Chapter 7- Opening a door
"A-a mission? NOW? General, he's young! And he just got here 2 days ago!" The guard protested.
Shard glared at him. He didn't NEED him to stick up for him!
"Of course. It's an honor...General..?" He asked.
"Northstar." He grunted, going back to his work.
The guard glared at Shard. He gave a 'Are you stupid?' Look and Shard nodded. Yes. Yes he was.
Shard grumbled, looking at the Icewings bodies, that were paralyzed and laying across the floor as he walked by.
He didn't know the guard was behind him until he turned to go down the hallway and saw him from the corner of his eye. "WHY are you FOLLOWING me....random Icewing..." he asked.
The guard scoffed. "My name is Polar....but you can call me Pol." He said gruffly.
Shard raised an eye ridge. "Okay....POL. Why are you following me?!" He asked, poking him angrily.
Polar sighed and pushed Shard away roughly. Shard, instinctively from months of abuse, hid in his wings and curled into a ball.
"Uh.....what are you doing?" Polar asked, lifting tiny Shard back up.
Shard didn't relize he was doing it. He untangled. "Uh- it's nothing." He mumbled, and then went back to glaring.
Polar looked skeptical. He stared at Shard for a while before looking up a little and wincing. "Oh boy. Your first scar."
Shard blinked and reached up, feeling his face. There were no scars or bruises. He raised an eye ridge in question.
Polar reached down and put Shards talons on his horns....and Shard gasped. A long crack went down his horn. That must have been the crack sound he heard.
Polar shook his head. "It'll be okay. Its nothing really." He said and tapped his ear, which was ripped down the center.
Shard winced.
He still couldn't believe his horn was.....he shuttered. No. No weaknesses. He took a deep breath.
"I don't care. It's fine." He stormed down the hall.
Polar hurried after him. "Shard! Wait! You need to prepare for your mission tommorow!" He said, trying to be patient with him.
Shard grumbled and kept going. He reached his room and slammed the door in his face.
Polar glared at the door. "Your gonna get yourself killed!" He said, leaning against the door.
"SO? WHY DO I CARE?" Shard asked. He didn't reply for the rest of the time Polar stood there.
"I can't let that happen." He mumbled.
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