Chapter 8: The Slap.
Fern never did tell me what the ransom was, since according to him, there was an urgent call which only he could hear, and he had to go.
He left after tying my hands with an apologetic smile, promising to visit me tomorrow.
And yet, judging by the minimal view I had of the sun, it was late afternoon, and he still hadn't shown up.
A word that describes all of them quite accurately. It roughly translates to 'jerk', something my mother would call my father often enough. In fact, I'm quite certain that I learned all my Latin swear words from her. Lovely mentor she was.
After five days of being alone and calling every one of them the vilest things I know of, in every language I remembered, I finally accepted the fact that they were just going to leave me here until they got what they wanted from my father.
Which I was fine with. Those Stultus porcos (stupid pigs) could've all perished for the amount I care. In fact, the only sign I had that they hadn't all been reduced to dust, were the green leaf bags and bottles of water beside me when I awoke, and that supplied me for the entire day.
I also realised that the silver charm bracelet my sister had gifted me on my eighteenth birthday was gone. Confiscated, probably, by those asinus (donkeys).
I took another swig of water, the warmish liquid doing nothing to help me cool down. It was dank, stuffy, and almost as hot as the place Darius and his crew will be going if they don't let me out soon. As in, Right. Friggin. N-
"Ah, I thought I heard someone's murderous intentions coming from around here." A sly voice announced, before a tall, lean figure clad in black slid through the hole. His movements were quick, but not as inhumanly fast as the others.
He was followed by what looked like a small, bright hot air balloon with a mop of frizzy brown curls, and Ash, with her usual expression of burning hostility.
I suppressed the urge to groan. So they hadn't died a painful, preferably gory death. I had imagined many creative scenarios- one of my favourites being Darius mauled by a bear.
The boy chuckled loudly, and I even thought I saw Ash's lips twitch. What about me was so hilarious to them? It was incredibly annoying, not to mention extremely rude.
He came forward to where I sat, skulking against the wall.
Hot air balloon girl stood behind him, intrigue and concern on her features as her dark eyes scrutinized me.
I had the innate, uncomfortable feeling that she was staring into my soul.
Ash stayed behind them both, leaning against the opposite wall with her arms crossed.
"I think you and I are going to get on very well, Goldie." The boy said, extending a hand in greeting. I ignored it. "That conclusion is doubtful at best." I muttered, irrationally annoyed by his friendliness.
He smirked, withdrawing his hand and stuffing it in his pocket. "Even if I didn't know you were a princess, I would've guessed it by your unerring vocabulary, and that astounding ability of yours to keep your nose in the air. Quite admirable, really."
He bend down to my level, head cocked in mock interest. "How do you do it, your royal highness?"
That was the last straw.
Before I could even think through it, my hand reached out and slapped him across the face, whipping his head to the side. He grunted and fell backwards, clutching a hand to his stinging cheek and groaning in pain.
Everyone froze, including me, and while most of my mind was horrified at what I had done, a small part of me was wondering if they were going to kill me for it. It would be really pathetic; dying because I gave someone a somewhat earned slap.
Hot air balloon girl was the first to react- but she didn't scream at me like I was certain she would. She simply bent over the boy and examined his cheek with a feather light touch. He winced dramatically and began ouch-ing loudly.
I grimaced at the angry red mark on his good-looking face, my hand still stinging slightly.
I felt someone's gaze on me, and looked up to meet Ash's dark eyes. I mentally prepared myself for the backlash I knew was coming- but then she grinned. And it wasn't a small grin either; it was of the wide, toothy variety.
I blinked, completely startled by her expression. That girl threw me off more times than I cared to admit. It was unnerving. I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips; no matter the repercussions, that release of pent-up emotions felt ridiculously good.
Was hitting someone supposed to feel this incredible? I wondered guiltily.
If so, maybe I should try boxing. A bag, of course. Not people. Although...
"Oh, hush." A soothing yet stern voice brought my attention back to the ground, where balloon girl was still leaning over the boy. She was rubbing a thick, smelly ointment over his now purple cheek, and he wrinkled his nose and attempted to turn his face away.
She dug her fingers into his long, messy black hair and held his head straight, while he mumbled darkly under his breath. His gaze snapped to mine, and I quickly removed all traces of humour from my features.
His dark eyes narrowed, and he glared at me haughtily, one thin eyebrow raised.
I cleared my throat, and moved towards him tentatively, forcing myself to feel remorse.
"I um," I hesitated. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I don't usually go around slapping people, honestly. It's just- I was just really..erm, annoyed, I guess? But that's no excuse, and very bad manners on my part, and..I'm sorry." I repeated, realising that, one; I was rambling, and two; I apologised to someone who was included in my kidnapping.
Damn this pit really messed with my head.
I sighed, rubbing the itchy, half healed skin on my wrist and missing my bracelet. These stupidos better return it.
Or they'll get more than just a slap.
The boy stared at the ceiling, as though he was contemplating as to whether he should forgive my crime or not. Finally, with a heaving sigh, he turned to me, a painfully serious look on his bruised face.
I struggled against the laugh bubbling in my throat; his expression was hilarious.
"It's okay, I forgive you." He said in a high, benevolent tone, and I snorted, hastily merging it with a cough.
"And what, may I ask, do you forgive the lovely princess for, Eryx?" A smoky, all too familiar voice asked from outside the crevice, and then Darius appeared, looking as devilishly handsome as ever.
I almost couldn't be mad that his tempting face hadn't found the claws of a good ol' grizzly. Key word being almost.
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