Chapter Twenty-Two
I am back at school with Marnie the following day; my black eyes mere bruises by this point, and my eyes fully able to open. I was allowed to remove the cast on my hand and foot and, but for a small scar where they removed some tissue from my hip to stitch up my hand, my hand looked perfect. I will forever have a scar on both hand and foot, but I vow to wear them proudly for the rest of my life for I know I helped save David.
Back at school, I don't really see any sign of Roxy, but Rodney just constantly says how glad he is that I'm okay. The way he says it, it sounds like he is speaking to one of his children, as opposed to just a random relation.
I get Mr. Humbert to allow me and Marnie be a duet at the dance. I am just glad that my voice wasn't taken away. It was scratchy and a bit off-key at first, but after a bit of practice, Marnie and me sounded Spring Fling worthy. Being that the dance was just four days away, she and I had much to do. We had to figure out what to sing, and what to wear... It was clearly a never ending process on the road to dance beauty.
Rose was more than willing to assist me and Marnie with the clothes, hair, and makeup for the night of the dance. I just hoped, given the absence of David, that Marnie was able to wow Rodney enough at the dance so as Luke could be adopted, and I would be born. I knew that this was our last hope, as it would be suspicious to everyone if I hung around until prom.
I firmly decided that Marnie was in desperate need to shine that evening, so as Rodney would have to look at her at all costs. There was not a moment to lose when it came right down to it, so after Marnie had finished her homework that evening, Rose, Marnie, and I looked through a Frederick & Nelson catalog. Rose insisted that the company that had closed four years before my birth had the hottest things. I nodded in assent and knew that Marnie did need only the best.
Marnie decided to wear a red dress—strapless, totally able to shape her figure —and I allowed Rose to give her pointers on her makeup and hair. I half-heartedly picked out a strapless black dress that would come up an inch or two above my knee. I told Rose to do whatever she wanted with my hair and makeup, because I suddenly wasn't feeling like I was in the preppy dressing up mood at all. All I needed was David.
There must have been something to do, but I had no clue where to begin. I knew that Rose had promised to give me her necklace as a last resort if mine couldn't be fixed. Mine was due back from the shop by Thursday, and I would wear it to the Spring Fling as planned. My knees felt like jelly as I considered singing with X-Rod at the dance in just a few days' time. I didn't think it would ever come, and I hoped that was the case.
On Wednesday, Marnie got dropped off by Rose at the regular start time at school, but I decided to wait until eighth period to arrive. Rose was constantly busy speaking to James on the phone now, and they'd decided to go out for pizza on Friday. He would be picking up, so Marnie and I would be taking Rose's car to the dance.
I left shortly before one-thirty so as to make the class on time. I got behind the wheel of Rose's car and drove off to the school. It would only be a journey of ten minutes or so, yet the pattering rain on the windshield didn't help. I was sure to pull up the canvas convertible top so as not to get the leather interior, or myself, wet from the rain.
It was so difficult to see through the windshield, as my vision seemed to be constantly obliterated by a steamy, watery feeling. I soon found that I was sobbing, so I pulled over. It was only about one twenty-seven, so I had a little time to freak out. I rocked back and forth in the front seat, and I realized that I was having an anxiety attack. I was screaming and sobbing and hitting the steering wheel and cursing myself.
I knew that I wouldn't be able to go on much longer like this, and I came to the conclusion that I didn't just love David; no, not just love. I really was madly in love with him. I just needed him with me again, and I didn't know how long that would take to come to pass, but I knew the relief wouldn't be immediate, for part of me wondered if I should accept the fact that he could potentially be gone forever.
I banished that thought from my mind. I couldn't allow myself to think that way, I realized that now. I sighed and looked in the rearview mirror, and noticed that my face was puffy, my eyes were red, and I had really done a number on my mascara. I sighed and took out a cotton ball from the bag, and used my tears as water to get the mascara off my face. I reapplied it with ease, and then put a little more blush around my eyes to disguise the fact that I had been crying.
I turned on the car and the radio came on.
"It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you..."
I hastily pulled out of the side of the road, and I tried to ignore Africa by Toto playing on the radio.
...restless longing...
