Chapter 11 Trap
Hey everybody!!
Let's move to the chapter because this is the first really important chapter of this story.
{Contains Bad Language. You have been warned.}
Somewhere, Sometime...
It has started.
I felt it.
I could sense it to my veins when the morning breeze stroked my face today with the dawn light. It was cooler and sharper.
I feel the tension. It gets more intense every passing second. The world is about to explode and we can't do anything. Only they can, but will they be on time? I don't know. No one does. But I have faith in them. We all have. They can do it, can't they???
Lex Luthor exited his office in a hurry one last time. The Suicide Squad was there, waiting for him patiently.
-So, what's your decision? Asked Deadshot obviously tired of just waiting and doing nothing. He wanted adrenaline, blood, agony. He hated offices as much as he hated Lex Luthor. Although, he kept his feelings for himself.
-We're invading Watchtower right now. I have sent a bunch of mercenaries to occupy the League so we'll be able to act freely. Only Flash is up there. He's not going to stand a threat to us, Luthor maintained evenly like he was talking about smoke and mirrors.
-We are the Suicide Squad for God's sake! No one can beat us! Two Face practically yelled. He seemed insulted by Luthor's show of underestimation.
-The League just did it, El Diablo finally spoke and everyone turned their heads to him.
-Yes, but they beat our holograms. We are talking about our own selfs, Katana pointed out stoically.
-Don't worry, Flash won't do us harm. He won't reach us before we reach him, Lex Luthor reassured them.
They all nodded to that. El Diablo didn't move at all.
-So, we're done here. Team, follow me! The Joker ordered them and the group followed him who followed Lex to the teleporter which he designed to teleport them directly to the Watchtower. They couldn't risk using some sort of plane or jet. There was hazard they be seen by someone.
Then, Lex stopped to a door. He opened it and got in. The Squad followed suit.
In front of them, was something they hadn't seen before. A cylindrical portal made of glass and steel.
-Wait a second! El Diablo stopped in his ttacks and so did everyone else except for Lex who turned around furiously and glared at them.
-What's it, again? He practically screamed.
-How the Hell are we going to enter that crap? Asked El Diablo trying to get into Lex's nerves pointing at the screen that showed the Watchtower.
-You've got a point there, man, agreed Deadshot and nodded.
-Yeah, he does. How are we gonna do this? Harley demanded to know while chewing a gum that drove Lex mad.
-YOU SHUT UP! He screamed at them. "You idiots really thought that I was going to send up there without knowing how you are going to enter to that! Now, shut your mouth and do as I say otherwise get the fuck out of here!"
Everyone stopped immediately. When Lex continue his pace they followed him until he eventually stopped.
-Here we are, he declared stoically and punched a button in the wall. Then, the door of the portal opened and now they were able to see it's real capacity. They could all stand on it.
-So,what do we do now? Two Face demanded to know.
-Get to the portal, Luthor ordered them coldly and undeniably.
Without a second time, everyone entered the portal and waited for Luthor's next order.
He just closed the portal's door and pressed a button.
-You not coming with us? Solomon Grundy asked quite puzzled.
-No, I'm not, he said curtly and pressed another button. Then, they started feeling their molecules tearing apart and then reunite. Finally, they saw dark sky and stars around them. They were in the space inside a huge white bubble that provided them oxygen.
-Where is that Watchtower? The Joker wondered out loud.
-Right behind you, El Diablo replied to his question signing with his head in a direction. They all turned and saw the building Luthor had shown them.
-Grundy been there before, Solomon Grundy declared.
-Hmm, that's good, Deadshot said skeptically.
-Where is the opening we're going to use? Two Face demanded to know.
-Luthor said it's on the North side, Katana reminded. "I think we need to go to the left"
As soon as she said that, the bubble moved on the left and what they saw was a pretty big opening, just fine for all of them to enter.
-Let's get in! The Joker ordered them.
-After you, Deadshot pointed out.
-Alright then, the Joker surrendered while throwing at him daggers with his eyes that showed only madness. He got in first and Harley followed him closely. The next one was Deadshot, then Solomon Grundy, then Two Face, then Katana, Killer Croc and El Diablo.
The first thing they saw when they got to the Justice League headquarters was the Javelin Bay which now was empty. They walked quickly the corridor surprised that no alarm seemed to go off with their arrival.
"That's good for us" Killer Croc thought as he walked alongside his comrades.
-So,what are we gonna do now? Harley asked while enjoying the view around her.
-We find that Scarlet Speedster and capture him, answered The Joker.
-Where is he, by the way? Katana wondered.
-In the Monitor Womb, I guess, Deadshot responded to her.
-What the Hell is that? Croc remarked.
-And where is it? Two Face completed Croc's word.
-I think we need to go to the higher levels, Katana suggested.
-I'll agree with ya, Harley encouraged her.
-Well, let's go up then, The Joker declared and quickened his pace in the direction of the elevators. The most impressive thing was that he hadn't even cracked a smile. He remained grave for all the day and his eyes now showed just murder and vengeance. The madness had faded away long time ago...
Hmmm.... Well, well, well... Look at that... A chapter full of villains and no heroes.
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I'll update as soon as possible but I'm not promising anything because I am having exams. The next update won't be sooner than the 1st of June...
So, see you then!
Thanks for reading!!
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