get up and cover the thing with my other hand before I make my way downstairs.
"Bye, I'll be back later!" I yell.
Not waiting for a response I run out the door and sprint down to the hill...
After I reach the hill and go through the 'stick barrier' as mark called it,
I run down to where I think the centaurs are. With my luck they are not there.
"Mark!?" I scream as loud as I can, "mark?!" I yelled more questionably.
"Misty!" I hear an Irish accent come out from more trees, I run that direction and bang into something, I look up and see Jack.
"Misty!" He pulls me into a hug, "hi Jack, do you know where Mark is?" "Why?" I open my hand a bit and he goes wide eyed. Jack grabs my arm and throws me onto his back before he sprints further into the woods.
{Little time skip :3}
"Where did you find him?" Mark asked, I was sitting in his hut with Jack and Chief was also there.
"I came home from school and he was in my room." Mark nodded,
"Misty... This is a baby dragon from the dark woods, dragons are only found if you go miles and miles into the forest, which means this little guy has traveled a very long way."
I stare down at the baby dragon with shocked eyes, "we have to bring him home!" I blurt out quickly, "no! Misty, the dead forest are where other creatures roam, bad creatures. Ones that would not wait to kill us." I shake my head, "he's just a baby..." I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look back and see it was Jacks hand,
"I will go with you, I will help you return him home." I smile and turn back around to see Chief nodding his head, "Mark will accompany you!" He cheers, "Chief?!" "Mark..." The mustang leads Mark out of the hut for a moment.
"Alright, Misty! Let me grab some thing before we go!" Me and Jack exit the hut and see Mark running off to get supplies. "We wait for his return, then go..." I nod at the deer's words and wait for the horse to come back.
{Lazy time skip sorry}
When Mark came back he had a small cage for the dragon, and he had on a horse satchel.
"This has water and berries for along the way." "Alright!" I put the dragon in the cage and the three of us start walking back to the path.
{Another time skip sorry!}
We were walking on the path for about twenty minutes before the smog from the dead woods came into view, I stared at the dead trees none of us daring to cross over to the creepy forest.
"Take a picture, it'll last long!" Mark growled before walking into the smog, "I will!" I call to him and snap a photo with my camera,
"How long before we reach where the dragons are?" I ask catching up to the horse, with Jack of course. "I don't know." Was the response I got.
The baby dragon made low whimpers as I took more steps, each step came a new whimper.
"What's wrong with him?" I question, "he sense's something," Mark whispered.
"Wha-" I turned my head for a second and when I looked back in front of me Jack and Mark were gone! "Oh God..."
I carefully trudged forward as the fog grew thicker and the dragons whimpering grew louder, "shhh, relax..." I whispered, I took out my camera and tried to see if I could spot anything.
I took a picture here and there, the flash would go off but nothing would really appear in the photos.
I heard something snap form behind me, I turned around and felt something breath on my neck, I swirled around and flashed my camera, I then looked at the picture and went motionless.
The dragons whimpers were as loud as they could be now but I couldn't really hear them, all I could hear was my heart ponding.
Some fog cleared and I could see the figure, it stood and towered over me. It's arms were long and it had horns, it looked like it was starving. The thing made a loud screaming sound that made me have to cover my ears.
"Mark!" I screeched, I saw on of it's arms go to grab me but something picked me up at full speed. I felt wind on my face as I looked up and saw Mark holding me and Jack running a little farther behind him.
"What is that?!" I screamed as I saw it's glowing eyes in the distance.
"It's a skin walker! If it catches us it'll eat us!" I stared at it's glowing eyes, Mark swung me onto his back and I hung on for dear life as it got closer.
"Ahh!" I saw Jack's hind leg get grabbed, I pulled Mark's hair and he immediately ran and bucked the skin walkers clawed hand.
I fell when Mark backed up and threw his front hooves in the air as the monster tried to claw at him. Jack was screaming and trying to buck at the skin walker. I sat on the ground helpless as my friends were being attacked.
"Ombra this is the only time I give you permission!" Leggero's whisper entered my ears, my body grew cold as something went into me. "Argh!" I yelped in pain as I saw my left hand grow a long claw and my other fingers grow smaller ones. I had no control over my body.
"Leave them alone!" My voice was demonic and it seemed to echo, I lunged myself at the monster and I roared a loud demonic sound that sounded like a lion and bear screamed at each other at the same time.
I clawed at the monster and it hissed and backed away, I passed out as I heard Mark call my name...
{Time skip}
I slowly woke up on something moving. Mark. I thought, I opened my eyes and saw Jack holding the baby dragons cage, "Misty!" He touched my head softly and smiled. "W-what happened?" I asked sitting up as Mark trotted along, "were not sure..." I sighed and stared at my now normal hands.
We walked a bit longer before there was a giant mountain in our view.
"We have to climb, that?!" Jack yelled, Mark went to answer but a loud roar came from where the mountain was.
I zoomed in and snapped a picture of what had landed on one of the ledges of the mountain with my mouth dropped open,
"that was a distress call, that must be the father." mark stared at the beast, the baby dragon suddenly made the same call back to it's father.
"Misty make it shut up!" Jack yelled through gritted teeth, I saw the father look in our direction.
"Run, definitely run!" I yelled, and with that the three of us were running to the mountain.
The father roared and started to fly and shoot fire into the dead trees, a burning tree fell in front of us and Mark jumped over it with a thump as we landed, while Jack gracefully jumped and landed on the ground.
"Why can't I ride you?" I stared at Jack, "Misty!" He squinted his eyes at me.
We reached the mountain but before we could start climbing we were picked up in the dragons huge mouth, "Ahhh!" We yelled together.
Only a few minutes passed before the dragon landed and we were thrown on the ground. I looked up and saw another dragon, but this one was more feminine, I grabbed at my camera and snapped a photo.
She growled at us and opened her mouth were I saw she had something that looked like lightning getting ready to spit at us.
I yelled before she could though.
"Wait!" I held up the baby dragon and it made happy squeak, the black dragon stopped and I took the baby out of the cage.
It was so small compared to the two dragons I was seeing, it was like a pea next to a moose.
Both dragons rubbed their noses against their child, and it's tail wagged as they did.
"Sorry about this... He was in my room and I wanted to bring him back to his home..." Mark held Jack in fear as the red male dragon put it's head in front of me, I slowly held my hand out and patted his scaly skin.
"Can you give us a ride back please?" The dragon nodded his head and bent it down, I climbed it and helped Jack and Mark up onto his neck.
Next thing I know I was riding a dragon back to Marks team, "bye!" I shouted to the baby dragon and his mother. I heard a happy roar before they disappeared behind the clouds....
When the dragon landed on the path in the red forest I thanked him and kissed his head, he smiled and bolted up into the air, "you did a good deed..." Jack smiled, "I know..."
When we walked to where the team was I saw chief talking to someone, I noticed it wasn't a centaur.
When chief turned and saw us I realized it was someone I didn't want to see...
It was Wildcat....
Cliffhanger! :D There is 1,875 words in this chapter, sorry about that... I will try to update tomorrow, hope you all enjoyed this chapter, bye!
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