Yeah, you've got that right, I think to myself as I somehow manage to navigate my way carefully though the rain. I switch stations, and Elton John is singing Empty Garden, which really doesn't help matters...
And I've been knocking, but no one answers... And I've been knocking most of the day...
It takes me seven and a half minutes to get to the school, and I pull the borrowed rain coat from Rose closer to me. I put the hood up and select a parking spot, and then make my way inside. It is about one thirty-eight, exactly two minutes before band class begins.
I make my way to the arts hallway and soon I am in the band room. I hang up my rain coat on the hook, and then cross to where Marnie and Rodney are in deep conversation. I smile and greet them, and, after a quick hello and asking after my well-being, Rodney excuses himself to go tune his guitar. I turn to Marnie, who is looking flushed and excited.
"What?" I ask, attempting to smile.
"Rodney asked if I was going to the dance."
I raise my eyebrows at that, amazed that my father was taking an interest in my mother. "But, he knows you are. You're singing back-up with me, remember?"
"I know. I guess he forgot or something."
"Oh. What else did he say?"
"When I told him 'Yes', he said, 'I guess I'll see you there. When we take a break, save a dance for me'."
I smile at her. "Slowly but surely," I say softly. I get the signal from Rodney that it's time to start, so I cross to the stage and get behind the mike. "Woman in Love by Barbra Streisand," I tell him shortly. I motion for Marnie, and cover up the microphone so as we can speak semi-privately. "Do you know this song?" I whisper to her in a moment of urgency.
She nods. "Yes."
"Get the other mic then," I tell her. "You're singing back-up. It's the chorus," I tell her helpfully with a smile.
"Life is a moment in space
When the dream is gone
It's a lonelier place
I kiss the morning good-bye
But down inside you know
We never know why
The road is narrow and long
When eyes meet eyes
And the feeling is strong
I turn away from the wall
I stumble and fall
But I give you it all
I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do?
With you eternally mine
In love there is
No measure of time
They planned it all at the start
That you and I
Live in each other's heart
We may be oceans away
You feel my love
I hear what you say
No truth is ever a lie
I stumble and fall
But I give you it all
I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do?
I am a woman in love
And I'm talkin' to you
You know how you feel
What a woman can do
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
I am a woman in love
And I'd do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do?"
Mr. Humbert has come out of his office and has a strange look on his face. It is gone in an instant and he is clapping along with the rest of them. He tells us that that would be a good song to sing at the dance. He also says that, since Marnie and I sound so good together, we should also consider singing some ABBA at the dance as well. He then selects Rodney and Axel to sing back up for ABBA songs, if we decide to go that way, and leaves.
I turn to Marnie. "ABBA?" I ask.
She nods. She goes to the back room to get some song books and comes back with a few of them. "We've got to sing Dancing Queen," she says, pointing to it.
I read the lyrics and nod. "Oh, them!" I say. "They're Swedish, right?" I ask, my eyebrows coming together.
Marnie nods. "Want to try it?"
"All right," says Marnie efficiently. "Dex, why don't you play keyboard for this one?" she asks him with a smile.
"Dancing Queen," I say, plastering on a smile and getting behind a mic and watch as Marnie does the same thing.
"You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Diggin' the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for a place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
From the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Diggin' the dancing queen
You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave 'em burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance
You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat
From the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh see that girl, watch that scene
Diggin' the dancing queen
Diggin' the dancing queen..."
"So," Marnie says when we've finally managed to finish, "let's discuss the line-up for the Fling on Friday."
"Why Do Fools Fall in Love," Rodney says, nodding.
"Dancing Queen, definitely," Axel says.
"Knowing Me, Knowing You would be good," Dex chimes in. "One of Us, Take a Chance on Me, Mamma Mia, Waterloo, and I think Rose should solo The Winner Takes It All."
"Excuse me?" I ask. "Solo?"
"Yeah," says Dex. "And we have to do Newton-John's Physical. It's just so in-demand right now, you know?"
"But...solo? Me?" I press.
"Yes," says Rodney. "You've got it. You're that damn good, and we've got to show these people how good you are."
"And Marnie?" I ask.
