Chapter 2- I'm not good enough
6 months later
Shard opened his eyes and jumped up, standing straight, but careful not to hurt his bruises.
He hardly looked at the other dragonets Steel, Tiala, Hail, Sheetha, and Frostbite. He hated each and every one of them. And they hated him. They all hated each other.
Shard walked out of the cave as the other started waking up. He walked with an angry and powerful aura, scowling.
As he entered the eating quarters he saw Mistress standing in her usual spot, waiting for line up. Shard stood up straight, stiffened his back, moved his tail in the right position, and lifted his chin. He waited for the other's to come.
Mistress looked at him. She poked one of his wings and he straightened them. She poked him again and he tried not to sigh. He made himself as straight and sturdy as he could.
No later than that did the others come in and get into position.
Mistress surveyed them.
Every day they would each be examined at everything they did.
Eating, posture, talking, walking, breathing. EVERYTHING.
"Hmmmmmm. I SUPPOSE you all have passed. Now go. And eat." She said and they all went to get some food.
But just as Shard was about to go, Mistress stopped him. "Where do you think your going?" She asked and he blinked.
"To get food, Mistriss." He said and everyone looked over at them. What did she mean? She said they could go?
"Oh really? And did I tell you, Shard, that you could?" She asked, clearly annoyed.
Shard glared. "YES. You said we could EAT." He said, snapping a bit.
Mistress raised and eyebrow. "Really? Are you talking back?" She asked, getting intimidating.
Shard wanted to run for cover. What had he done now? What did he do wrong? She always did this. Messed with him for no reason. Like she personally hated him.
"Uh-uh, no. Not at all." He said, backing up. The other dragonets watched in terror. Well, all but Tiala. Who was smiling.
She backed him up against the wall. "I think you are. Do you know what happens when you talk back? You get in trouble." She said and he was trapped against the wall.
She got right in his face. "TALK BACK TO ME EVER AGAIN AND I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE HARDER." She said and then backed up.
Shard nodded. He couldn't hear. His ears were ringing. He was scared. And sad. He wanted to crumble up and die. What did he do? She never made sense!
Mistress exited the room, adding a loud crackle as her tail hit the wall. BOOM.
The other dragonets went back to eating. This happened all the time. But mostly to him. Yet he was still terrified each time. At least she didn't hit him...or worse. At least he didnt get a bruise this time.
He wasn't good enough. He never was. Just like Talia had said. He knew that. Even if he was hardly a year old.
Shard wished he didn't live here. He was constantly angry. And sad. Mostly angry.
He never got affection. Never a goodnight. Nothing. None of them did.
But he was used to it by now.
Any place would be better than here.
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