Rodney nods. "She'll be singing back-up on Fools and you'll be duet-ing with her on every ABBA song. Physical can be Marnie's solo."
I breathe a sigh of relief. "All right," I say. "Let's get rockin'."
. . .
Mr. Humbert asks to talk to me as soon as band practice is over and I head to his office in a very willing manner. He tells me to sit across from him and I do so, feeling totally at ease and comfortable with the guy. He stares at me briefly before leaning forward, resting his fists beneath his chin.
"Rose, I just wanted to say, you were right on with the songs today," he says to me, and flashes a perfect smile.
I return the smile, basking in the glow of his compliment. After the last few days, I've been unable to really focus on anything at all. The band had been helping, as well as his constant encouragement towards me during, before, and after sessions. "Thank you, Mr. Humbert. That really means a lot coming from you."
He continues to smile at me. "You seemed a little distracted at the beginning of class but you managed to pull it together." Are you feeling all right? Not coming down with something like laryngitis are you?"
I laugh a little at that. "No, of course not. Just a lot on my mind. I don't know if you noticed that David was missing from band practice today."
Mr. Humbert quickly busies himself with looking through various stacks of papers on his desk—it is odd to see a teacher's desk without a computer. "Yes, I did notice that," he says, checking X-Rod's lineup list for Spring Fling. "I just assumed he'd dropped the idea of playing at the dance, considering he doesn't attend this school."
"But I don't attend this school, Mr. Humbert," I replied. At least, not yet, I said to myself. "I don't attend this school, and yet you asked me to perform with X-Rod, so technically it's the same difference."
"No, it's not!" he yells at me then, growing impatient, as he suddenly slams his hand down unceremoniously onto his desk, his eyes blazing. "You're special, Rose! You've got genuine, raw talent here! Plus you're Rodney's cousin, and he's one of the best musicians we have in the program. You're different than your cousin, Rose. He's just going to throw away that talent that he has and is going to Columbia to study to be a doctor."
I cross my arms at that statement, trying my best to ignore his sudden outburst and to convincingly sweep it under the rug. "I think my d—cousin could make a very good doctor, Mr. Humbert," I reply.
He waves that away. "Yes, Rose, of course he would make a good doctor. Many individuals with the right education can make a good anything. However, Rodney is the prime example of someone who plays it safe."
My eyebrows knit together. "A prime example of someone who plays it safe?" I ask, shaking my head. "I don't understand."
"Playing it safe entails doing exactly what mommy and daddy tell you to do and not taking risks," Mr. Humbert replies. "From what I've heard, Rose, you're a risk-taker."
I shrug. "I don't know..."
"I've heard quite a bit about you, actually," Mr. Humbert replies, and I lock eyes with his, and wonder then if he is talking about me or my cousin. "Caught sitting on a teacher's lap, and later convinced the school board that it was nothing?" he goes on, sitting on the corner of his desk and putting his face closer to mine. "That took guts, you know."
I feel sick in the pit of my stomach. I was sure that he was making this up. Rose wouldn't do something that stupid, would she...? "I don't think..."
"And that nun's outfit," he says, trying not to laugh, turning to go into his massive file cabinet and takes out an article.
On The Seattle Times, the heading reads, High School Girl Tells All: The Teacher/Student Lap-Sitting Was Innocent. There is a further heading below reads: Teacher Found Innocent; Reinstated At Local High School. I feel my eyes widening at the picture of Rose, who is speaking directly to the court in what I assume is in a passionate manner.
I feel as if I am going to vomit. I don't know what to do. I know that I've got to get out of there, but I'm not sure how. I know that I will never mention this to anyone—it is not knowledge that I should have been privy to in any normal and everyday circumstances whatsoever. Knowing exactly what Mr. Humbert wants, a repetition of something my cousin did, I know I have to run.
Quickly getting to my feet,I make a run for the open door and make it. I run through the band room and outinto the school hallway. I take the most direct route to the parking lotpossible and fumble for the car keys as I get into the car and slam the doorbehind me. I manage to make it two blocks before I start to hyperventilate, andsoon find myself pulling off to the side of the road. I get into a fetalposition and begin to sob.
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